Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 44 - A Scary Man

After his discussion on the phone, Adam turned around and saw Apollo watching him carefully. Raising an eyebrow in silent question, he went and lay down on the bed, ready to catch some shut eye. Seeing that the only reaction he got from the man was a raised eyebrow to show his curiosity, Apollo went and lay down on the bed next to Adam saying, "K, you are one scary man."


"Well, you are. Even though you look and give off the vibe of being all agreeable and approachable, if anyone dares to cross you, they are in for it. Thank the fates, I did not try to become the leader at the time when were forming the band. I could never come up with plans like yours! "

Without turning his head, Adam replied, "Yeah. it is a good thing that you know your capabilities."

A punch on the arm was the reply he received from Apollo for his narcissistic reply.

Soon silence permeated in the room and Adam was about to fall asleep when Apollo said ,"K? I thought you were on a cruise. Then how did you reach here so early? And don't think that I have forgotten about your girl. You said she was somewhere in those cold mountains and wanted to go and find her but you never went so did you give up on her and find someone else or what? Just what have you been doing all these days of our vacation?"

Adam sighed and without opening his eyes snapped back, "Apollo, we should have made your stage name chatter box instead of Sun God! I have no intention of satisfying your curiosity. The only reason you even know of her is because I was drunk. As for the vacation, I did my favorite thing most of the time."

Apollo however was not cowed or insulted as he continued, "So you are telling me that you slept through the vacations?" K was known among the band members and the fandom as someone who loved to sleep. He could fall asleep at the drop of a hat as long as he had some place to lean his head back on. This ability of his had always amazed Apollo who could never fathom such a thing and would not have believed it if he had not seen it with his own eyes.

With a humming sound, Adam let Apollo believe that he had indeed slept all the time. He naturally did not tell the chatterbox that his favorite pastime was not sleeping but wooing a certain ice princess.

This time the humming sound aggrieved Apollo who then resorted to throwing a pillow at the man's head and complaining, "Hey! since you have already slept so much, can you not just talk for a while? Or ask me what I have been doing during the vacations. You are our leader. You must show us your concern and care. How can you be so careless in your responsibilities?"

Adam turned his head a fractions and opening one eye he looked at the man who was behaving like a little child throwing tantrums and answered, "You are wrong. Your mental health is not my responsibility and neither is your physical health. Though I can take responsibility for your long nose because the only reason it is not crooked yet is because it will harm the band's interests. And now if you are unable to sleep, help me with something."

Excited at having something to do to burn off his energy, Apollo listened closely, expecting a secret task. But when he heard what K wanted, he himself was tempted to punch the man.

Just to be sure he was not hearing things, he asked, "Are you saying that you want me to collect memes of you that have been created by our fandom and then send it to you so that you can send them to the girl you like because she liked memes?"


The next moment, K had been pushed off the bed as Apollo stood on the bed like an avenging angel and asked, "Do you know that you and I are considered a couple ship? K? Are you going to break my heart for a girl? The fans want me and you to be together!"

Not bothering to get up from the floor, Adam kept his eyes closed and answered, "Of course I won't break your heart."

Yet, before Apollo could have rejoiced, Adam continued, "I will shatter it into tiny pieces, stomp on it and then make a mosaic out of it to gift my girlfriend. She will love it."

Apollo: ".."

Lying diagonally across on the bed, Apollo looked down at his buddy and shook his head. The silly man did not realize that he was glowing. Anyone who knew him would know that he was happy. Apollo really wanted to tease the man but all he got was this. damn it! One day he will succeed in teasing the man! But Apollo felt he was happy. all of them, be it him, Gyeom, Felix or I.M, they had all worked hard to fill their part of the band but they had still always felt guilty towards K who had not just taken the role of their lead singer but also the role of the president. he had been the first in the line of fire when they had been scolded or ridiculed. They had wanted to help him but his wide shoulders had never let them be burdened. In fact the entire reason they had insisted on taking a vacation was so that Adam would find a chance to look for the girl of his dreams. When Apollo had discovered that Adam already had someone in his heart and he was going to chase the girl once the band was successful enough, He had feared that if by then it was too late, then Adam would not be able to handle it.. Even taking the vacation had been risky lest he find that the girl of his dreams was already taken but now he could not be happier that his gamble had paid off. Their reliable leader needed someone he could rely on!

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