Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 127 - Unreasonable Jealousy

Alice rubbed her hands in excitement at the thought of surprising Adam! She was supposed to meet him next week, but with Zirui being so quick in everything, the girl had been able to pick up everything very quickly. As she walked towards the airplane, she grinned at the way Zirui had persuaded her to go ahead with her plan. "Come on, Alice! Ximin and I can handle everything! And if there is something that we cannot handle then there is this device called "Cell phone!" You might not know it but with that we can call and talk to people internationally! So unless you are planning to leave Earth and explore our solar system, we will be able to call you in case of emergencies! Go and cheer up your hubby before he becomes a grumpy old man!"

In the flight, Alice leaned her head back and wondered if his grumpiness would go away once she reached there. She could understand what he was feeling though. Eve if they had been away from each other they'd been able to video call. But now for the last four days, they had been travelling continuously and with the practice and jet lag there had been no time to even drop a message it seemed. His grumpiness it seemed had actually been visible in a recent interview where the other members had teased him endlessly. Lying back, she was about to close her eyes when she felt someone staring at her. Turning her head, Alice felt outrage as the slimy man smiled at her! Lucas Ivy! Dam* it! Was the man following her everywhere?

She had seen more of him in the last five days than she cared to. The man smiled at her and would have started a conversation but Alice gave him a hurried smile and turned away her head. She had planned to read some and catch up on some of the recent performances of SKY but now.. opening her purse, she took out her eye mask and pretended to sleep. They were going to have a stopover in Country S after the five hour flight and Alice dearly hoped that Lucas Ivy's destination was only Country S and not City P which was where she was headed after that. But she was not that lucky. 

Finally, after seventeen hours, Alice landed in City P. As she made her way towards the baggage collection belt she wondered if she should call and maybe warn the other members. But then finally decided against it! What if someone let her secret slip? It was a mere hour's drive from the airport to the hotel. But even as she continuously waited for her baggage, it never arrived.

Finally when most of the passengers had collected their luggage and ALice was about to go to the security, a strange man approached her and said, "Your baggage is with our boss! He says he would drop you wherever you want to go!"

Frowning Alice followed the man, once again thinking if she should let go of her clothes in the bag. The boss could be no one but Lucas Ivy and she needed to weigh the importance of her clothes against tolerating that man. Well, there were a few important things in the bag.

Sitting in the car, she curtly told Lucas Ivy," Mr. Ivy. There was no need for you to collect my things."

"It's not a problem, Miss Faye. I consider you my sister in law even if you don't consider me your cousin."

A little while later, the car came to a stop at the hotel. Ignoring the man after a polite word of thanks, Alice collected her luggage and went to the reception to get her keys,  where she had already booked a room for herself while Lucas Ivy followed at a leisure place.

Just then the doors to an elevator opened and the five members walked out. Alice turned to see Adam walking out of the door and a big smile graced her face. Adam too was almost being dragged out by the others so that he would change his mood. The two people's eyes met at this moment and a strange sense of peace came over both of them. With a big smile, Alice ran to Adam who was still standing, frozen in shock. But moment the warm girl reached him, his hands automatically closed around her and he inhaled deeply realizing that this was not his hallucination.

Just as he was about to pull back and give her a hard kiss, however, his eyes met those of Lucas Ivy over her head. Letting her go, he nodded at the man while the others also greeted him respectfully. "Adam, you guys have been doing really well! Congratulations to you all for the last concert also. You broke all the records."

"Thank You, Chairman Lucas. What brings you here?"

"My company's biggest investment is here and there were some problems in the logistics departments so I had to come to city P. I, am here interrupting your sweet re union because Miss Faye dropped this in the car."

Adam wanted to scoff at the excuse. As if a logistics department needed the chairman to intervene. 

It was Alice's boarding pass that the man extended. Grabbing the boarding pass from the man's hand, Adam caught her wrist with the other and smiled at everyone, "Since my wife is here, please excuse me all the single dogs! I am going to go and meet my wife happily!"

While the others booed at him for feeding them dog food the moment he had a chance to, the doors to the elevator had already closed. 

Soon,, the two people had rushed into the room and were kissing each other passionately before even the door had closed. Adam pushed Alice against the wall and his hard lips seemed to be intent on devouring her. Alice was just as passionately returning his advances when she realized felt a slight pain in her waist. Adam was holding her too tightly! She tried to push away the hand but that seemed to aggravate him, and he kissed her harder, almost pressing her into the wall. Finally, Alice had to break away from the brutal kiss as she pushed at Adam hard. But even though the man moved back and his touch was not as hard, he did not give her space as he usually would. Burying his face in her neck, he panted hard for breath. However a moment later, he seemed to have lost himself in want as he continued to tease her and pepper her neck with little kisses. Because they had been separated from each other for so long, Alice felt need as urgently as him and soon let his hard passion arouse her to the point of no return. A long time later, Adam rolled over, taking Alice with him. His heart hurt as she winced and he wanted to curse himself for behaving like an animal. But ever since he had seen that news, his heart had been unsettled. And then when he had seen her come here to give him a surprise a strange sense of exhilaration had overtaken him. 

He had finally felt his restless heart calm down. But then he had seen Lucas Ivy. And then the man had extended her boarding pass.. And for the first time an unreasonable jealousy had seemed to over take him. The emotions that he had not known he possessed, the emotions that he had thought he had a control over had all been thrown to the wind. At that moment, he had felt only instinct. The instinct to mark her as his. The instinct to make her scream his name and only his name! And in his madness to possess her he had hurt her. He looked down at her head that was lying still on his shoulder with a latent passion. He could see the marks his teeth had left on her shoulders and pale white breasts as well as the print of his fingers where he had forcefully held her as he had driven himself into her. Thankfully she had been with him all the way because he was worried whether he would have been able to stop himself if she had refused. He needed to ask her to clarify everything with her directly before his overblown and unnecessary jealousy harmed their relationship! Rubbing her back softly, Adam asked softly, " Alice? You met Lucas Ivy a few days ago at the restaurant near your office? Has the man approached Faye Group for some joint project?"

But he received no reply from Alice who had fallen asleep from tiredness leaving a restless Adam wide awake to stare out at the setting sun. Adam realized that he felt a little unsure of himself. There was something that was bothering him and he wondered why.. he had never believed that he could be an unreasonable man but tonight, he had scared himself as well. Slowly, he pulled his arm from under her and went to get the first aid kit

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