Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 128 - A Big Fight

Alice came back to herself to find Adam slowly rubbing the cooling medicine on the love bites that he had left over her. When she extended her hand to hold him, he moved away his hand and continued to rub the cold jelly like ointment onto her. He had been unusually aggressive tonight. At the time, she had assumed that it was because they were meeting again after so long. But now, his brooding face seemed to be telling a different story.

As his hands concentrated on rubbing the ointment of her thigh, she folded her knees and slowly rubbed the tips of her toes over his bare back. "What has you in a mood? If you had not welcomed me the way you did I would have thought that you were not happy to see me."

Instead of answering her, he gently pushed away her leg and moved away saying, "Rest there. You are hurt. I will order some food."

The next minute, Alice had caught his wrist and was hugging his back but instead of softening and leaning back into her embrace like he usually did, Adam coldly pushed aside her arms and walked away. Alice sat there with her arms still in the air as a cold draft pierced her. Something was seriously wrong. 

"Adam? Why are you angry?" Even though she had rarely seen Adam angry she knew that there was something that was bothering him. And since he was not one to let work problems affect their personal lives, there could only be one reason. He was upset with her. Unable to sit still, she left the bed to go and talk to him but he walked out of the room to the outer room. A heaviness settled in her heart at this and for the first time, Alice felt fear. The fear of losing him. As a myriad of thoughts tried to feed her insecurities, she left the bed and walked to the washroom and grabbed the bath towel. If he was angry about something with her then she was not going to let it stew and hurt them. They would talk directly. Wasn't he the one who said that they needed to always communicate?

The door opened silently and she noticed Adam standing there facing the French windows, looking out at the dark sky. Just like he watched outside, she could watch him all night. However the next minute, his hand moved suddenly and the cell phone in his hand was thrown to the carpeted floor with the screen turned up. Startled at the usually laid back Adam having such an angry side, Alice slowly walked forward and picked up the phone. The news article and the picture caught her attention and she scowled. Lucas Ivy! She had forgotten to tell Adam about the man and now this tabloid.. It was speculating about her relationship with Ivy.. Even though it said that they were meeting for business the underlying tone said differently. So this was what was eating him up. Shaking her head, she looked at Adam and said slowly, "Faye Group and BP Entertainment are not collaborating in any project.."

She did not say anything about the other thing that the tabloid was trying to say because she knew that they had enough trust so as these things to not require and explanation. Adam stiffened but did not turn around at her voice. However his finger clenched and he voiced out," You came here with Ivy."

"Hmm. The man took my bags before I disembarked and insisted that we come along." 

" What does he want Al?"

" He wants me to mediate and held mend the relationship between your father and you. Adam? Is this an interrogation? Look at me and ask directly whatever you want to know."

Adam whipped around at this and the accusation in his eyes shook Alice as he gritted out," It would have been better if you were doing business with him Al! Then I could have convinced myself that it was none of my business but knowing that you were discussing me with my nemesis and did not even tell me about meeting him, what am I supposed to do Al? And then you come here with him.. Alice, I don't want that man's shadow touching you! How am I supposed to deal with that you have been hiding seeing him from me?"

"Adam, it was never my intention to hide. At first I just forgot and then later, I knew if I told you then you would want to know what he said and that would eventually hurt you. And coming here was just a coincidence.."

"What? So now you are going to help him in reconciling me and Adken Parry? Is that why you went to visit the man also before you came here? Did he try to convince you that my mom was out of her mind?"

"Adam. Look at me!"

As Adam refused to turn and talk to her directly Alice could feel herself getting angry! She knew that he was not doubting her but rather doubting himself! She trusted not a word that had come out of that Lucas Ivy's mouth! It would be foolish of her to trust that man. But Adam's lack of trust in himself hurt her and she could not bear it. 

Stomping over to him, Alice pulled his arm and then pushed him against the wall. Poking her long nails into his chest, she peered up at him and scowled, "Adam Parry! You need to have some faith in yourself! I would never believed anyone's words over you and you know that! Whatever Lucas Ivy has said is a load of bull and I would have to have IQ of the room temperature! And I just went to visit Adken Parry so that they think that I believe them. It is clear that they are up to something and since they have approached me, it seems they have decided to use me against you! I am only trying to find out their plan!"

"Well, I don't want you to!", Adam roared even as he continued to let her push him against the wall! I can bear it if they hurt me directly but if they come at you and try to use you and you get hurt then I will go crazy! I don't want you to look out for me Alice! I want you to look out for yourself! Stay away from those two people! They are poison! I can handle whatever tricks they play!"

"Adam! You are being unreasonable!"

"I don't want to be reasonable! I only want to keep you safe!"

"And I want to keep you safe! Adam Perry, you have not married a wife who only knows to use you! Just the way, I let you handle James Faye and Samual Faye where I could not, let me handle these two where you cannot! We are a team and you better remember it!"

"I will let you protect me other times! But I don't want your name linked to Lucas Ivy! Dam* it!"

His chest heaving up and down in anger, Adam knew that that he really was being unreasonable but the anxiety was eating him up! He had a bad premonition that Lucas Ivy was upto something. That man was just too good at hiding his true colors. He had once succeeded in fooling him which is how he had ended up signing with BP Entertainment. Adam was scared that even if Alice did not believe Lucas now, someday she would. 

Looking up at him, Alice understood his worried and leaned into him before she asked, "Adam Perry? Are we having our first big fight?"

The smile and having her hold him melted Adam and he could not help but close his eyes and fight against the demons in his head. Yes. They were having a fight. And it was because of Lucas Ivy.

"Alice.. please baby.. stay away from him.."

"Adam. Trust me. I will not let that man harm me or you. He will never get to you. As for linking my name to him? He can try whatever tricks he wants. He will not succeed.."

As Adam hugged her tightly, Alice winced a little as the marks on her body hurt making Adam apologize immediately," I am sorry for being such a dog!"

Grinning, Alice looked up at him and slowly rubbed her hands over his back where she had left scratch marks all over him and answered, "Well I am not sorry for being a cat."

"Alice, I love you so much that it makes me scared."

She looked up at the man who held her heart and was always there to soothe away her insecurities. And today when he was vulnerable, she could only show him that she was there for him always. 

"And I love you so much Adam that it gives me strength to fight for us." 

Smiling, the two people hugged each other and came more closer than the past strengthening and nurturing their relationship with each tiny step.

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