Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 165 - Ye Heng's Misery

Gyeom opened his eyes slowly and looked around for a moment...confused. They were supposed to be shooting.. But it felt like he had woken up from a deep sleep? Did he fall asleep while waiting for his shot? However this did not feel like his room. As he looked around, he slowly remembered what had happened and winced. What an accident. He slowly moved his hand and felt the bump in his head.

His assistant who was pacing around in the room, looked at him when he moved before rushing to him,"Are you alright? Does your head hurt a lot?"

Yu Gyeom shook his head even as he winced at the assistant's high pitched voice. Feeling his throat dry, he slowly licked his lips and asked,"water?"

The assistant hurriedly took a glass and straw passing the water to him before he helped Gyeom sit up. After drinking, Gyeom refused any more help and asked,"How is Ye Heng?"

The assistant frowned at this question and took a moment to recall who Gyrom was asking about. "Don't worry. I scared her away. You have been deemed the nation's husband and she dared to hurt you! And even tried to crush you with her weight!"

A wave of anger rolled through Gyeom at this and he asked,"I did not ask for your opinion of her. I asked how is she? Since she fell, she could have hurt herself too.."

The assistant did not recognise the anger as he as not used to Gyeom being angry but simply dismissed the question as he continued,"She was fine when I chased her away from here. But how long she remained fine, is up to her luck. You see, the camera was rolling and the entire scene was captured and then someone from the production team leaked it along with the news of you being hospitalized. Naturally your fans were engaged on behalf of you. If they decided to retaliate, then she can only blame herself for being clumsy."

It was only as the assistant finished narrating the entire incident that he realized the atmosphere in the room was somewhat wrong. Taking in the wintery expression on Gyeom's face the assistant asked,"Do you want to file an assault case on the student. She is a mere poor student. I don't think she will be able to compensate you."

"Do you have her number?"

The assistant nodded.

"Bring me my phone and dial her number for me."

As the assistant rushed to do Gyeom's bidding, Gyeom watched him rush in melancholy. Visions of the past.. When an innocent friendship and innocent woman had been attacked because of him flashed past his eyes. He had been unable to protect her then even though K had helped him clear the mess later. He had always felt guilty. And now another innocent woman was being targetted because of him. Gyeom closed his eyes and crossed his fingers, praying that the girl was fine. If only he had not fainted...

Ye Heng looked at the time. It was almost ten p.m now and she had been traveling all I've the city in different buses hoping that the crazy people would have left her place by now but everytime she had peeped out of a bus when passing her locality, she had seen them waiting at the bus stop also. 

And now all the money she had on her was spent and she had no where to go. She could not even wait near her home because those crazy females were waiting for her. Ye Heng wondered if she should look for a bath house to spend the night but was scared as she had heard many horror stories of girls getting ra*ed and murdered at such places. She had no family here and no money to go to a hotel. If she did stay in a hotel then she would have to spend the rest of the month without food. 

But she was in die straits now. She had no money and her phone was going to run out of battery any minute. She wondered if we should call the police to help her. But they wouldn't do anything as the people had not yet attacked her..

Just then, her phone rang, indicating that it was a call from an unknown number. Scared that the people had even found her phone number, she answered with a timid hello when a voice that she could recognize in her sleep asked her,"Where are you?"

In a daze she answered automatically, "Bus Route 403. I'll be getting off at the last stop soon."

"Fine. Stay there."

Before Ye Heng could say anything or even ask what he meant, her phone's battery had run out and she could only sigh. It wasn't as if she could go anywhere as it is. 

As she got off at the next stop she wondered why Gyeom would call her. Did he blame her for harming him like the others and wanted to hand her over to the police? Or did he think that she needed to apologize to him in front of everyone. Well she would do whatever he needed her to do if only he could help her go back home. She would even beg him and kneel down in front of him to plead and not send her to prison. 

Her parents back in the village would be mortified if she went to prison. they had such high hopes for her..

She fidgeted and moved about as she tried to sit still and wait for him. What if he sent some goons to beat her up? Or revealed her location to his fans? She shook her head and sighed. she was being over imaginative. You Gyeom was known for being a gentleman. He would never do something like this.

An hour later, Ye Heng had even stopped wondering why he had asked her to wait. It was no use. He must have just called her to say something and then the call got disconnected. She looked around at the place and realized that it had slowly gotten even more deserted and there was no one around anymore. 

Hugging her bag to herself, Ye Heng considered running away but before she could have moved a step, a large land rover stopped in front of her. 

Was she going to be kidnapped in a luxury car was the first absurd thought that came into her head. But then she glanced at the man who was driving and widened her eyes,"Are you okay? Is it alright for you to drive? I guess you must have a concussion. Initially I wanted to apologize to you but your assistant chased me away. It's not his fault though. I hurt you pretty badly. I am.."

"Miss Ye. Please get into the car." 

Hearing him order her about, Ye Heng realized that she had been chattering a bit and quickly got into the car. The air conditioner's cool air was like a balm to her and she breathed in deeply before turning to look at Yu Gyeom. She had not forgotten that she had to kneel in front of him and apologize. She looks down and realized that the car was big and had enough leg room so she quickly slid down onto her knees and turned to Gyeom.

Gyeom was shocked at this sudden posture and asked sharply ,"What are you doing?"

"I am kneeling down to apologize to you for hurting you. I swear I did not mean to hurt you. I was just too nervous and I am not usually so clumsy.. I mean I am clumsy but Inusually only end up hurting my self." Realizing that she was sabotaging her own cause, Ye Heng shook her head and clarified,"I mean this is the first time.. I mean I am sorry for hurting you and I will never do so again.. I mean I will never come in front of you again.."

Gyeom suppressed a smile at the girls nervoise babbling before he said,"Miss Ye. Please sit up. We can discuss this later. It was an accident and naturally you did not intend to harm me. There is no need to apologize so much. Miss Ye. Can I ask you something? Why did you not go home, yet?"

Ye Heng slumped her shoulders which had just straightened and sighed,"How could I? There are so many people waiting outside my house because of you.. I mean because I hurt you and they love you..and they wanted to punish me on your behalf, which is understandable... I guess."

She was silenced when suddenly Gyeom banged his hand against the steering wheel and shot out,"What do you mean it is understandable? Who gives them the right to decide who to punish and who is at fault? Are they the court or the jury that can punish just anyone? What nonsense!

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