Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 163 - A Get Together

Adam looked happily at his brothers who were drinking and playing games around. The evening had turned out different from what they had expected. At the back of the mind, each of them had worry for Kieran and Zirui but there was also peace at being with each other after so long. His eyes rested on Gyeom. The brother who had suffered the most in these past few months. 

Adam was expecting him to be drinking as much as he wanted to. Benji had told him about Gyeom battling with his feelings. There was a time he had believed that having only Alice in his life would be enough.. but he slowly realized that these people and their well being were as much important to him as Alice.

He noticed that instead of getting drunk, they were playing more and more. Maybe they were feeling the same things that he was. There was happiness at being together again and a want to be more.. They had clung to each other during difficult times and now that they were drifting apart, each of them knew to would get more and more difficult..  Maybe now was the time to introduce his idea to them.. Even if things did not go through, they would have each other as their islands of comfort. 

Getting up, Adam was about to walk out when Apollo frowned and asked, "Where are you going?"

"Just to my car. I have something to get."

Walking back to the car, he messaged Alice about his decision to do what he had in mind now and asked after her. Since she was at her grandmother's place, he was not very worried about her and could discuss this with the guys. Of course they would not have expected that their get together would become a business meeting. 

Opening the dashboard, he grabbed the five thick packets that he had placed there in hope and walked back. These packets contained the fruit of what he had done over these past months. He's researched, calculated and finally outlined a solid business plan that would keep them together and give everyone what they needed. Gyeom and Apollo and him would retain the connection they wanted with all while I.M and Felix would have the privacy they needed as well as a place to call home for whenever they returned.. He just needed to convince them and make this work. 

Ad Adam returned to the table, he noticed Gyeom and Felix arm wrestling while I.M and Apollo egged them on! Some things never changed! 

He looked down at the packets in his hand and sighed, "While somethings do.."

Placing the packets on the table with a bang, Adam looked around and said,"Let's sit down. We need to talk.."

Out of habit, everyone sat down without a word, everyone was so used to Adam's leader tone. It was only after they had sat that they seemed to realize that Adam was no longer their leader.

Felix was the first to comment as he warned,"Uh-oh.. There is some trouble brewing.."

Adam shook his head and asserted,"No uh-ohss, I have some thong to say. Before that, I want you all to know that I love you all..and forever will. We have shared so much and come a long way even at out worst knowing each of us would be there for each other."

Shaking his head to break the tense atmosphere, Felix patter Adam on the hand,"We are friends K. That is what friends do."

Adam nodded in acknowledgement and then passed out the packets," I know that.. But like all of us, I wanted us to be together always. However, we could not walk the path anymore. This is a proposal that I have created. I.. I want you all to know, whether you accept this proposal or not, changes nothing between us."

As silence reigned around the table, the other boys just stared at the packets as if it was a can of worms. 

Each of them had yearned for the familiar feeling of living with each other and making music together.

There were times Apollo would think of a few lyrics and want to chat with Adam to refine them only to realize that they would never be releasing another album. While Felix and Adam would realize that they would never make music again. Gyeom gulped and tried to blink away the tears in his eyes. He was already a mess... And now what Adam had said was lighting a hope in his heart but he dared not to... Believe in it.

Moistening his dry lips, he asked,"Are we going to become a group again? You know that is not possible right? And anyway I am an actor now and I have realized how much more relaxing my life is these days. Why would I want to go on your with you guys?"

Even as he said this, Gyeom had already crossed his fingers hoping that Adam would answer in affirmative that they were going to become a group again.. He would jump in the moment that happened!

But K shook his head and answers,"No.. That would never fly. As a band, Felix and I.M would always remain in the limelight and that would be a hindrance to their relationship and take a strain on all of us. I have something different in mind. You will know when you have read the packets... I can provide more working figures and charts of you all like the concept and if you don't, well then I will let it go.."

Again, there was silence until Gyeom picked up the packet and set it aside. "I am in. Now tell me everything."

K scowled at this and reprimanded," You can't be impulsive like this, you know. You need to think it over carefully.. You are being a kid..."

Gyeom shook his head and pointed out, "Didn't we just establish that I am already a grown up. K, over the last years when there has ever been a time when you have guided us wrong? Be it a sudden decision or something to mull about, to me, you will never be wrong! And I... I miss you guys, dam* it! If there is something that will keep us together, then I will grab it! Anyway, how long have you been considering this business proposal before you presented it to us?"

"About four months.. It had been in the back of my head for a few years now. Something that we could have done if we failed as a band, you know.. But these past few months, I have actively researched on it to see if it will work or not..."

"There you go, I am in with whatever you have in mind..", Gyeom nodded before finishing another of his beer.

Before Adam could say anything, the others also raised their bottles and said, "We are all in! Let's raise a toast to a new start.."

Adam stared and protested,"You can't do that! You have not seen the models or even know what I am talking about! My idea could be sh*t for all you know! How can you simply agree to all that! You guys are drunk! Pick your things and get into the car! We are leaving! I will drop you all off at your hotels and in the morning you will ready through the papers and then decide when you are sober..!"

Adam picked up his own thick packet before he marched out to his car, ready for everyone else to follow him..

I.M looked at Adam's receding back and mumbled, "Didn't he say nothing would change if we did not agree. Then which ant crawled up his ants.."

Felix chugged his beer before he answered, "Yeah! Guess things will change if we do accept. He wanted us to protest and not accept so that he could convince us.."

"Then we need to put up a little protest tomorrow? But what if he gets demotivated and abandons the idea if we do that?", added Apollo

"He won't! He has been carrying around those packets for God knows how long! He won't be discouraged. He just doesn't want us to regret in the morning and not have way out.", replied Felix.

Pushing back his own chair, Gyeom got up and walked towards the door as he mumbled, "Then I just need to wait till the morning, right? Do I need to read through the packet to convince him that I am in? Will he be asking questions?"

"More like he will want us to question him..", added Apollo as he followed.

"Sigh.. I'd forgotten what a tough nut Adam is.."

The boys all trudged out clutching the packets to their chests. In the back of their minds there had been sadness that they would separate again but now there was hope.. It was time for another new beginning... Together Again!

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