Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 141 - Harmony

Slowly, over the days, Alice and Adam accepted the pain of losing their baby and living with it. With the help of the ones that loved them, the two people were able to come to terms with their feeling of loss as well as guilt. A calm settled over the group and their bond turned closer and stronger as a family. 

Alice smiled as she observed the slight tension between I.M and Felix had also disappeared and the two men were getting even more closer. Gyeom also seemed to have grown up overnight from the youthful boy that he was last year when she first met him. He had created such a big scandal. And living with Apollo had taught her to never take anything seriously in life. The guy could turn the most sorrowful things into something positive! To Alice, everything felt calm and peaceful and the last few days felt like a nightmare of the past. Never could she have believed that she would be lifter from the depths of depression so soon. It was a miracle.. Love was a miracle, in all it's forms. Kindness was a miracle... Alice slowly stirred her coffee as she waited for the guys to finish their practice. They had another concert the next day and Alice could hardly wait to attend. This time she was going to let the excitement wash over her and live the moment.

But everyone was unaware that a storm was coming their way. A storm named Adken Parry. Her last meeting with the man had ended in them having a huge disagreement. He had been intent on threatening her that she either help him reconcile with Adam or he will break them off so that Adam will end up hating her. 

Closing her eyes, she ignored the memory and sipped her coffee, letting the bitter taste linger over her tongue, savoring it. As a businesswoman, she could already see the potential in the small cafe that was using premium quality beans. She wondered if she should consider asking them to tie up with Mad Hatter's Tea Party. Even the small loaf cake that they served complimentary was just the right amount of sweet and slightly spicy. 

She signaled over a waitress and could not help but ask, "Do you make these cakes yourself or do you but them from outside?"

Used to their cake being raved over, the waitress proudly lifted her head and said, "Our in house chef bakes the cakes! He is the best! And every cake is freshly made in the morning! Also you are lucky that you have been able to get this. This is his last week here. The cafe is closing down next week for a renovation and then our chef is going to open his own place as this place will be turned into a restaurant. You should try the cheese cake here. It is beyond exceptional!

The thought of a cheesecake made Alice's mouth water and she continued to chat with the woman who finally agreed to bring an assorted desserts platter for Alice. With a wide smile on her face, Alice looked forward to the cakes.

A few moments later, Apollo, Gyeom, K, I.M and Felix walked in. The empty cafe was immediately filled with testosterone and the waitress could not help but blink at the beautiful faces as they went to sit on Alice's table. She noticed one of the men kiss the woman who wanted cheesecake and drop a kiss on her head. Placing the plate of cakes in her hand, she stepped back and eyed the other hunks as she waited for the their orders.

Each of them ordered an expresso while Felix stared at Alice's plate enviously. During the tour, they were placed on a strict diet to maintain optimum fitness and the cheesecakes on the table seemed to be taunting him to come and grab a bite. His hand extended of it's own accord to grab a blueberry one, but it had not even touched the plate when it was slapped away by Alice who glared at him fiercely. "You guys are on a diet!"

"A piece of cake is not going to make me fat! Cheese is anyways good! Let me have one, sis!"

Felix was known for being stingy with his words and had taken to calling Alice 'sis' over the days.

But Alice shook her head and glared, "Get your own!"

"No! That won't be as tasty as this one which would be free!"

Placing down her plate, Alice smiled sweetly at Felix and said, "Felix! I have some breaking news for you! You are a multi millionaire!"

Harrumphing, Felix shook his head and turned to the wide eyed waitress to place his order of the cheesecake.

Meanwhile Adam was also considering stealing a bite of the raspberry cheesecake. When Alice noticed his coveting gaze, Alice smiled sweetly at her husband and handed him the plate and fork. This led to the other guys almost protesting but before they could, she told Adam, "Honey! I know you are on a diet and cannot have these. But I want you to feed me.." 

Adam, who had been about to send a gloating glance towards his brothers for the partiality she had shown him pouted when he realized that she was not going to share her cheesecakes even with him! Narrowing his eyes, he cut a small bite and placed it in her mouth, making the others groan about having to eat dog food all the time. Alice sent them a gloating smile as she savored the cheesecake but soon that smile disappeared when the cheese cake was stolen from her mouth by Adam. 

The rest of the boys booed at this and hollered about getting a room but they were all happy to see that the couple had weathered the storm so beautifully. The cheese cakes and the easy atmosphere gave Alice new ideas and she decided on hiring the chef.. All in all everything seemed to be ready to take a good turn but unknown to all of them a pair of envious eyes were watching them from outside....

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