Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 45 - Seduce Her

Alice lay on the bed, letting the slight rocking motion of the ship soothe her. Unconsciously she buried her nose in the pillow that Adam had used and thought back to his abrupt departure. In reality, she had actually been dreading their parting of ways. He had become such a close friend and she had just been wondering how she would say goodbye to him when Mou Zirui had come knocking on the door and informed him of the emergency. Though she had no idea of the emergency, she had read the tension in his face. As he had packed his bags around hurriedly, she had quietly arranged for a speed boat to take him to the shore and contacted President Mou to arrange a car to take him from there.

He had packed his bags within a few minutes and walked out without a backward glance. Just as she had almost started to feel bereft, he had turned back, planted a hard kiss on her lips before ordering her, "Don't be a stranger from now babe." and walked away from her. And now that he had been gone for a few hours, she suddenly felt the world around her was all black and white instead of the vibrant colors she had felt. She convinced herself that she was simply worried for a friend and needed to sleep and she would be fine. But try as she may, every time she closed her eyes, she could only see his smiling face and feel the softness of his thin lips on hers.

Huffing, she determinedly kept her eyes closed as she tried to focus on the upcoming work. Thankfully Ximin will return soon and then she would be able to concentrate on their work. The upcoming cooperation with Mou Hospitality was going to take all her time. Unknowingly, Alice fell asleep hugging the pillow that still had Adams fragrance clinging to it feeling safe and content.

The next morning, she excused herself and requested the couple to leave early. Misunderstanding that Alice was worried about her boyfriend, they did not mind and let her go.

Actually, Alice was worried but not for Adam rather because of him. Since the morning , she had been staring at her phone and cursing Adam in her heart. The bast**d used to send her messages regularly every morning even when she did not reply and now it had not even been a few hours and he was ignoring her.

Just then her conscience seemed to wake up and accuse her, "Yes. it hasn't even been. Few hours and Alice Faye is behaving like a clingy bi***. You know he must be worried about his band mate and even then instead of sending him a message to cheer him up for something , you seem to be expecting him to message you!"

As Alice alighted from the speed boat and walked towards her car, she typed out a few sentences asking him about his and his bandmate's well being. But after re reading the sentence, she felt that it was too stiff so she deleted the contents.. Staring at the empty chat space, Alice thought again and again before finally she sent a question mark. And then felt incredible after stupid. 

And after this she wondered if she should add to her stupidity by asking the question properly or if she should message him saying that she had mistakenly messaged him. 

Fed up with her own dilly dallying, she then drove away intending to put him out of her mind.

Adam woke up fresh and ready to take on the world. Rubbing his eyes, he turned on his phone thinking of finding a meme to send Alice when he noticed a message notification from her. 

Grinning at the gruff question mark ,which was just her style, he replied with an exclamation mark. ?When she had given him such an amazing chance to poke fun at her then he would definitely not let it go. 

Happy at having received a message from her and with his own reply, Adam walked into the washroom and his good mood was ruined when he came face to face with a naked male chest. Walking out Adam called out, "You jacka**! Are you trying to harm my eye sight. And why are you even here in my room! You have your own room for God's sake!

Apollo walked out of the bathroom grinning wildly as he said," But staying in my own room is no fun. And anyways we have to go live soon so this is more convenient."

Muttering something about irritating friends, Adam walked into the bathroom, closing the door with a bang. Just then his phone dinged. Curiously, Apollo went to check the notification when the phone started to ring. Noticing that the caller was someone called, "Babe" and it was a video call Apollo grinned mischievously. There was no one that Adam would call 'babe' other than...his girl!

Sliding the green symbol, Apollo waited for the call connect, and blocked the camera with his head so that he looked upside down in the camera. He could hardly contain his excitement when he thought of seeing the beauty that was probably his sister in law. 

But Apollo was destined to be disappointed because even though Alice had made a video call, she had placed her phone on the table as she continued to work while waiting for the phone to connect. Thus the only thing her camera showed was a black ceiling with a light bulb inside.

It took a few seconds for Alice to realize that her call had connected and she turned her head to question Adam when she noticed the strange face that was now upside down on her screen and a pair of pale shoulders much like Adam's . She guessed that this was his band mate and was about to ask about him when the man shouted, "Hey K! Your babe is calling you. She has already attacked my modesty by seeing my upper body naked. Would you like me to seduce her by showing me lower body too?"

Before Apollo could be attacked by Adam, the phone had been disconnected by Alice who had no interest in seeing someone's lower body....except Adam. Not that she was going to admit it!

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