Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 49 - A Pizza Treat

Zirui felt like her feet were going to kill her as she walked into her apartment. She loved parties that her family there but hated the fact that she needed to wear such killer heels. Thrwing one heeled shoe in one direction and another in the other, Zirui wiggled her toes against the cold floor as she sighed in contentment. This was amazing. Finally the longest torture of her life had come to an end. They had finished the celebration after three days and she could now isolate herself without being pestered for a while. She glanced at the open textbooks that are still lying on the coffee table as she had left them as she walked to her room. She lived independently in a small one besro apartment near her college and like most bachelor pads, her home was a mess. Sigh! She had a test coming up but her heart was no where near studying. She wanted to think about the upcoming date with Samual. a small smile crept onto her face as she thought of Samuel. He was such a gentleman.

With K gone, she had thought that she would feel lost but he had accompanied all day and even offered to drop her home tonight which is how she had been able to escape. Initially she had thought that they had become good friends but then when he had driven her home, he had said that he wanted to date her. 

Her smile turning a little more silly she thought of his serious face as he stopped the car.She had just been about to get off when he caught her wrist gently. Feeling a little shy, she had been wondering what he wanted when he said,"Zi Zi. These days, time seems to have run away from me as I have had the pleasure of getting to known you. There is something that I want to ask you. I hope you will not be offended and if you do not feel the same you can refuse me. I know I am much older that you and I am willing to wait. But Zirui, I really like you and would like to get to know you more. And I want you to know me more as well so that we can be a little more than friends. Will you please do me the honor of dating me. I know you are just eighteen and I will keep that in mind. Please?"

Doing a little jig, she wondered at he reply she had given and was quite satisfied with it. "I have never thought about dating but I don't mind giving you a chance." She just knew that he had been about to kiss her when she ran away from him. He was an older guy with so much knowledge of the world and many beautiful actresses wanting to throw them at him and yet he had looked at her so earnestly and wanted to date her and be patient with her. Of course she was not going to refuse. At the door to her room, she slipped out of her dress and walked in leisurely. 

Her room was decorated in simple tones of rose pink and off white while the cupboards were a white. As her gaze fell on the cupboards, she walked to one and opened it slowly. Inside was her secret world as a Star. From their posters and a few notes that she had stuck to them and the jackets and sweatshirts to the Starlight stick. Looking at K from the entire poster, she cocked her hand on her hip and pouted,"Since you are already taken, I must stop standing in front of you like this so I am going to just put this sweatshirt and shorts on and you must keep your eyes closed. I will naturally not ruin a perfectly good poster. And I wonder if you will remember your promise."

After putting on her clothes, she checked the uber eat app wondering what she must order to eat and could not think of anything when the door bell rang. Frowning at who would be at her door at this time, it was already 10.00 pm and she had not even ordered any food yet.

Huffing, she placed her phone on the table and walked to the door. 

But when the door was opened, Zirui felt her mouth fall open and her heart suddenly started to beat fast making her wonder if she was having a heart attack.

But then what could she except of her heart when she saw the smiling man in front of her. Dressed in a casual black jeans and white t shirt, his hair was slicked back, her dream boy was standing in front of her. Subtly, she tried to pinch herself and then winced in painting Yu Gyeom ask in concern, "Are you alright?"

Nodding her head vigorously she pointed a finger at him and said rather dumbly,"You are Yu Gyeom."

Startled at the statement, Gyeom wondered if this girl was a little slow and nodded hesitatingly,"Yes?"

This caused Zirui to become confused and she said,"Are you asking me if you are Gyeom or are you telling me you are Gyeom?"

The confused look on her face made Gyeom feel eve ore confused and he shook his head a bit as he said,"I am Yu Gyeom and you must be Miss Mou. Nice to meet you, Miss. K asked me to deliver this to you."

The way this girl was looking at him made him feel very uncomfortable and all he could do was want to escape. Thus he almost shoved the small box that K had given him into her arms intending to run away.

" I am ordering a Pepperoni Pizza. Would you like to join me. It is boring to eat pizza alone. And I would like to thank you for delivering this to me also. I never expected that he would send the album so soon."

Just then Zirui remembered that Gyeom had been embroiled in a scandal last night and she asked,"Are you alright? And your friend that was attacked? K was really worried for you when I informed him."

Suddenly Gyeom's eyes widened as a thought struck him,"Are you K's girlfriend?"

This girl was rather cute Gyeom thought if you discounted the fact that she was a bit ditzy. Giggling, she said,"No. I am not. Though if you thought so then that means that I at least have the potential to be with someone like him. But K's girlfriend is out of my league. So? You wanna join in for the pizza?"

At the thought of Pizza, Gyeom's stomach growled and the torture they had to endure during the day at that meeting had been enough to ruin his appetite even though it had been a success and the scary person had been I'm their team! As another idea occurred to him, this girl was not K's girlfriend but she definitely knew her and he wanted to know his sister in law so...

A favourite pizza, important information and a cute girl who must be trust worthy since K had sent him here...was not a loss of the evening. With a big smile, he said,"I would love to have pizza with you. Thank you."

As Zirui turned back he mouth opened in a small silent scream and she rushed to her phone and quickly ordered two large pizzas. However, just as she turned around, she noticed that he was staring at her legs. Feeling shy, a little redness creeped onto her cheeks. But as she looked down in shyness, her face turned pale. Because he was not staring at her legs but at the small pile of papers and chocolate wrappers that she had thrown when she was studying the last time..Pushing away the waste under the table, Zirui gave a thin smile and said,"Please don't mind the mess. I was away for a while and have just returned.."

Feeling like an a** for embarrassing a cute girl, Gyeom grinned and assured,"Don't worry. This is nothing. If you ever have to come to our dorm on the days when no one comes to clean, chances are you won't be able to breathe. I.M and Apollo are experts in the field of spreading messes. So, you are a star and you met K and his girlfriend on the ship?"

Nodding, Zirui spoke excitedly but much to the disappointment of Gyeom, she refused to divulge any details or hints of K's girlfriend's identity. Soon the pizza was there and the two people started to discuss music and their common interests before parting where Gyeom promised Zirui to treat her to a meal in the future.. And once Gyeom was gone, Zirui who was on a high at having become friends with two of her idols, simply fell back on the bed and fell asleep, not seeing many of the cheesy messages sent by Samual Faye.

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