Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 129 - A Sweetheart Sister

"Hui-a, Hui-a! Wait for me! Please listen to me!"

As a woman raced forward with tears streaming down her eyes, the man running behind her shouted her name desperately. It was late in the night and the woman seemed to be desperately running. There was only one sandal on her foot while the other seemed to have fallen somewhere far behind. Her hair which had once been in a knot had come loose and were now flying around her face. The make up was smudged and the plane dress the girl had been wearing was torn from the sleeves. The corner of her mouth had started to turn blue while her left hand was already bent at a difficult angle.

There was something in her face that made people get out of her way instead of stopping her as the man behind her continued to shout.

There was only one thought running through Hui's head as she raced past the crowded streets. Either she stop living the life she had been living or she just stop living. She wanted to get away and she would get away. The only way to do that was run. Her vision was getting darker and more blurry while the shortness of her breath was causing her to feel dizzy. But she did not stop running. Even as her eyes closed from exhaustion, she did not stop running. But just as she was about to fall and lose hope, she saw a once familiar face in the crowd. 

Fearing that it was a mirage but a small hope alighting in her chest, Hui raced to the man before he could get into the car. 

She tried to scream his name, scared that he would not see her and go away from her but she had no breath left to scream. She could only pray fervently that he would not go..

Just as she was a few feet away, she called out on a desperate whisper, "Da Gē"

Miraculously, the man who had just opened the door of the cab turned his head and looked in the direction. A faint smile graced her face as she saw the man stare at her in shock and finally she collapsed as the man recognized her. 

The man ran forward to catch the woman who was about to touch the ground as he called out," Zhou Hui!"

There was a mixture of shock and amazement in his eyes as he caught her. People gathered around the two as the man realized that his childhood friend was hurt. "Please take us to the Capital Hospital," he ordered the cab driver as he slowly placed the unconscious woman in the back seat. Analyzing her face, he realized that she had been probable running away from someone. He turned his head back at the belated realization but by now the crows had dispersed and everyone seemed to be normal.

Meanwhile, the man who had been chasing the woman, hid behind a corner and made a call, "Sir! The girl has escaped and the worst part is that she has landed in some sort of celebrity's hands and a lot of people were clicking the pictures of the man. Sir, Hui-a needs treatment for her mental imbalance and if she does not take her medicines on time, she may do something terrible. You will need to use your influence to curb this matter and bring back the lady."

Soon the cab stood outside the Capital Hospital and as people realized that the person walking by them holding a patient was a celebrity, they insensitively clicked pictures which were made viral later. " SKY's K helps a patient by bringing them to the hospital." " Good Samaritan K catches a woman who faints in his arms." " I wish I could faint in the arms of K"

As the doctors examined the patient, Adam waited in the corridor and tried calling Alice. They were supposed to meet for their date directly. It was why he had showered in the studio itself and now. But even after continuous calls, her phone remained unreachable making him worry. Just as he was about to phone Gyeom and let him go to the hotel to inform her, the doctor walked out of the emergency room and asked, "Are you the patient's guardian?"

Adam shook his head and explained," No. We knew each other as children but she just crashed into me right now. Is she alright? She seemed to be hurt."

The doctor sighed and explained, "Miss Zhou is not fine but since you are not related to her, we cannot disclose much to you. But since you know her, we would like to suggest that you find someone who might know her and be responsible her. The patient is fine physically but mentally, we do not know. She is hysterical and we had to sedate her. You can try staying with her until you find someone but let us warn you she is not in her right state of mind so the sooner we find people close to her, the better."

Adam nodded and tried to think of someone who might know her. She was so far away from home. Zhou Hui was his child hood acquaintance. If it were Zhou Hui, then she would describe them as friends but to him she had just been like a pet that liked to follow him for a while. When he had been a new comer in the village, Hui had tried to make friends with him but angry with his father, he had rejected all the kids in school and become a loner. But the kind girl had never given up until finally he had learnt to tolerate her. 

As she was wheeled into the VIP ward that had been arranged by him, he wondered what could be wrong. Unlike him, Zhou Hui had lived in a happy and loving family. And she had grown up to be a sweet kid. He remembered that when he had decided to leave the village she was the one who had come to wish him good luck and waved good bye to him with a smile. And then when he had gone for the last rites of his grandmother, Hui had brought him food for the time he had stayed there and then even taken the responsibility of cleaning the house later. She had told him she was getting married.. She had been happy as she had told him the news. The boy was someone from the village, she had claimed.. Then what was Zhou Hui doing here? She should have been living a happy life in the country side. And where was her husband? He thought back to the time she had tried to comfort him," Da gē.. Grandmother was really happy with your success. She used to keep talking about how smart you were and how you were going to become a big star. Da Gē, don't be sad. Seeing you like this will make her sad too. Da Gē, that evening when I saw you off at the bus station, grandmother was the one who told me that I should be happy that you had gone out of this small place. She said that you were made for a bigger place. I think she was right. And now you need to return to a bigger place. But De Gē, remember one thing, if you ever want to come back here, your little sister will be here for you. I am getting married you see. Grandmother said that it was too soon but I am not ambitious like you, De Gē. I just want to marry and have children. I know this is not the right time but De Gē, if I send you a wedding invitation, will you come?"

Adam had nodded in agreement even though he had been unsure if he would be able to come. But he had promised himself he would try.. but the invitation had never arrived..

Coming back to the present, Adam opened his eyes and wondered if her wedding invitation and he had by chance missed it? But for now, he needed to look for her family. Maybe Benji could help..? As he considered this, Zhou Hui woke up suddenly with a jerk and scream. Running to her, he asked," Hui? "

The panicked girl looked at Adam and caught his hand as if looking at an angel. Holding him tightly, she said," Da Gē? Is it really you?"

Nodding, Adam patted her hand and asked," Hui? Where is your family?"

The girl looked at Adam blankly as she cocked her head to the side and tried to think hard. But try as she did, she could not remember any family. " Da Gē? My family? They all are dead?"

The confused sounding tone astounded Adam as he wondered how much the doctor had said was true? "Hui? Don't you know where they are? Are you lost?"

But shockingly, the woman started to smile as she said," I a not lost! My family is lost! They lost me and went to heaven!"

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