Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 132 - Hospital Visit

As Apollo rushed towards the hospital, failing to contact Adam, he called the others who were practicing in the studio. No one knew Adam's whereabouts but hearing their sister in law was on the way to the hospital, they were not about to sit and do nothing. Alice was dragged into emergency and Apollo was asked to fulfill the formalities. 

Soon the doctors and nurses made a thorough check up. Soon a nurse rushed out and saw four men standing waiting. Hesitantly, she asked, "Which of you is her husband?"

Apollo came forward and said, "Nurse. She is our sister in law. Her husband is going to be here soon. We have not been able to contact him until now. Can you tell us how sister in law is doing? She seemed to be having a stomach ache. Is it food poisoning or something?"

The nurse shook her head and then said with worry, "Please call her husband here as soon as possible. The patient is having a miscarriage.."

The words shook everyone in the waiting room. Stupidly, Apollo asked, "Sister in law was pregnant?" 

The nurse nodded and said, "Yes! About a few weeks in. The patient was also not aware of the pregnancy it seemed. She simply believed that she was having a heavy period. This sometimes happens in the early stages of pregnancy. Specially when someone is taking precautions that somehow did not work. The news had also come as a shock to the patient. It is why I am asking that you call her husband quickly. We may have to do a small operation called D&C in a few hours so please make it fast."

All the boys looked at each other. They had no idea where Adam could be. He should have been out practicing...And pregnancy.. they were totally at a loss until Felix finally said, "Phillippe might know! He has a way of tracking us, doesn't he. He should be able to find out."

Urgently, I.M called Phillippe and explained the entire situation and asked Phillippe to find out the details but he answered negatively," I cannot help if his phone is switched off. What I can do is try to keep looking for it and I will know when he switches it on. The moment he does it, I will call you and let you know his location until then, you guys stay strong." 

While the boys continued to keep trying to connect with Adam, an unexpected visitor came to the hospital. Felix noticed the man and strode ahead extending his hand, "Chairman Ivy."

Looking around at the people in the waiting room, Lucas frowned and asked," Where is K? Is he inside with Alice?"

Lucas Ivy had actually been expecting a scathing call from Alice after the pictures and the articles and it was only after he had not received any that he asked around for Alice and came to know that she had been taken away in an ambulance.

Unable to stop himself he had raced here. The boys looked at each other and then Felix said, "Chairman Ivy! It is not appropriate for you to be here. You are not family or relative. We will ask Adam ad Alice to get on touch with you soon."

Lucas Ivy frowned and answered," Look, I only came here because I heard she was in the hospital. And if she needs help.. And the pictures this morning were just a misunderstanding which I can clear.. So just tell me.."

But before he could complete his sentence, I.M interrupted him," If you want to help, please make sure the media stays away from here. Chairman Ivy, we know we have differences and you are not too happy with our success, but Adam and us have always believed you to be at least someone with a little bit of humanity. Alice Faye is in there having a miscarriage while no one knows where K is. So you have your answers. Now it's up to you what you do with this information." 

Lucas Ivy froze in one place as he heard the news before taking an abrupt turn and walking away. Felix placed a hand on I.M's shoulder and said," You shouldn't have told him that."

But I.M shook his head and answered, "At this time, he is the one man who can find where Adam is as well as handle the media. It is a risk but I genuinely believe that he will do it. He would not have done it for anyone else. But he seems to have special feelings for Alice.. We can only hope that Adam can reach here soon.."

The afternoon turned to evening but there was no sign from Adam or Lucas though there was nothing on the news so at least Lucas had done something about it. A little while later the nurse walked in again and asked," Is the patient's husband still not here?"

The four people shook their heads in unison. The nurse sighed and said, "The patient is ready to be discharged. But she does not want to see anyone. I request you on her behalf to please leave."

Gyeom was the first person to question the nurse,"Isn't this too soon. If she has had an operation...doesn't she need to stay for at least a night or something? And you are even asking us to go away?"

The nurse sighed and explained, "It is not a major operation. And done under local general anesthetic. As for the leaving part, the patient has just suffered a major shock and at this time, she does not wish to see other people which is understandable. By the way, the patient did ask for her husband. But other than that she has made no other requests.. She also tried calling her husband but his phone is switched off.."

This time the boys could do nothing but sigh as they felt their helplessness. They had wanted to be there for Alice but they did not know how. Never having been in such a situation they could only guess at what to do. Finally I.M walked forward and asked, "Could you please ask her that she come with me? My name is I.M. I won't try and talk with her. Just that I hope that she will be safe. I could be a shadow to her and know..."

The nurse nodded in understanding and went in to relay the message. But she came back a few minutes later and said," The patient said that she is going to be fine and will see you all in the hotel for dinner. She said..." The nurse hesitated before continuing," She said that you all have a big performance tomorrow and need to rest also. She says to not worry, she is not the ice queen for nothing."

Having been left with no option, the boys discussed amongst themselves before deciding to wait out in the hotel. They would sit in the coffee shop and wait until they saw for themselves that Alice was safe and sound. They were going to have no time tomorrow and they could not even think how K would be able to perform tomorrow after learning what had just transpired. 

Meanwhile, Adam returned from the hospital in the evening to the studio to have his final rehearsal but the studio was empty. He wondered if he should call Alice and ask her if she was running late. He had left a note with her this morning to be at the studio as he wanted to introduce someone special after the rehearsal. But what he found even more odd was that there was no one in the studio. Usually, a day before the rehearsal Felix would be pacing everywhere checking for sounds and choreographies while Gyeom would dance as if there was no tomorrow. 

As he looked around however he heard a few staff talking among themselves but before he could say anything, he heard what they had to say and froze in the spot," Do you think there is some problem between K and his wife. I think the news from this morning must be the reason that guy turned up early in the morning and then went away without talking to anyone. He must be so ashamed. His wife is here on a tour with him but instead of spending time with him, she went off on a date with his company's big boss."

The other person protested, "Hey! It could be that they were having a normal business dinner or something. You know media these days. They can do anything for ratings. Even publish false news."

"Yes. They can. But I don't think this is false. Do you know that Alice Faye even came here on the same flight as Lucas Ivy? Apparently she wanted to surprise K because she was actually scheduled for next week. Isn't all this too much of a coincidence. She is a business woman. She must be feeling that it is better to have Chairman Ivy than K and thus is fooling both the men."

At this point K strode forward and grabbed the phone in their hands to see everything for himself.

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