Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 170 - Zi Zi Is Coming Back


The sound of a champagne bottle being opened reverbated through the room as Gyeom went on to pour the golden shimmering liquid in two glasses. Tonight they were having a double celebration. Gyeom had won his first national award as a Director while she had won her first award as a debutante singer idol. 

As he handed over the flute to her, Ye Heng peeked at Gyeom from under her half-closed eye lids. It had been more than a year since she had met him and signed on for the pilot programme. In the first year itself, SKY's ' The True Star' reality show had grown so much that she sometimes found it unbelievable that she was one of the first participants. The show had shot her to fame faster than a rocket was launched.

Over time, she had become close to Gyeom who was the most involved in the show as it's director. She believed that they were friends but her heart had slowly started to crave for more.

He was such a gentleman. Which girl would not fall for him. But she knew that he did not see her as more than a friend. 

He was nice and friendly to everyone which had even resulted in him having an image of a playboy. But she knew that there was someone else in his heart. Though he never said so directly.

She was brought out of her thoughts when Gyeom clicked his fingers in frontnofnhernandb asked,"What are you thinking? Let's toast!"

Raising her glass to clink with his, Ye Heng smiled and said,"To more such future successes."

Gyeom raised his glass with her and then downed the champagne in one go. "You know that is not water right?"

As he poured a second glass, Gyeom looked sullen and added," The first glass must always be drunk quickly so that one can savor the second slowly. Similarly with first love. One must end it fast so that the second time a person can fall in love.."

Ye Heng narrowed her eyes at this. Over time, she had learnt to read some on his thoughts and could see that even though they were apparently celebrating, his heart was not in it. There was something bothering him.

Over time, K had taught her one thing. And that was to never get to involved. She still remembered as he had looked at her and directly said,"Dont ask unless someone tells you and don't give advice unless someone asks you." It had been pertaining to the relationship between the members of SKY but his intention had been clear. She was someone they were mentoring not someone who was one of them. And yet at the time it had not hurt. Because she had understood that this rule would help her protect herself from hurt in the future. And yet, everytime she and Gyeom had dinner together, she wanted to break that rule. She wanted to ask about the woman that had called him this morning. Even though she and Gyeom had become good friends she knew that she relied on him much more than the other way round.

As she was considering finally breaking through the barrier and asking Gyeom, he spoke,"You know you once asked me about me having a girlfriend or someone I like? I used to like a girl. She was confident and funky. A complete opposite to you. Thin where you are fuller. And she used to never think before eating unlike you who constantly worries. And she was crazy. Always throwing caution to the wind while you take baby steps cautiously. But she was my best friend. And so are you. So that is common between you."

"I could talk to her about anything and I can do that with you. But there was one thing I never dared to talk to her about. Can I talk to you about that Ye Heng? My love for her? Can I tell you about how it hurts?"

Ye Heng's heart twisted at his words. She had long guessed that he had been hurt in love but she had never thought that he would compare her to that woman one day. And she would be the total opposite of that. She was the total opposite of his ideal type. Is that why he had chosen to help her so long ago? But she knew that now was not the time to ask questions.

"Tell me.. Gyeom. Tell me about Zizi?"

Gyeom looked up from his glass in surprise. How did she know her name? But then shook his head. Ye Heng was a smart girl. She could have easily figured it out over time.

Standing up he walked around the table and extended his hand to her. Placing her hand in his, Ye Heng stood up, ready to follow him to the couch so that they could sit comfortably and talk. 

But unexpectedly, Gyeom pulled her to him, his hand landing on her bareback. Since she was still dressed in a long shimmering gown that she had worn to the award shows, she felt goosebumps rising over her skin all over.

Sliding his fingers up and down over her spine, Gyeom looked into her eyes, as he muttered,"You are so beautiful. The most desirable woman any man would want to possess. Your full lips are made to be bitten on while your softness will make it so easy for a man to sink in and lose himself. Do you know how tempted I am? How tempted I am to see if I can forget her by getting close to you!"

Ye Heng's eyes had fallen closed as she had let his words of desire and reverence wash over her but his last sentence made her snap her eyes open even as she tilted her head for Gyeom to lean closer.

Her hands which had come to rest on his biceps tightened and she slowly tried to push him away. But he continued to hold her tightly as he whispered,"She is coming back, Ye Heng. I thought that by cutting her out of my life, I will be able to move on but now that she is returning happily with her husband, why am I in so much pain?"

" Over the years there were so many girls and women who threw themselves at me, ready to have me even if it was just for a while but the woman I fell for only ever saw me as a friend. K, Felix, Apollo and I.M, they were both my idol and brothers and none of them told me about the pain I would have to endure over losing my first love. You must think I am so pathetic. I still can't move on after the girl had left me. But I really want to move on..Ye Heng.. Will you help me move on?"

Gyeom leaned back a bit to look at her and then noticed the tears glistening his her eyes. Wiping her tears he smiled and said," Ye Heng looks cute when she cries also. Pretty Heng? Can I kiss you? It will be my first real kiss you know. Not the ones that I do when I act.."

Ye Heng looked into his eyes and made her decision in that instant. He had lost the chance to be with his first love. But here she was being given the chance. Why should she not grab it? He was being selfish and taking what he needed. So could she. At least she would not have the regret that she never got to be with him.

Rising on her tiptoes, she gave him an answer by sealing his lips with hers. Immediately, Gyeom pulled her in closer to his body and backed away towards the couch. His hand rived her body, pausing to caress her and pull her as close as possible. His hand drifted lower into the tightly fitted dress, caressing her soft bottom. 

Turning around he pushed her onto the couch and stared down at her while he threw aside his suit jacket and unbuttoned his white shirt.

His eyes glittered with a madness that made Ye Heng excited as well as scared. Seeing the look in her eyes, Gyeom paused. 

One hand stroked her face as he asked,"Ye Heng? Are you sure? You know that guys can sleep with girls they don't love, right? I am only promising you this even though I know you deserve much more."

The next moment, Ye Heng rose on her elbows and put a finger to his mouth as she whispered," You talk too much."

Whatever words and whatever second thoughts Gyeom was having, Ye Heng had already chosen her path. She was going to make the most of this weak night and then move on to be his friend after tonight.

But this night, she would take what she wanted. Holding his face, he brought him close to her and placed feathery kisses over his lips. 

With a groan, Gyeom finally abandoned all misgivings and let himself lose in her...

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