Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 142 - Adken Parry Returns

As the boys returned after snacking and drinking their coffees for a group discussion, Alice continued to sit there and read a summary that Zirui had sent her even though her mind was occupied with the excellent cheesecakes that she had just devoured. The cheesecakes were not very famous in their country yet and even the ones available were nowhere near as delicious as the ones she had just had. She mulled over the information that the waitress had just provided and gestured her over. When it came to business, Alice felt there was no room for hemming and hawing.

After a brief discussion, the waitress nodded and answered that she would return in a few minutes. Alice enjoyed the last of her cheese cake and drafted the points in her head to bring over the chef back to their country and then deal with the logistics of providing the cheesecakes in at least their outlets with the most footfall across the major cities. 

As she waited for the chef to come, a small smile played across her lips which was instantly erased as she looked up and glanced at the man that had just entered through the door of the cafe. A cold look reflected upon her face before she proceeded to ignore the man and continued to browse through the files on her phone. 

Adken Parry walked over to her and smacked a hand on the table...hard, making the light wooden table shake. Alice, however paid no heed to the man who was all bark and no bite. Adken Parry pulled the chair opposite her and sat down with a thump glaring at the woman angrily. And his anger was even more uncontrollable when Alice proceeded to ignore him. 

Unable to control his emotions, he grabbed the phone from her hand and threw it towards the floor in a fit! Alice had not expected this and looked up in shock at the man. Seeing that her eyes were finally on him, he burst out, "You wench! It is because of you that I lost a grandchild! Could you not have controlled yourself! You actually drank so much which resulted in your miscarriage! I should have known that you are a good for nothing when I first noticed the way you threw your father out of business. You know you were an addict and you still had to over indulge! A woman who is not even a good daughter thinks that she will make a good wife and mother! 

I begged you to help me reconcile with my son. And this would have been so easy, if only you had kept the child in your womb safe! But you... you had to go and kill my grandchild! The shaman told me that you were not right for my son and now here is the proof! Your father is now in prison because of you and your grandmother's health is failing by the day! Even the child in your womb rejected as having you as her mother and preferred to die! You are nothing but a curse to your family! Tell me Alice Faye, what will it take for you to leave my son?"

The next second, Adken Parry threw a file on the table and continued coldly, "Take this! This is the list of properties and shares that I own nationally and internationally! Take how many ever you want and revert to your title of the ice queen! But get out of my son's life! I had been kind to you until now because you are my son's love but you are not worthy of it! Spending time with other men and drinking carelessly! You are not even worthy of being called a woman!"

Alice clenched her hands and glared at the man who was ranting in front of her. If Adken Parry had attacked her, she would have attacked him back. But the man had almost poured acid on her slowly healing wound. She felt paralyzed as he spoke about her child rejecting her. They were cruel words that hurt more than if he had pierced her with a knife.

Seeing Alice frozen there, Adken Parry banged on the table once again and roared, "Are you going to give me a reply or not?" When Alice still did not respond, Adken Parry was ready to bang on the table again when suddenly a glass of water was thrown at his face. Coughing and wiping his eyes, he screamed for his guards but the door had been locked from the inside! 

The man who stood there was dressed in a simple cream colored shirt and brown pants and an apron on top. Behind him stood the wide eyed waitress who could only stare in horror at what had been done! She had just left the front room to call for Mike and they had returned to watch the older man throwing a tantrum. Both her and Mike had stopped short of entering and decided to let them talk as the cafe was anyways empty. But the poison the evil man had spewed had made the waitress almost want to go out and chase the man. 

But before she could have done anything, Mike charged out and picking up a glass of water, threw it at the man's face! Mike who had been the most mild mannered man she had known then leaned down and pushed his face near the man's, "This is my cafe! I will not tolerate anyone abusing my clients! People like you are not welcome here! Get out!"

Adken Parry felt a shiver of fear as he noticed that the man was at least a few feet taller than him and bulkier but he tried to put on a brave face as he said," This is a family matter young man! I advice you to not interfere! Also, you don't know who I am so I will warn you once. Stay out of this and I will not pursue you! Also, my guards are standing right outside! You may have succeeded in throwing a glass of water but if you even try to do anything else, I will make sure that nothing of you remains to be found!"

By now, Alice had already regained her composure and her anger was on par with Adken. Slowly she stood up and before the taller man could rebuke, she picked up the file in her hand and told quietly," Adken Parry. Until now, I was keeping away from you because you had not directly attacked me. I did not speak between the relationship between your son and yourself because I was trying to be decent. But this time, I will not let go! I had a miscarriage a few days ago! A simple miscarriage! I did not kill my child! And my child did not reject me! Do you understand that? And you are the last person on earth who has the right to talk about being filial! The insult and injury that you have given me today. Let me promise you that I will return it ten fold."

Adken Parry glared at the woman and was about to curse her some more, when the taller man grabbed the older man by the collar and directly carried him towards the door where he was thrown to the guards before the door was closed and locked with a bang! The chef then walked back to the table to ask the lady how she was doing.

At this time the waitress also returned to her senses and hurried forward to make the introduction, "Miss Faye, this is our chef, Mike and Mike ,this is Miss Faye. She was the one who loved the cheesecakes and wanted to make you an offer when I told her about closing down next week."

Mike looked down at the pale woman who barely reached his shoulders and then nodded to her. She had startling violet eyes that made him think of blueberries. Before he could say anything, the woman smiled at him and extended her hand,"Mr. Mike! Thank you for what you did just now!"

Mike nodded and shook hands with her but could not help himself and reprimanded," You should have thrown your coffee at that man instead of letting him abuse you like this.."

Alice nodded agreeably and said," I would have had you been a minute late. And scalding one at that! But don't worry. I will make him suffer more than coffee. But for you, I would like to discuss something.."

Alice casually outlined the details to the man and after he asked a few pointed questions, he agreed to think over the details. Satisfied with the fact that the man had asked for time to think it over instead of just impulsively jumping in, Alice gave him her visiting card and stood up to leave. 

She picked up the phone whose screen had cracked and the file on the table. Adken Parry wanted her to take his properties, did he? Well she had no qualms about taking it!" Without giving up her Adam that is!

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