Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 43 - Teach A Lesson

Adam inserted the card into the slot and soon the room was thrown in light. But what greeted their eyes was a scene they had never expected but if they had to, they would refer to it as one of their biggest nightmares. the stench of alcohol hit their noses as they saw a lone figure lying on the carpeted floor with numerous bottles strewn around. dressed in a denim jacket and loosen track pants, Gyeom looked a sorry figure instead of the dynamic golden boy he was known as by their fans.

The first thing the two men made sure of was that the idiot was still breathing before they looked around and walked away in unison. Once they knew that it was not a medical emergency, they did what they should have done in the past. Opening the small refrigerator, Apollo pulled out two bottles of chilled water and passed one to Adam as the two men walked towards the unconscious Gyeom.

The next minute, a shrill scream sounded in the air, as the two men had poured the contents of the bottle on the man.

Rubbing his eyes and sitting up, Gyeom shook his head like a wet dog, sprinkling droplets of water all over the floor and looking at the two men who were glaring at him. Before, he could even catch his breath, his ears started to ring as they scolded him," Yu Gyeom! Is this what we have thought you? That you drown yourself in alcohol at the first obstacle?"

As Adam stopped, Apollo continued," No! You must not drown in alcohol, you must bury your head in the sand and not cooperate! Yu Gyeom, if you do not pull yourself together, we will change your name to sissy! We are not losers who will fall at the first hurdle! How dare you do this instead of calling for us! What are we to you? Thin Air?" 

The next moment, the two men pulled Gyeom up by the collar and dragged him to the bathroom and turned on the shower before Apollo walked out. As Gyeom tried to protect his eyes and stand on swaying feet, Adam said coldly, "Come out when you are sober.", before walking out.

Soon, Gyeom started to feel alive as he stood under the cold water as his hazy mind cleared. Ever since the scandal broke out, he had suddenly felt lost but now that his brothers were here he knew all would be fine. He had been feeling guilty for cutting short their vacation and did not want them to always have to come to his aid. But here they were once again! He just knew he had disappointed them!

Discarding his clothes, he tried to gather his thoughts. Done with the shower, he then picked up the bathrobe, tied the belt around his waist and walked out, brushing his hair. Though his eyes were bloodshot and his head was throbbing in pain, his air of confidence and laziness was back. Grinning at them, he hugged Adam first and then Apollo before flopping on the couch like a fish.. And then like a little kid waiting for his punishment, he said, "I am sorry brothers. I was careless and did not notice when the pictures were clicked. And then when it was exposed I tried to protect the person involved but ended up hurting her more and caused such a scandal! I am sorry for disappointing you and caused you all to suffer like this also."

Adam shook his head and patted Gyeom on the head as he said," Gyeom, a friendship or even a love affair scandal is not something that will disappoint us. As long as you are not involved in anything illegal, we are all together in this! So stop burying yourself in guilt and tell us everything so that we can take some measures to handle the matter. 

Soon, the brothers were talking and Apollo and Adam tried to gauge Gyeom's feeling on the woman. They finally heaved a sigh of relief when they realized that it really had been pure friendship and nothing more. Because of it was something else then it would have been a major disaster. Because even if they could be in a relationship, their contract stated explicitly that if a relationship threatened their work interests, then they could be sued by the company. The three people then discussed the countermeasures as well as plan on how to continue forward to minimize the damage and give a satisfactory reply to the company as well as their fans.. Finally, when Gyeom was sure that his brothers were on his side, Adam proposed the company's theory that the woman might be a part of the conspiracy to exhort money. This time instead of being defensive and attacking, Gyeom had calmed down and he answered their doubts while making arrangements so that they could meet privately. 

Finally after having spoken for long, K and Apollo walked out of the room and into the room next door where their luggage had been sent. The two men then saw the pictures of the place that had been damaged and the back lash they were receiving. Finally, after discussing their strategy with the other to members over a video call, Adam made a call to tell Phillippe of their decision and the path they were going to take. Hearing this, however, Phillippe was a little hesitant and could not help but say," Adam, this is risky. If you take this road, then this might lead to more pressure on you all in the future! All of you are already over worked now and by adding this and to top it all, this is a very strict stance and you may loose many of your fans and any future relationships you may have will also be affected.."

Before Phillippe could say anything more however, Adam interrupted, "Phillippe we have already spoken about this and we are all in unanimous agreement.. If you have any more objections, give me a valid point instead of these baseless what if's."

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