Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 164 - Ye Heng

"So, Gyeom? Do you think you will be part of another band if the chance arrives?"

"Blah blah blah blah.."

"No?Then do you regret being a part of SKY who decided to disband at the highest peak of their careers?

" Who said SKY was at it's highest. There were a few more peak that they could have climbed.."

No no.. Gyeom would never talk like that. Ye Heng muttered to herself as she read the next question. 

She was a hard core STAR and had been preparing to interview SKY for one of her thesis in music but the band had separated even before she could reach her final year!

She had pulled all sorts of strings to be able to interview at least Yu Gyeom the youngest member of SKY and now that she was practicing asking her questions, she was nervous as hell. His assistant had told her that he would give her thirty minutes which he would get for lunch break to conduct the interview. 

It was why she had rushed to the set even before breakfast hour so that she would not be late and mias out on the time.

It was almost lunch hour now and she had bee standing and observing in a corner. All her questions had been based about their last experienced and music but as she watched him act the role of a serial killer, she thought that she should have includes a few questions about his plans in acting also.. And the recent rumour that they were coming together to do something big was now a possibility? She was so curious!

She wanted to squeal a bit in excitement at being able to see her favorite idol but she had to keep up her professional cover as well.

Finally the lunch break was announced and Gyeom walked towards the small shaded area that had been prepared for actors to rest. Ye Heng jumped up from her seat as she raced to interview him. She checked her recorder one last time, making sure that it was working well and leaving it on. She would keep his voice as a keep sake for herself..she wanted to check herself in the mirror but decided not to. That should have bee done before he got free. She assured herself that she was looking decent and reminded herself that she was no beauty that would have him fall for her on love at first sight. She just needed to make a good first impression.. But Ye Heng was not set to succeed.

Just as she would have reached Gyeom, her foot was tripped by a small rock and she lost her balance. With her bag full of books in one hand and her recorder in the other Ye Heng was unable to balance herself and fell with a scream.

Gyeom, who had just sat down opened his eyes at the scream and stared wide eyed at the woman who had fallen at his feet...literally.

Getting up swiftly, he pushed away the chair and extended his hand to help her up. 

Ye Heng tried to move but just as she would have stood up, she heard a tearing sound and realized that the new long top that she had specially chosen for today had decided to give in under her slightly full figure.

Ashamed and embarrassed at her state in front of her idol, she was about to apologize and run away so that she could request to conduct the interview on phone when Gyeom unexpectedly took off his coat and placed it around her.

"There are a few costumes inside the vanity van. You can go and see some that you feel are fine."

Ye Heng smiled gratefully at Gyeom even as she planned her escape.

At least he did not know her now...of she had introduced her self and then something like this had happened, she would have been mortified. 

Smiling, she said,"Thank you. Excuse me."

Turning around, she wonder if it was alright to steal the man's coat, after all it could belong to the production team but disregard that idea immediately. She would return it tomorrow after washing it.. 

But before Ye Heng could have made her escape, Gyeom called out,"Miss Ye Heng! The vanity van is in the opposite direction."

Ye Heng turned around in shock and looked at Gyeom. How did the man know her name? And why did her name sounds different when he said it.

As she blinked stupidly staring at his thumb that's as pointed in some direction behind him, she asked," how did you know my name?"

Gyeom smiled and pointed at the identity card around her neck which resulted in her making an ' o ' with her mouth.

When Ye Heng continued to stare at him, Gyeom felt a little awkward and cleared his throat,"Miss Ye? You are here for the interview right? It's okay. We can do that after you have changed.."

Finally, Ye Heng snapped back to reality and nodded before following his thumb. Since the had already shown that he knew her, there was no point in escaping and letting go of the opportunity.

Grabbing her recorder even more tightly in her hand, Ye Heng smiled at Gyeom and said,"Any of those clothes in there won't fit me, you know. If you don't mind, can I keep your coat for a little while?Just for today? I will return it soon.."

Unexpectedly, Gyeom did not answer her question but instead gave her a once over as he shook his head and said,"Who said you won't fit? I am site there are a few t shirts in there that will easily fit you. I don't mind giving you my coat for the time being but you will have to return it to me when I go back to shooting. It is required for continuity purposes you see. And with the tear in your top, you won't be able to leave here."

Ye Heng: " oh"

She had felt an electric current pass through her as he had gazed at her and had to forcefully remind herself that he was not checking her out but only checking her size. "Dumb Ye Heng!"

As Ye Heng nodded and walked in the direction f the vanity van, however, she was destined for another fall. She flailed about for a minute, not wanting to embarrass herself even more but she had worn heels to say which were not very comfortable...and she fell this time straight onto Gyeom causing the other man to try and catch her but then fall under her momentum.

As Gyeom felt his head bang against the floor, his first thought was that he was going to have a concussion while his second was that now she could keep the coat since he would not be shooting any longer. After these two thoughts Gyeom then fainted.

Unknown to him the entire scene was captured on camera and as he was taken to the hospital by the crew, the video clip was released. 

A mortified and on the verge of tears, Ye Heng stood outside the emergency ward wanting to apologize on one hand and disappear under he earth on the other. She had wanted to leave a lasting good impression..

And she had succeeded in leaving an impression for sure. Her would always remember as the girl who got him admitted into the hospital.

Unknown to her, the clip that had been circulating made her the public enemy number one and many number of fans wanted to hurt her for daring to harm their idol. 

It was only as she was told by the doctor that she could go and meet him and his injuries were minor did Ye Heng breathe a sigh of relief. He was asleep. His assistant asked her to leave and that they would get in touch again. But as she turned around to leave, she knew that the assistant would never call her again. And there was even a possibility that he would have a restriction order against her.. Deflated like a balloon, Ye Heng made her way home.

An hour later, as she got off the bus she frowned when she was the number of girls gathered around the street. She clutched the coat tighter around her and stared at the rotten tomatoes placed around the block. And then to her horror, a girl screamed and pointed her finger at her as she shouted,"That is the fattie who dared to hurt out Gyeom! She even has the audacity to still keep him coat! Girls! Attack her!"

And soon Ye Heng was forced to turn around and jump into a bus that had just stopped to save her life from the fanatic fans. She had heard of such fans who would go crazy but she had never imagined that someday she would be the target of such fans..

She could only run for her life and wonder what had happened...

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