Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 50 - A Night So Long

"Hey! You need to go home. Why are you still in the office?"

Alice who had just picked up her phone to go home, stared at the message with a frown. How did he guess that she was not home but in the office? And why was he concerned about her being still in office. She had to work to make a living! Rolling her eyes and picking up her purse, she walked out of the office as she typed back, "You are mistaken. I am at home."

"Miss Faye? Your pants are on fire."

"Mr. Perry? How dare you call me a liar?"

As the elevator doors closed, Alice who had a big smile on her face as she had been busy messaging failed to notice that she had totally stunned the staff with her smiling face and left them wondering if they had started to hallucinate.

"Did I? Well if the pants fit..."

"Ha! The saying is not about pants but about shoes."

"Whatever you say, babe. So when are you going home?"

"I told you I am home. Why won't you believe me?"

"Look up, babe!"

With a frown, Alice who had just stepped out of the elevator, looked up and right there in front of her stood Adam. A small "oh" sound slipped from her mouth and her face turned a little red at the fact that she had been caught lying. But the best form of defense was offence so, "What are you doing here?" 

And looking so handsome at that. Dressed in all black, Adam was leaning against her polar white car which seemed to have been custom made to simply highlight his looks.

And when he smiled it made her feel as if her insides were melting. But naturally she ignored all this and maintained her neutral expression as she questioned him.

"Babe. I did offer to sleep with you if you helped us with the contract, did I not? And since you accepted the offer, I have come here to offer myself. So where should we sleep? Your place or mine?"

Alice felt her eyes widen like saucers at Adam's brazenness and before she could even come up with a reply, he added, "But let me tell you that my place might be a little uncomfortable because I live in a dormitory style house with the guys. And you know there might be some shyness."

Shameless! Utterly shameless this guy was. But she was also determined to get the best of him so she added bitingly," Why do you think I would feel shy in your dorm?"

But to her horror, pat came the reply, "Not you babe! The guys will feel shy."

Dam* it! She could never win over this guy!

Clenching her teeth, she bit out, "Get in the car! How did you even get here? I will have to fire the security for being lax!"

Walking tot he driver side of the car, she muttered about the security measures but grew even more alarmed when he said, "Oh! I came with the group but never went back. So your see, your security is not much at fault."

"Are you telling me that you have been waiting here since the meeting ended?"

"Hmm. So do you appreciate my dedication?"

"Ha! More like desperation!"

Throwing her purse on the backseat, Alice turned her head away as she waited for Adam to sit in. But in reality, she was feeling touched. A warmth seemed to spread around in her insides, making her feel specially sweet.

As she drove out of the car park, she instinctively drove towards her home and tried to think of something to talk about.

"So are you going to seriously tell me why you are here or do I have to seriously torture you for it?"

"Hehe. I am here because we are leaving in a few days to shoot out mv's and then will have no time to see you. And we separated too abruptly that night. So we must part with a proper meal and goodbye."

She was feeling more and more touched, she felt. "That's fair. So what do you want to have tonight? And where should I drive to?"

"You want me to choose?"

"Yeah? So tell me."

"Then take me home baby. I want to do some drinking and not worry about being seen so that should be safe, right? I'll spend the night at your place?"

Somehow, Alice who was very possessive over her space and privacy found her self unable to object.

Inside her home, she guided Adam to sit while excusing herself to go and change. Sitting on the couch, Adam looked around and a yearning to live in this space came over him. To him, Alice was his home and her space was the most comfortable to him and when Alice came over dressed in the clothes that he had lent her, a feeling of rightness swept over him.

"So, what do you want to eat?

"You have Ramyeon?"

"You want to eat Ramyeon?

" Hmm."

"Fine, I'll make some."

Taking a big utensil, Alice filled it water and covered it with a lid, leaving it to boil. 

Just as she turned back to get some vegetables, she slammed into Adam who stood behind her.

Rubbing her nose, she glared at him," Can to take some noise when you walk? It is creepy!"

Grinning, Adam nodded easily, "Next time I will stomp in like an elephant. For now, put me to work."

"Well you can set the table and then fry eggs. I'll chop the vegetables."

The two people worked in harmony as they had in the past but only one person remembered and felt his heart ache as he thought of the past. At that time also, she had given him the same duty!

A few minutes later, Alice carried two bowls of noodles to the table and was amazed to see that the man had even added some candles to it. She didn't even know that she owned candles and he had found them!"

As she sat down, a plate of fried eggs was placed in front of her and she looked down in amazement at the fact that he had made them in the shape of a heart. Giggling, she said," Am I supposed to wait this? Because if I do, you might just accuse me of being a vampire for eating your heart!"

"You are right, but I do want you to eat my heart."

And then, soft music started to play in the background...

Alice who was about to slurp on some noodles, looked up in question to which Adam replied softly," Candle light needs music."

Nodding, Alice concentrated on eating her own food while Adam wolfed down his in peace, the soft voice of Adele crooned in the background. As Alice finished her food, she was about to look up and tease Adam that he had not added even one of his own songs on the playlist when he extended his hand to her, asking her to a dance.

Immersed in the mood he had created, she placed her hand in his and was soon ensconced in his arms as their feet simply shuffled to music and their eyes held each other's. 



"Do you know what I want most in this moment?"


Alice could feel his gaze searing hers and her heart fluttered restlessly, wanting, she did not know what. She did not know what he wanted the most but she knew what she wanted the most in this moment. She wanted to be close to him. So close that there would be no space between them. When he did not tell her immediately, her fingers on his shoulders tightened a bit and she asked, " What is it that you want, Adam?"

Adam slowly leaned his down his head, nuzzling his nose against her neck and whispered back," I want this night to never end so that I can hold you like this...forever."

A surge of pleasure rose in her heart but it was soon overwhelmed by fear. Forever was a long time. A really long time. 

As the song came to an end, Alice too came out of her dream world and stopped. Feeling confused, she stepped back a bit and looked away shyly. " I need to clear the table. Would you like some coffee?"

A bit satisfied and a bit frustrated at the progress they had made, Adam followed Alice with the plates that she had wanted to clear but ran empty handed into the kitchen. Seeing her staring down at the sink, Adam walked behind her and turned on the water tap, placing the plates under it. Startled, Alice tried to get away from him but he shushed her saying," Let's not say anything for now. I'll wash these." 

And that is how the two people then spent the time, doing small chores, followed by Alice reading her files and Adam writing his lyrics, side by side until they fell asleep.

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