Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 120 - How To Confess?

"She loved him!" As Alice repeated these lines in her mind again and again, the snide voice inside of her seemed to mock her as she said, "Well duh! Happy realization! What did you think was happening when you were unable to control yourself and kept gravitating to him? What was that? Science?" 

'Uhh! Alice Faye! You need to stop being so sarcastic all the time!"

"Well then, Alice Faye you should have had some common sense and realized long ago that you had fallen in love! And even now, instead of going and confessing to the object of your love you are here sitting in front of the screen debating if you should confess to him!"

"Hey! I am not debating! I was actually looking for ways to confess and then there are all these people who are saying that girls should not confess.. It is why I was a bit confused!"

"Well, because you have used the wrong search. You need to search for 'How to confess to your lover' and not 'how should a girl confess'..

"Oh.." Realizing her mistake, Alice rubbed her hands and erased the search bar from how should a girl confess to how to confess and blinked at the number of points the internet had available. Patting herself she murmured, "Sarcastic Alice, you are very smart."

"Ha! Of course I am!"

"Sarcastic Alice, you have been influenced by Adam and now you are becoming narcistic!"

"No, silly Alice! I just learnt to love myself the way Adam loves me.."

Silly Alice had no reply to this..

Feeling a little foolish for talking to herself as if she was having a conversation with someone else, Alice shook her head and then like a naughty employee read through the browser pages in her office time.. and started to read as well as take notes on the ideas.

1. "Plan a date..'" Useless idea," she wrote.

2. 'Choose a romantic setting..' "Well I am out of ideas for romantic settings! That is Adam's forte! And of course I know that the setting has to be romantic! It's not like I am going to summon K into my office and then tell him I love him!"

3. 'Look into his eyes..' "Well if I do then I will forget what I have to say! Bad idea!"

4. 'Kiss him' "That's even worse! Then I will never get a chance to confess.."

5. ' Write a note and pass it to him.' "What is this high school?"

6. 'Spread a rumor that you like him.' "Too late for that! And I would never stoop to those levels!"

7. 'Become a dominatrix and tie him to your bed until he accepts you or a submissive and tie yourself to his bed..' " remembered the way he tormented her when he tied her up. Not one position where she was going to place herself."

8. 'Write placards.' "Too flashy."

9. 'Cut to the chase.' She tried to imagine herself going to Adam and simply confessing to him, "Adam, I love you.." NO!!!!!

10. 'Just let it slip accidentally..' "Hmm I could do that" (Author: No you can't. You have already done that! And you don't even know!)

11. 'Send a cute video confessing your feelings to him..' "Hmm.. this seemed like a good idea.. But she would have to practice..'

Alice made a pout and thought to herself," Hmm. Maybe I can try this option.."

Picking up her phone, she opened the video camera and made a cute face (or at least tried to ) but her face looked more as if she had indigestion.. She was not the most photogenic! Yuck.. Cancel this idea!

12. 'Confess in a stadium at a baseball game.' A shake of head.. "Too much audience."

13. 'Get drunk.' "Nah! Then I won't remember anything.. And what if he feels that I was not being real?

14. Sing him a song. " Ha! That will probably make him feel that I hate him."

15. 'Write him a poem.' " A poem?Like what?Roses are red, Violets are blue and so I love you." (Author: *cringe*)

Finally unable to read anymore of the cheesy ideas, Alice almost banged her head on the table and thought to herself," How do I confess?"

Finally, her mind kept wondering back to the idea about sending him a video. It was just the right amount of special and she would not even have to look at his reaction. 

"Silly Alice! Why would you not look at his reaction? He loves you so much and he says so to you everyday! Don't you remember how special you fell when he confesses? So, why would you not want to see his happiness?"

"Hmm.. Sarcastic Alice! You are right."

"I am always right! Now! There are so many ideas, who said you can only choose one? Just use a combination of those you think that suit you !Also, aren't idols known to make cute poses with finger hearts and what not? Just look for similar things of Adam and copy them! It won't be that difficult, you know?"

"Sarcastic Alice! You are right!"

As if a light bulb had been turned on in her head, her eyes lit up and she immediately started to search for the way SKY said I love you! They had hearts with fingers, with arms stretched over their heads, with palms and fingers! So many ways. 

Hurriedly, Alice walked to the mirror and joined the tips of her thumb and index finger and made a small heart. Making a small silly smile with her other face she brought the finger heart near her face and practiced saying, " I love you!"

After which she nearly fell to the floor in laughter at her own expression. She wondered if this could be considered romantic or lunatic? Finally, after deciding on a pose that she deemed cute enough, she arrived to the next problem. Who would make the video? And how and when she would send it to him? Because she wanted to see his reaction!

But first.. the person who would take the video? Should she ask Ximin? She tried to imagine Ximin's face when she saw her making that expression and immediately discarded the thought. The poor woman might die of laughter and shock!

The second option was Zirui.. Nah! That girl would never be able to keep it a secret until she was able to present the video to him at an appropriate moment! Hmm? Maybe she should get a tripod? Or a selfie stick? But the problem was she had never used any of these in the past.. Well she would have to risk it! Walking back to her desk with determination, she made a call through an internal line and ordered," XImin! Bring me a selfie stick!"

Before she could place down the receiver, she heard Ximin stuttering," A what?"

"A selfie stick! The one wear we connect our phone and then take pictures? Look it up on the internet! Jeez, Ximin, you've become old if you don't know what a selfie stick is!"

"Hey!", Ximin protested! " I know what is a selfie stick! I was just shocked that you know what it is! Fine, I will get it for you."

A few hours later"

Adam was still in their studio rehearsing when he received a message from Alice. Not paying much attention as to who the sender was, he continued to work on his solo choreography! Unknown to him, Alice had already reached the studio and with the help of few assistants, was now observing his movements. She sighed in appreciation at every graceful move and then sighed in lust as those sexy hip thrusts that were part of the choreography! She needed to secure some front row seats for the concerts once Zirui was trained!

But after continuously watching him, she realized that she was losing her courage and he had not yet seen the video message she had sent to him. But even as she considered deleting the message, she watched as Adam finally took a break and walked towards the small table where all his things were placed. As he bent down to pick up, Alice almost bit her nails in anxiety but the man, simply pulled the towel from underneath the phone and started to wipe off his sweat. "Adam! Pick up the phone and see the message! Dam* it!"

But naturally he could not hear her and once again, after throwing away the towel into his workout bag, he once again went to the table and picked up the water bottle! Giving up, Alice closed her eyes and placed her forehead on the table in front of the monitors and thus almost missed the next scene.. as Adam picked up the water bottle and slowly started to sip from the straw, he used his other hand to swipe the messages on his phone.

Eyes widening, mouth filling up with water as if he was a balloon, Adam then spit out the water and started to cough violently!

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