Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 53 - Mood: Contemplative

Because of Ximin's absence, various projects had been backlogged as Alice's schedule had gotten fuller and fuller. As a result, Alice had been extremely busy in the last week after parting ways with Adam. Consequently, she had been buried in paperwork with no time to talk to anyone. Adam had sent her messages with his memes and some pictures of the locations they were shooting at but she had barely glanced at them. 

But now, as she disconnected her grandma's call, she could only open her phone and smile as she saw the many funny and small things he kept sending her. It was good to have a friend after so long. Someone who did not expect anything from her. Not even a reply to his messages. It had been so long since she had spoken to the old woman and today when she had heard her voice, she had realized that somehow, during the time she had been avoiding her grandmother, her voice had become even more frail. This too could be credited to Adam. Last week, when they had spent the night together talking about things, she had heard the sadness in his voice when he talked about his own grandmother. And this had made her wonder about her own. She had once shared a good relationship with both her paternal and maternal grandparents. But with the death of her mother and then her father's betrayal, she had slowly cut herself off from them all. She had last visited her grandmother on the funeral day of her grandfather while her maternal grandparents had been so hurt by their only son in law's betrayal, they had moved away from the country abandoning her here. When her grandfather had left her his shares and control of the Faye Group she had felt that maybe she still shared a connection with Grandma Ye as they still chose her over their own son. But in the end, she had heard Grandma Ye lament the fact that she had wanted the shares to be given to Samual and the only reason her husband had given them to her was to pay off the debt that their mother had left on their shoulders. From that day onward, Alice had stopped looking for human connections and focused her energy on business. Because it was the best thing suited to her cold self.

Just then she received another photograph from Adam. A small smile played on her thin lips making the melancholy from a moment ago disappear as she saw the photo of a moon against the black sky. Apparently they were on some island and he had clicked the picture of the beautiful moon and sent her with the caption," Wanted to share the moon's beauty with my friend." Unable to stop herself, she replied, "It really is a beautiful moon."

And the man who was somehow always online when she was immediately replied," You came up for air?" with a shocked meme face of his own! He had known her for such a short while and yet he already knew that she was a workaholic. And his memes were so exaggerated! In this one he was actually widening his eyes and his ears also seemed to be moving. This was so cute! Putting her down on the desk, she clicked her own picture and sent it to him, captioning, "Jumping back in! Needed to clear my head!"

"Work hard! Take care of yourself harder!"

Shaking her head, Alice placed down her phone and then using the internal line, made a call,"Ximin, come here, please."

Within a minute, a knock sounded on the door and Ximin entered the cabin. Gesturing for her to sit, Alice took a moment to organize her thoughts before she said," We have been investigating in the wrong direction Ximin. Until now we were looking for people who could be potential investors for Samual who would invest for a profit.. But we have forgotten to look for people who would not need profits."

Ximin frowned at this, not understanding what Alice was trying to say," What do you mean?"

"I have lived under the same roof as Samual for two years and yet, I have not been able to understand him well. I assumed that my father was supporting his son in order to groom him. But I forgot that other than my father and his present wife, Samual has another blood relative who might be able to help him. My grandmother. It seems I have still continued to foolishly believe that she is my grandmother alone. In the past few years, Samual has succeeded in bringing Grandma Ye to his side."

This news really came as a shocker to Ximin. She had naturally known that Samual was in touch with Lady Ye. They had after all kept an eye on him in the past. But the man had at most met with the old woman once a month. She too found it difficult to believe that the older woman would side with a new grandson instead of the girl she had actively participated in raising. Ximin felt it would really be a pity if Alice lost this family as well.

Thus, she asked hesitantly, " So, do you want me to investigate Lady Ye and her movements."

Alice had actually thought about this for a while. But in her heart, she had already realized that it would make no difference to her if it was indeed Lady Ye who was helping Samual in plotting against her. But she would rather not get a confirmation and believe that the only person she considered family was just being used by Samual as a chess piece.

Shaking her head, she said," There is no need. For now, I have been summoned to the old lady's residence for her birthday. I will have a heart to heart with her there. But until then, increase the vigilance on Samual. You said he has recently starting wooing a girl? Who is she?"

Ximin nodded agreeably," I will be doing that. The girl he is seeing is too young actually. Makes you worry. Her name is Mou Zirui."

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