Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 19 - What To Do?

As Alice giggled like the young girl she was, an older couple had just walked in. Both the people glanced in the direction of the tinkling laughter and the man was amazed as he recognized the person there. His wife who was just about to walk forward was stopped by him. Leaning closer to her, he whispered,"The woman I made you add on the invite?She is that."

The older lady immediately glanced in the direction and could only stare. Of course she knew who the woman her husband was referring to, but even then she was amazed. She had actually been against the woman because of her reputation. The chain of resorts was their life blood. They had hoped to pass it to their family but sadly for them, none of their children was interested in it. And they were ready to retire but Mrs. Mou only had one wish and that was their resorts should not go in the hands of a cold business person. And what she had heard of Alice Faye was even more horrible. She could understand a person having differences with their family but the woman had been especially cruel in throwing out her own father! But seeing her now, giggling like a girl while she looked at jewelry and messaged made her think of her own granddaughter. She should've trusted her husband's judgement maybe. Anyway, now was a good time to check out the woman.. Just as Mrs. Mou was pondering over this, she heard the girl say, "Your designer makes beautiful rings.."

The owned of the shop beamed at the girl before she went on to say," Yes! She does! And this ring is actually part of a set! Do you have a better half? There have been so many people who have wanted to buy this but I could not bear to let them break the pair! The man you were messaging with just now must be your partner, right.. You had such a beautiful smile when he messaged you! Wait just a minute and I will show you the other half!"

Alice felt her smile freeze as the older woman hobbled out towards the backroom. She looked down at the beautiful ring on her finger as she considered if she should not purchase it. She was quite good at reading people's body languages and she was sure that if she claimed she only wanted this ring and not the pair, the woman would definitely refuse to sell it to he!. Deep in thought, she weighed the pros and cons as she thought to herself, "It was not going to make a difference to her if she bought the pair and the lady did not need to know that the other ring was only going to be put to the bottom of her cupboard drawer! As the woman came back with the piece and Alice had to agree that the counterpart of this ring was just as beautiful.. For a minute, she felt pity that it was going to be wasted but then what!

And thus she acquiesced and smiled," Thank you.. They really make a beautiful pair. I will take them both!"

The older woman clapped her hands in excitement and said, "That is great.. I will just have it wrapped for you. Young Miss, if you do not mind, can you show your partner's picture to me? I would love to know who is going to become the owner of this ring?"

The request made Alice freeze while inside she started to panic! What was she going to do now.. WeChat! That person had a WeChat picture! Opening her phone, she immediately scrolled and opened the WeChat picture and showed it to the woman. The old woman was satisfied and glanced at the picture, nodding, "Yes! The man is as beautiful as you! You will make an amazing couple."

Just as Alice was taking back her phone, however, Mr. and Mrs. Mou who had been browsing (eavesdropping) came forward. Like a little boy, Mr Mou peeped in and said, "See, Missus! I told her brother last night that she was definitely seeing the boy! Ad here is the proof..."

Alice felt her heard drop to her knees when she heard the voice and glanced at the couple! She suddenly wanted to snatch back her phone and hide it!

Smiling awkwardly, she greeted in embarrassment, "Uncle Mou! Hello! Hello Mrs. Mou."

Mrs Mou. nodded in reply to her greeting while Uncle Mou was more enthusiastic as he nodded at the girl before he looked over at the pair of rings! "Alice! You really have good taste! Me and My wife are here to choose a gift for out granddaughter's eighteenth birthday! Why don't you help us out.."

Feeling more and more awkward, Alice thought hard on how to escape but could only come up with," Uncle Mou. I am sure whatever you choose for your granddaughter, she will love because it will have your blessings."

This time it was Mrs Mou. who was satisfied with the reply and agreed acerbically before saying, "Yes.. Chairwoman Alice is right. I must say this morning when my husband insisted on inviting you, I was not very sure of it because of your reputation.. But we had a chance to get to see your personal side and I can genuinely say that I am pleased to meet you."

Flattered at the unexpected compliment, Alice smiled back gracefully returning,"Mrs Mou, it has actually been a pleasure to meet you and Uncle Mou! I would like to wish you both a happy and healthy new year.."

Just then the owner returned with the bill and Alice excused herself to go and pay as she heard in passing the older couple tell the woman what they needed. The tight lipped smile that she had forced herself into, disappeared from her face when she turned her back but then she heard, Mrs. Mou call back to her and when she turned in response, the older woman said," Chairwoman Alice. We would love it if you were to bring the man you are seeing to the gathering with you."

Smiling thinly, Alice returned," I will definitely ask him madam.."

But inside she was panicking as she wondered how she was supposed to get a man out of thin air because even though the words were a request, she knew that this deal now depended on her having!

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