Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 131 - Something..

As Alice was slowly escorted into her room, she could feel her body feeling heavier by the second and her stomach seemed to be suffering from some earthquake. Just as the hotel staff left the room, Alice rushed to the washroom to retch violently. This was what happened when she was too happy! After a high there was always a fall. Holding herself up with the help of the door, Alice threw up the meager contents of her stomach along with all the fluid that she had partaken and as she straightened up slowly, she felt the world spinning around her. Holding onto the wall for support, she turned on the water in the shower and stepped under it. 

Slowly, the world stopped spinning and as she leaned against the wall, the fog in her mind cleared. And with clarity came worry. Adam was not one to forget about her. So if he had not called then there must be some other reason.. She would try calling him again once she was outside of the bathroom, she decided.

Putting on a bathrobe, she had barely walked outside when the door to the room opened and Adam walked in. Sighing in relief, she ran to him and hugged him hard. His usual scent was masked today by some sort of a perfume while the rest of him smelled of...antiseptic disinfectant.." 

Stepping away from him, she checked all over for any injuries but did not find any," Are you alright? Why do you smell of a hospital?"

Adam grimaced tiredly and placed a small peck on her head as he said, "I am fine. It's a long story. Let me go freshen up and I'll tell you later." Nodding, Alice let go and asked as he went towards the bathroom, "I'll order the food?"

"No. I have already had dinner. I just want to rest.."

Saying so, Adam had already thrown his shirt into the small basket on the side and walked towards the shower. As Alice watched him go, she rubbed her own empty stomach as she wondered if she should get something to eat for herself. But her stomach seemed to be protesting at the idea of eating anything, thus she simply lay back on the bed, deciding to wait for Adam.

Adam took a long shower, his mind lost in thought of this evening. Zhou Hui had woken up disoriented and almost out of her mind. After laughing about having lost her family, Zhou Hui had broken down and started to sob loudly as she repeated over and over again." De Gē! De Gē! Hui-a is all alone in this world. Everyone left me!" making it almost impossible for him to ask anything else and focusing on only pacifying her.

Just then the hospital had brought the dinner and Zhou Hui had insisted that she would only eat if he ate with her. To coax her and prevent her from getting hysterical, he had ordered another plate for himself and watched the girl eat slowly, a million questions whirling in his mind.

But soon after, her tears had sprung again and even as he had tried to think a way of consoling her, her reactions deteriorated further as then turned violent and hysterical, trying to get away from him one moment and clinging to him the next.. Adam looked down at the scratch marks on his chest that she had left on him. Ultimately, he had been forced to call in the medical staff who had then had to hold her down and give her sedatives and calming injections. Even as she had slowly laid back and turned docile, she had continued to murmur his name, "De Gē. You must take care of your little sister. De Gē is here so Hui-a will be safe.. De Gē is the best.."

Finally, when she had fallen into a deep sleep, the doctor had told him that this was the reason that they wanted to inform her family and he needed to look for them. After affirming that she would be safe, he had left the hospital and taken a cab for the restaurant where he was supposed to meet Alice. With his phone having died, he'd had no way of knowing if she was still waiting for her. He felt guilty at this time. For making her wait for him like this. But when he reached the restaurant the place was already closing down for the day. Realizing that Alice must have gone back, he had been pretty relieved to see her safe and sound. And when he saw that she wasn't even angry but rather worried for him, the guilt in him intensified. He knew that once he explained that it was an emergency she would not hold anything against him but his heart still felt heavy. 

He would have to take her to meet Zhou Hui tomorrow so that she would also get to know the girl. And he needed to explain the marks on him also.. But by the time he had come outside, Alice had fallen asleep on the bed..

Throwing aside the towel around his waist, he shook his head and crept into bed with Alice, falling asleep almost immediately. He would talk to her tomorrow after rehearsal.

Alice woke up slowly with a heavy ache in her stomach. Trying to slowly sit up, she called out for Adam but there was no sound in the room. Opening her eyes slowly and painfully, she looked around and realized that the room was indeed empty. She wondered if she had dreamt of Adam last night and he had not really returned. But the discarded towel and rumpled sheets told her otherwise. The movement caused her pain to increase ten times and she could only fall back on her bed as she felt faint. She could not help but wonder if she had caught some kind of a bug. Extending her hand slowly to keep the movement to a minimum, Alice searched blindly for water and finally found a glass. Slowly, she took a sip of water before falling back onto the bed. A note that was placed on the side table slipped down, going unnoticed

Turning over, she closed her eyes back and tried to fall back asleep. Maybe that would help her. While Alice slept, Adam was hard at practice. He had rushed to the studio even before the day break as they would be performing tomorrow and he needed to handle Zhou Hui's matter also. It was why he did not notice the news or the picture that was released with it. The first person to see the news among the people was Apollo. His eyes widened as he saw Alice in the arms of Lucas Ivy. The usually intimidating woman looked small and lovely while Lucas Ivy seemed to be looking at someone special. He wondered if the photograph was somehow edited but the background was their hotel.. 

Swearing profusely, he knew that there was something wrong and he should have investigated yesterday when she called to ask about Adam. And now.. What happened last night that Alice returned with Lucas Ivy instead of her husband. He was about to call Adam but stopped at the last moment. Since sister in law was here with them, he should let her talk to him. It was better not to speak between the couple. If Adam had already seen the news then he would clarify with Alice himself and if not then it was better to warn Alice so that she could come clean herself. 

Deciding to do that, Apollo walked out of his room straight towards the end of the hallway where the last room was K's. Ringing the bell once, he waited and when no one answered, he rang the bell again, a bit longer this time. He heard a faint noise from inside and thought to wait but even then no one opened the door. This time he decided to knock once before he would leave and then talk to Adam directly. But just then, the door opened and a white looking Alice stood in front of him.

A wane smile graced her face and she said, "Hello..." before fainting onto the floor. Panicking, Apollo picked up the girl and placed her on the bed before calling the emergency services in the hotel. Soon after a doctor had rushed in to check the patient while Apollo made frantic calls to Adam whose number was switched off. 

As the doctor finished his examination, he looked at Apollo and said," She needs to hospitalized. She seems to have food poisoning and is extremely dehydrated. I'll call the ambulance. As Apollo followed the paramedics onto the ambulance, he finally called the studio number and told them to inform Adam that his wife had been taken to the hospital. 

But sometimes fate has a different way of doing things. Because by the time Apollo had called, Adam had already left the studio...

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