Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 119 - How Did You Confess?

Six Months Later:

As SKY celebrated their comeback with a small celebration called SKY FESTA, for the first time a few special personal guests had been invited by Adam for tonight. Apart from their announcement of a comeback album they were all set to even announce their new world tour. The excitement was palpable in the air as the members of the band were finally going to be on tour after a long time. 

Though their passion for music was the reason for their survival, they had thrived because of their love for the fans and the excitement of performing for them. Even though they used noise cutting devices in their ears to be able to perform well, the cheers of their fans were what gave them the energy to sing and write more. And now that all of them were in prime condition, they could hardly wait to interact with their fans. 

While everyone was on cloud nine, a certain someone was not too sure of her heart. Alice was pretty sure that she was having an anxiety attack for fear of separating from Adam. For the last six months as they had slowly worked hand in hand to clear Faye Group's name and get her father and Samual Faye behind bars for good, they had almost been attached to each other for good. But now that he had told her that he was going on a tour, she kept feeling fretful about his departure. There were times when he had shared the tour dates with so much excitement and she had actually wanted to snap at him. Tonight, as she watched him perform on the small stage, she had learnt one more new thing about him. He was not just a musician. He was a performer. His excitement for the stage was actually palpable and even infectious. It was also why she was having trouble and trying to keep her feelings to herself.

She did not want him to feel burdened when he went on the tour! But their tour was almost seven months long! Yes they had worked out the dates so that they she would be able to fly out in between to meet him but for her that was too late. Just then Kieran Rowe and his sister Kiera entered the banquet hall arm in arm and both the people naturally gravitated towards Alice

Pasting a genuine smile, Alice welcomed them. Kiera had been working for SKY for the last six months and was also going to be a part of the crew that was going to follow SKY on the tour. For the first time since getting to know the bubbly girl, Alice felt a little envious of the girl. She watched as Kiera seemed to seamlessly merge into the group of fans as well as the staff.

Her sighing gaze was caught on by Kieran who said," You really don't want to let him go, do you?"

Smiling, she said, "You caught me. I can't bear to let him stay away. It is making me panic and all sorts of weird scenarios are entering my head."

"Why don't you join him on the tour? I am sure that he will love it."

In the time that Kieran had come to know the couple, he had slowly accepted that Adam Parry was a man worthy of his little Alice. He had keenly observed the man and if he had been able to find even a single flaw in the man's affection for Alice, he would have had no scruples in doing his best to break off their relationship. As a result of this, he had accepted the fact that Alice was happily married and slowly moved on with a clear heart.

Looking up at Kieran, Alice gave a wry smile and exclaimed," I would. I am even willing to delegate all my work, but I don't want to become like my mother. It is with much difficulty that I have gained my independence and my biggest worry is becoming a clingy wife."

With mischief in his eyes, Kieran leaned in a bit close and whispered, "Then why don't we give your husband something to worry about so that he can insist on taking you along? A little vinegar makes everything taste a little bit better."

As Kieran had expected, Adam, even though seemed to be involved with everyone, was always following his wife around and the moment he observed a man leaning close to his wife, he had appeared by her side.

Amazed at Adam and wondering if he had teleporting power, Alice almost rolled her eyes at the way Adam placed a possessive hand on her waist and stared at Kieran. She couldn't believe that her husband had been played so beautifully! Kieran gave her a victorious smile and said," Adam, I was just telling Alice that she does not need to be sad with you away. I will be there for her in your absence!"

Adam narrowed his eyes at the man who was purposely baiting him and shot back immediately," Oh! Don't worry, I have already made arrangements so that she would not feel too lonely. My wife does not need that!"

"Really? Then who is going to accompany her?"

Just then Kieran's gaze fell on a beautiful woman who appeared in the doorway. Her hair styled in a stylish know atop her head. The girl looked like a fairy princess had descended upon earth. Kieran blinked slowly and was even more dazed when the girl smiled in their direction and waved happily. 

An unholy glee lit in Adam's eyes as he observed the other man. Did Kieran Rowe take him for a fool? Even though he knew that the man had given up on his wife, he was not going to leave his girl unprotected to tempt others. And the best way to get over a broken heart over unfulfilled love was to fall for someone else. And after getting to know this man over the last few months, he had a perfect person in mind for Kieran to fall in love with. She had the personality that would challenge Kieran Rowe as well as her brush with Samual Faye would make it difficult for her to surrender her heart to someone else. making Kieran Rowe work hard to have her affection.

Finally the girl had reached the group of three people and smiled, "Sister Alice! Mou Zirui is at your service! I will be working with you and Miss Ximin for the next month so that you can then join SKY on their tour! By then I will be fully trained and be able to take care and liase with you."

Smiling, Alice hugged Zirui with happiness as she asked, "Are you back now? And you are going to be working with me! Grandpa Mo might just pull back all his contracts with us out of jealousy!"

"I don't think so! Grandpa will actually be happy that I am finally taking an interest in business. And training under you! But I actually have an ulterior motive!" 

Unable to take being ignored by the beautiful girl, Kieran turned to Alice and said, "Are you not going to introduce me to this fairy?"

Usually a girl would have blushed prettily at being called a fairy but Mo Zirui instead glared fiercely at the man and said," Yes, sister Alice! Who is this man with delusions?"

Being suddenly glared at Kieran snapped back to reality and thought to himself," Well, maybe she is a fairy from Cacti1 land?"

Grinning at this and already having understood her husband's intentions, Alice introduced," Zirui, this is my childhood friend, Kieran Rowe and Kieran this is my friend Mo Zirui."

Extending his hand for a handshake at which Zirui looked down in distaste as if he had asked her to shake hands with garbage and narrowed his eyes. Extending her hand, Zirui barely touched their fingers and pulled her hand back. Not one to take insults, after a little polite chit chat, Kieran also excused himself deciding that he had felt a moment of madness at the girl's beauty and so he should excuse himself! But his eyes continued to wander in her direction from time to time. 

On the other hand, Zirui spent a pleasant and blissfully unaware evening having fun catching up with everyone and specially Alice who had been a great support to her through the past difficult time. But in her innocence, she asked Alice a question that made Alice's almost have a panic attack. 

"Sister Alice! You and K are so romantic! Will you tell me how he confessed his love to you?"

Blushing, Alice tried to give a few details and change the topic but Zirui was not going to give up easily as she asked, "And how did you confess to him and tell him you love him?"

Even though Zirui was called away after she asked this question, Alice realized that the husband she had fallen heads over heels for, did not even know that she loved him! She had never confessed! She had not...Oh God! Oh God! Oh God! How could she have been so dumb?

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