Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 52 - Grandmother Ye's Thoughts

Lady Faye Ye watched her grandson leave her home and gestured for the butler to clear the tea in front of her. Picking up her walking stick, she slowly walked back to her room, her thoughts faraway. She knew Samual was not satisfied with their family. He never said anything directly but he wanted her-his grandmother to take his side. And yet she could not blame him for it! If only her husband had listened to her before he passed away. When he had fallen sick and discovered the betrayal that James had committed, he had transferred all his shares to Alice. When she had tried to convince him to leave some for their son, he had refused not believing that their son deserved it. And thus forty percent shares had been handed over to Alice. Finally, she had let it go, hoping that with time her husband would calm down and she would be able to convince him to be fair to their other grandchild also. But she could not have imagined that she would never have the time as he had passed away soon after. 

When his will had been announced, the already fractured relationship between the daughter and father had proceeded to totally be severed. James had been left with a mere three percent shares while Samual with two percent leaving James a laughing stock in the company. And yet, her foolish son could have retreated in this, taking pride in his daughter but instead he had chosen to consider Alice his enemy.. Lady Faye firmly believed that it was her own son who was responsible for making their granddaughter hate them. She thought of the remaining eleven percent shares that were held in her name. Neither of the grandchildren knew of this and had no idea that the second largest share holder in their company was her. She had hoped to leave this to Samual who had shown his own capabilities by establishing his own business in such a short time with the small investment that she had given him. But she knew that Samual was not interested in their family business and only wanted to establish a relationship with their family. Maybe she could use these shares to force Alice.

Picking up her phone, Lady Ye dialed a number that was on her speed dial. The phone was answered on the second ring and a cheerful voice answered, "Grandmother Ye. How are you doing?"

Smiling, she asked in a soft voice," I am doing very well, Miss Ximin. It has been a while I have heard your cheery voice. Would my granddaughter have some time to speak with this old woman?"

A hesitant pause made Grandma Ye aware that Ximin already had instructions to not transfer her calls. This made her incredibly sad and angry at the same time. Her granddaughter was too stubborn!

Before she could burst out, however to her amusement, Ximin said," Grandma, CEO Faye was in a meeting but they have just taken a break. Please give me a moment and I will transfer your call."

The next moment, a frigid voice came onto the phone, "Hello?"

Even the sweet girl's voice had changed! But Lady Ye knew how to handle her granddaughter," I thought you were ignoring me."

A pause. "Grandma. I was just busy in the past. Please forgive me for being unfilial." 

"You have changed Alice. If I had made such a complaint in the past, you would have sassily replied about blocking my number and teased me. Why are you being so formal with your grandmother?"

Another pause. "Grandmother, in the past I was your only pampered and loved grandchild. You now have another grandchild also to dote on. Naturally, I must not tease you much."

"Alice. Another grandchild will never take your place."

"Really, grandmother? Does Samual enjoy Jasmine tea? The one where you promised to share only with me. Your words and actions don't match grandmother."

"Child." Lady Ye wanted to scold Alice for being petty but she could not. The child was just asking for attention and love! 

"Alice. Can you not at least visit grandmother? I am an old lonely woman."

"Grandmother. I am a bit busy with work. I will come visit you when the workload is a bit less."

"Alice. I heard you are dating now. Won't you introduce me to the man?"

"You are well informed for an old and lonely woman grandma. If the time comes when I am in a serious relationship, I will definitely introduce you. And now, I am a little busy so I will have to bid you goodbye."

"Alice!" Suddenly the frail and tired voice of the old woman held a hint of steel. My seventy fifth birthday is coming in a few days. I want to see my grand daughter there along with her partner. Ask Ximin to arrange it. And before you refuse, hear me out. I heard your father and Samual are trying to gather the company's shares to oust you. I have something that can help them as well as help you. Whether you come or not will decide the fate of who is lucky. I will see you next weekend. Goodbye."

Grandma Ye put the phone down with a huff! If her grand daughter was stubborn, then she was way more stubborn. She was the one who had helped her husband establish the Faye Group with her own blood and sweat. She could easily handle an errant granddaughter. 

Alice looked down at her phone in anger and suddenly everything clicked into place. So Samual had been really busy it seems! He had been busy buttering up her grandmother. But his sources seemed to be more capable that hers if he had known that their grandmother held some power. Even she had been unable to discover the mysterious owner of the eleven percent shares which would help her in keeping the company under her control with her forty percent.. Her grandmother was really too much! Picking up the internal phone, Alice ordered," Clear my schedule for the next weekend."

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