Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 169 - The Rumors

Ye Heng realized that she had asked the question too abruptly and too aggressively when she saw the man's frozen look. Cursing herself for still being nervous, she hurried to clarify,"I meant what kind of a girl would you want. Like from a perceptive of career, usually celebrities will choose celebrities from the same profession. Also, you have been called the nation's husband so many times so what kind of a wife do you want.."

The question brought back a smile to Gyeom',a face as he answered in a laid back manner once again," I'd like a girl who would be my friend. In terms of looks or career choices I don't really have a type. I just want someone I can live ly life comfortably with."

As Ye Heng stared at the person in front of her, she realized that there was another reason SKY had always been loved by the audience. They were totally genuine when it came to giving answers. And that honesty was specially attractive. Be it K or Gyeom, they came across as the same in real life as they were on television.

Since most of her questions had been answered in the broadcast and the interview had been only a small part of the thesis, Ye Heng hurriedly finished off her breakfast and planned to escape the place. 

"No one is going to snatch the breakfast you know. Have it slowly..."

Without looking up, Ye Heng mumbled,"You must be in a hurry to go to work and I don't want to impose anymore. I'll just leave soon.."

" That is no excuse to stuff your food like that. I am on leave today.."

Before Ye Heng could ask more, the phone on the table started to ring. Habitually, Ye Heng glance up and noticed the name of the caller as well as the picture. The smile disappearing from his face, Gyeom answered the call with a low,"Zizi?"

Sensing the change in mood, Ye Heng looked down at her food and tried hard to not eavesdrop...

"I was sleeping. You woke me up and disturbed me... I am fine.. How are you and? Good good.. Why are you talking like that? Do you think I am going to be moaning over your loss or something?"

Suddentl, Yu Gyeom grabbed a tissue and scribbled something, placing it in front of Ye Heng who stared at it wide eyed.. " Call out my name in a seductive voice."

She looked down at the piece of paper and then Gyeom show as casting her pleading looks as he answered something,"Are you going to let me sleep or? Just go and take care of your husband..."

Finally understanding, Ye Heng cleared her throat and called out in a low voice,"Gyeom? Are you coming back to bed or not?"

Even Gyeom who had asked Ye Heng stilled when he heard the line and turned around in shock towards Ye Heng.. That was quite a change from the original scene. Quietly, he disconnected the call with a," I'll call you back." And stared at Ye Heng who was turning red with the attention..

"Miss Heng.. You can be an actor also. That was quite an improvisation.."

Muttering something under her breath, she peeked at him, burning with curiosity. Who was Zizi? Could it be an ex girlfriend? But he was obviously on good terms with the person.

"Ye Heng! Curiosity killed the cat. You better not ask."



Both the people started at the same time and stopped. Finally, Yu Gyeom looked down and gestured," Miss Ye.. Please.."

"I just wanted to say that I'll just clean up this bowl and leave. You don't have to worry about me talking about this to anyone. You have helped me so much.. I don't even know how to thank you."

Relieved that he was not being questioned, Yu Gyeom nodded and said,"Thank you. Please don't mention it in front of K and Alice also."

Ye Heng nodded and after a while finally said goodbye..

She walked to the bus stand even as Gyeom offered to drop her back. But she knew that this could lead to even more speculation and insisted on going on her own. Finally she had to accept the money he gave her but promised to return that too.

As she walked, she pondered on the intricacies of life. Just twenty four hours ago, she was but a simple girl struggling to survive. And now, she was famous, signed up for future employment and had personally interacted with people she admired so much and was going to have a chance of working with them in the future.

It didn't matter whether she became a famous Star or not. This opportunity was once in a life time for her.

She had also learned a new lesson. No matter how open a person may seem, how friendly, there were times they kept secrets from those they loved. And some people smiled despite their pains. 

She had assumed that after the initial struggle, a successful person like Yu Gyeom would have had a smooth sailing life.. But in that single moment when he had asked for her help, his eyes had been full of pain.

Yu Gyeom lay down on the couch after seeing off the girl, not expecting that she would unknowingly help him out. Zizi had been calling him quite regularly. Now that Kieran's cancer seemed to be shrinking and reacting positively to medicine, Zizi spent her time worrying about Kieran and him.

Ever since she had discovered that he too had liked her, she had been buried under guilt. Even when he had tried to lie to her that he had gotten over her, she had continued to call him at least once a week, checking up on him. This was a minus point of falling in live with your best friend. She could see through his carefully woven lies.

But she needed to be free of the guilt. Or else this would sooner or later take a toll on her and Kieran's relationship. At this point both of them needed to focus on each other and Zirui could not afford to be distracted due to guilt.

Finally, this little deception seemed to have fooled her. She had just messaged him with the monkey emoji covering his eyes. As expected , she knew that he was not one to simply sleep around. And since there was a woman in his home.. It meant that he had found someone.

Raising the bottle of beer in his hand, he toasted himself for finally succeeding in fooling Zirui.

A few days later:

Gyeom pushed the woman against the wall, bringing the shiny knife against the slender neck as he whispered,"Are there any last words that you want to say?"

As the woman trembled in fright, and her eyes shook from terror, the director shouted,"Cut!"

Immediately Gyeom stepped back and bowed down to his co actress," I am sorry..are you alright? You look scared? "

The woman gave a smile and answered,"It's alright. You just get in the character too well.."

Smiling, he teased,"I wonder if that is a compliment. It should not be so easy to play a serial killer right?"

The girl blinked a bit at the sudden attack of the smile and said,"No no.. It just means that you are a good actor.. It really was a compliment."

The moment was once again caught on camera and soon there were rumors of Gyeom dating his co star.

Shaking his head at the rumors, Gyeom wondered how his life had been so free before this. Shouldn't his popularity be declining as he played a serial killer who killed a new beautiful woman every week? But instead of that, every woman he killed in the show was linked to him personally.

And just like that, any woman that was on the receiving end of a smile or even a word would be linked to Yu Gyeom making him look like a play boy.

As Yu Gyeom sat in the dressing room, his assistant urged him to stop refuting the rumors and just let him choose a person to let the rumors play out. That way, at least even if his popularity declined because of being in a relationship, at least it would not make him look like a playboy.

But Yu Gyeom had a feeling that someone was deliberately attacking him and trying to ruin his image. From the day Ye Heng visited him on the sets, to now, he was always in the news..

Finally, he asked his assistant,"So you believe that I should just announce that I am in a relationship with one of these actresses?"


"Are you really my assistant and agent or a spy? Do you take me for a fool? Even I know that my popularity will only decline of I choose that way. Now are you going to tell me what you are planning or do you need me to throw you out?"

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