Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 130 - Trust Me?

Alice stared out of the glass at the beautiful display outside as she waited for Adam. He had already messaged her that he was going to be late. When she used to watch him dance, she thought that he must find it easy. But ever since she watched him practice for hours on end, she had come to realize that it was difficult but with his hard work and dedication, he made it sound easy. Looking at him, no one could guess that he almost hated dancing. She smiled as she recalled the way he had cursed the choreographer for changing the choreography at the last minute and almost screamed in frustration. He must still be struggling with that.

The waiter approached with the bottle of Reisling and a glass but she waved him away, "I am waiting for someone."

The waiter nodded and with a soft voice answered," Ma'm this is on the house." After pouring for her to taste, he quietly placed the bottle in the ice and stepped back. After a while, the scenery got boring and Alice decided to open the new webnovel application that she had downloaded. Though she planned to spend time with Adam, he was mostly busy on the tour and she had too much time on her hands even after scouting for new businesses locally. To keep herself from being bored out of her mind, she had picked up her old habit of reading romance and action novels. Maybe because she herself was in love but reading all these novels made her feel even more sweeter than she did in the past. She sighed at the hunger pang she was feeling and hoped that he would be back soon. She was starving! Looking at the wine, she wondered if she could have  a few sips while waiting. 

Sipping at the wine slowly she continued to read the romcom novel on the phone as she laughed at the antics of the female lead in her new favorite book, "The Typhoon's Wife."1  And soon the minutes turned into an hour and more, making her not realize the passage of time as well as the amount of wine she had drunk. She would have continued to wait there when a serving staff approached, "Ma'm. Your dinner partner has not yet arrived. Would you like to order now or still wait?"

Startled, Alice looked at the time and realized that she needed to call Adam and ask. In case he was going to be later, she could pick up the food and they could have it in the room. Dialing his number, she realized that his phone was not reachable. Frowning, she called him a couple of times and when that did not get connected, she called Apollo.

Apollo answered on the second ring, "Sister in law! What makes you think of me?"

Alice felt her head start to spin and shook it as she asked in a little slurred voice, "Apollo? Is Adam still at rehearsal?"

Apollo frowned at the tone but the question caught him off guard as he answered, " Sister in law. Adam left the studio almost three hours ago.. Let me call him.."

"Ohh! He has already left? Then maybe he was stuck in traffic. I'll try calling him again. He must be on his way."

Just as Alice disconnected the call, a man sat opposite her. Smiling, she looked up as she said, "Adam.." butt trailed off and pouted when she saw the man. In a sulking tone, she said," Ivy! Have you heard that stalking someone is a criminal offence?"

Lucas Ivy looked a the woman opposite him with a soft look. The alcohol's effect had dulled the sharpness in her eyes and her usually cutting gaze was soft and dewy. The alcohol had also made her face a little flushed making her look like a young college girl. A soft feeling rose in him and he almost extended his hand to pat the little girl on the head. She would probably break his hand if he tried to touch her. "Alice Faye. Coming out to dinner and bumping into a friend is not stalking."

Squinting, she leaned forward and asked, "Who is your friend?" Before Lucas could say anything, Alice shook her head again to shake away the fog and said," Nevermind, I don't want to know any of your friends. Now, Lucas Ivy, I am a bit busy so please leave."

"Busy? With what? Drinking? Don't tell me Adam abandoned you here and did not return from the practice rehearsal yet."

Smiling sarcastically, Alice retorted,"Mr. Ivy. Adam would never abandon me. And if he is not here then he must be caught up somewhere. Now, you need to leave so that I can leave in peace without listening to your voice."

Alice stood up to move away but her dizziness made her pause and she held the table for support. The next moment, Lucas Ivy had strode forward and held her elbow to support her as he asked in concern,"Miss Alice? Are you alright?"

Shrugging off his hand from her elbow, Alice sat back down with a groan and gritted out,"Ivy, please keep away from me and do.not try to act as a friend. I will be perfectly fine of only you leave me alone."

But instead of leaving, Lucas Ivy continued to stare at Alice in concern. He had indeed not followed her here and simply come for a dinner with a client. But seeing her like this, drunk and vulnerable was stirring up something inside him. For the first time, he wanted to really help someone without any selfish motive.

This time he sat on the chair next to hers and said,"Look, Alice Faye. I know you don't trust me."

But Alice shook her head in negative, stumping him. Did she really trust him? Unable to believe that he even asked her the question to which she nodded and said,"Ivy, I do trust you. I trust that you are a snake who becomes even more evil and strong when he sheds his old skin. I completely trust you to remain a snake for life."

Instead of being offended at this, Lucas found it cute and started to laugh. No one had dared to compare him to a snake. At least not to his face.

Smirking, he hooked a finger under her chin, or at least tried to as she moved backward avoiding his touch and said,"Alice Faye. Trust me this once? I like to play but inebriated girls are not my style. Since your Adam has abandon...I mean he is stuck someplace, I will take you back to the hotel.

Narrowing her eyes, Alice stubbornly shook her head and said, "Ivy! I can find my way back. The only thing I wish to trust you for is to leave me alone."

Saying so, Alice gestured to the server and when the man approached said, "Please call a driver for me."

The server nodded and went ahead while Lucas watched in amusement as Alice ignored him and walked away waveringly. Typing a message, Lucas ordered his assistant to cancel the meeting and followed the girl at a steady pace. Even if she was going to his biggest enemy, he had to ensure her safety. After all, he might be a snake but he was a pretty decent one.

Alice drank the cold water in the car as she tried to come back to her full senses. She had been too careless this time.. However, having drunk an entire bottle on an empty stomach, Alice who was never a heavy drinker to begin with was completely out of her senses by the time she was driven to the hotel. 

Lucas, who had followed her to the hotel watched her almost stumble out of the car with her eyes closed and scoffed, " Adam, did not deserve her as well. Just like he does not deserve the AP and Sons Ltd." Leaving such an amazing woman alone to defend herself while he helped strangers.. Yes. He had read the news online that Adam had helped a stranger to the hospital. The guy must still be waiting there.. Fool.. Of course he was not going to tell Alice that. Just because he was concerned about the girl did not mean that he was going to help her relationship in any way.

Just as Lucas was lost in thought, Alice lost her balance and would have fallen face first but was caught by Lucas. Placing his hands under her elbows he respectfully guided her to the lobby and then asked the female receptionist to take her to her room. But just before the woman left, he looked into her eyes and said, "Miss Alice. I hope you remember my chivalry this time! And I hope you remember that I am not so nice always. The next time, I will not let such an opportunity slip by.." 

But just because he had not done anything to her, did not mean he had let this opportunity slip by. He smiled as he received the photograph on his phone and said," Make them the headlines tomorrow. And print this picture."

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