Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 20 - It Was All His Fault!

As Alice went around the rest of the mall in a huff, she wanted to punch the bas****! And she did not mean Mr. Mou! She wanted to punch Adam-the man who was responsible for the problem she had now landed in. If only, he had not practically dragged her to dance yesterday, and then caused her to come to the shopping street and then messaged her at a time when that old woman would misunderstand! She never gave a second chance but that man had already made three mistakes creating troubles for her!

Once, she had finished reviewing the mall, she took out her phone and recorded her instructions before sending it to the mall's manager with a warning to implement the directives within twenty four hours or resign! The floor layout which had originally been done to maximize the footfall had been changed so that it was more of a supermarket than a high end mall! How dare they! On a side note, she sent a message to Ximin to check if the manager of the mall was involved in any sort of bribery by their competitors!

She noticed that the message to Ximin remained undelivered and huffed some more! Why did she have to switch off her phone when on a holiday? It's not like she was going to keep on calling her and ordering her to do stuff! Even as she thought this, her fingers keyed in more instructions to Ximin... the top one being that she needed to find a man. Opening the chat, she glared at the last meme the man had sent and then typed out, "Violence? This is nothing! I have better ways to torture!"

And as if the man was glued to his cell phone, before Alice could even relish the feeling of answering back, a message dinged," Ooohh! Torture? That sounds interesting babe! Does that involve handcuffs and blindfolds?"

"Ugh! Flirty perverted bast***!"

Why was she even replying to his messages? Of course she had no answer to this and was unable to stop herself as she typed back," It involves my knee and your 'little brain!"

"Sounds kinky..."

Throwing the phone on the seat again, Alice drove out of the mall with a "New Year Resolution" for the first time...She was never going to reply to that man again!"

A little while later, Alice noticed a car following her. Frowning, she wondered how long those people had following her and felt a chill over her carelessness! She had thought that Samuel would lie low for a while after the loss last night but here he was having people follow her once again! Well, she was going to teach them a lesson if they were so eager to have it.

Slowing down, she checked to see that the car on her tail had also slowed down. Once the other car had slowed down, Alice checked and there were two men in the car. And one of them had a camera with them?

This caused her to frown. What was going on? Why was Samuel have someone follow her with a camera? Well, it was just two men so she could mainly handle them. Speeding up, she casually drove towards a place she knew was less crowded and slowed down to a stop. But the car following her drove ahead making her feel rather disappointed! Dam* it she wanted to practice some self defense skills!

Turning around the car, she tapped on the steering wheel, and whistled a small tune. However, once again, she noticed the car was following her. This time, Alice's eyes hardened. She had ditched them then how did they catch up on her? That could only mean one thing, "They had planted a tracker on her...."

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