Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 59 - A Drunken Night

Half carrying- half dragging, Gyeom took the dazed Zirui to a room that he had booked earlier. Knocking hard once, he waited for the door to be opened. However, when the door opened, the person was shocked and felt his mouth fall open. "Gyeom! Why did you bring a girl here with you?"

Hearing I.M.'s accusatory tone, Gyeom rolled his eyes as he said," Just because I had a scandal with a girl does not mean that I have suddenly become obsessed with bringing girls to our rooms! Someone else invited her here."

Before Gyeom could say more, Zirui had widened her previously closed eyes and pushed him away directly throwing herself at her bias. Out of instinct, I.M. caught the girl and tried to keep a safe distance, but Zirui could not care and poked at I.M.'s cheeks and said,"You are I.M.! Where have you hidden your dimples?"

Confused and feeling vexed at being poked at, I.M stepped back in horror as if looking at an alien being and then gritted out, "Hey! This was supposed to be our night of drinking and taking a break! Who asked you to bring this little girl?" I.M turned around to question Apollo and Felix who were also staring at the drunken girl with wide eyes. The two people shook their heads in unison! They would not have dared to act rashly! It had taken them months to recover from that useless false scandal and now if they got stuck in a real scandal, Phillippe would probably kill them! 

When both the other people refused to take blame, I.M then turned back to Gyeom as if blaming him for lying. But Gyeom raised his hands in a gesture of giving up and said," Ask K, da** it! He was the one who asked me to bring her here! I even had to fight off her boyfriend! I think she may be his girlfriend! She is a nice girl! Even treated me to a pizza when I went to deliver the stuff that he gave me! But she said that she is not. I think she wanted to make K jealous so she was going to say yes to the other guy! Anyway, when that guy was taking her away, she created a huge ruckus and startled K! He made me go down and get into the elevator and bring her here! Why do I have a feeling that K is out to punish me. And why is he not here yet?"

Once again a knock sounded on the door, in their same way of the signal. I.M opened the door to confront K, when he was even more shocked when the person walked inside. Chairwoman Faye?! Unconsciously all four men straightened their spines, sitting up in attention at the sudden entrance of a hunter! What was this woman doing here? And... she was even dressed in a somewhat familiar track suit... Following the chairwoman was their mate, K. In sync, the people first turned their heads to look at Chairwoman Faye who had rushed to the girl's side and then K who was now leaning against the closed door. I.M and Gyeom who had flattened them selves against the wall, slowly inched their way to the couch, careful not to make a noise lest something happened. They had been quite shocked by Chairwoman Alice previously. The woman in a single word... was scary! And now she was here suddenly in their room. They could only hope to get out of this alive.

Alice paid no mind to the other people in the room and immediately started to check Zirui who had been standing in the middle of the room, swaying like a tree. After checking her eyes and temperature, she calmed down a bit, realizing that Samual had at least not drugged her. Just then Zirui had finally lost all her strength and started to fall. Catching her, Alice Faye looked around and gently guided Zirui to the bedroom on the right. As soon as the door of the bedroom closed, the pair of other four eyes turned to K who was still staring at the closed door. 

Apollo was the first one to break his silence, as he asked in a whisper shout," Psst! Hey! K! What is going on?" I.M nodded and pointed at Apollo saying, "Yeah! What he said! What is going on? Why is Chairwoman Faye here?"

But Felix was the one who asked the most important question that the other's had yet to realize," Why is Chairwoman Alice here and wearing your tracksuit?" This question caused the other men in the room feel their mouths had fallen open. Before they could have recovered, however they had another shock. the great ice queen that everyone feared, came out of the bedroom and ran straight into the arms of their K."

Apollo: "o"

Felix: "o"

I.M.: "o"

Gyeom: *closed his eyes*

But did not close his ears as everyone heard the soft voice that they could not have imagined would come from Chairwoman Faye as she sobbed," Adam! Thank you! Thank you for rescuing her! I was so scared when I realized that Zirui could have fallen prey to that bas**** but when you called me and told me that you would rescue her...I cannot tell you how I thankful I am to you!"

K glared at his bandmates who were staring at them shamelessly while softly patting Alice's back, comforting her. When the shameless people refused to take the hint and leave the room, he slowly turned his back so that his Alice would be hidden by his body.

Felix, I.M, Apollo and Gyeom could only stare after having been served with junk food unexpectedly. Finally, Felix stood up and stared longingly at the bottles of beers and wines that they had gathered for tonight and the snacks that they had planned to wolf on and then stood up with a snap. Gathering all the bottles, he coughed lightly," We will be going upstairs now."

The cough made Alice aware of her surroundings and she pushed herself away Adam with a jerk. Letting her hair fall in front, she took a moment to compose herself and then looked up at the other people."Thanks to you all, I was able to reach Zirui on time. Thank you all so much! I am sorry for ruining your night. Please don't leave. In a few moments, my people would have chased away Samual and then I will take Zirui from here. Please excuse me until then."

With that, Alice started to walk away from Adam but Adam caught her wrist in his hand and stopped her. Getting close to her, he held her face in his hands and made her look into his eyes,"Are you alright?"

Alice looked into Adam's earnest gaze and unconsciously a few tears escaped her eyes even as she nodded,"Yes. I am fine. Thank you."

Staring into each other's eyes the two people once again lost track of the world, until Alice's phone started to ring. Answering the call, she then announced,"Ximin is here and Samual has already left. Thank you so much Adam." With that Alice leaned forward and placed a small peck on Adam's cheek before hurrying back into the room followed by Adam who now came out carrying Zirui followed by Alice. "I will drop her and be back."

Everyone else could only nod as they watched the receding backs of the two people. It was only as the two people left that Apollo dared to breathe and ask,"Uhh? Was what just happened reality or did we already drink too much and share the same hallucination?"

I.M.: "I always thought that K liked to play with fire. Guess I was wrong. He likes to play with ice."

Felix:"No wonder he was confident of getting the contract! And he even told us that he would sleep with the CEO if needed! Ha! More like he wanted that to happen! The perv!"

Only Gyeom was the one who was deep in despair as he held a hand to his own cheek and grumbled,"I was the one who did all the rescuing. I deserved that kiss."

As he completed this sentence, the other three men watched in amusement as Gyeom was caught by the back of his collar and started at by K who asked,"Who do you want to kiss you? I was the one who asked you to rescue her, did I not? So I should kiss you to thank you.Come give me your cheek."

Gyeom:"aaaaaa... I am sorry! I am sure big brother. Don't be angry at your small brother. I was only envious of you for having such a pretty sister in law. Let's drink to you and sister in law having a long and healthy relationship!"

And soon, all the men were drinking unceremoniously while they tried to coax the entire story from K.

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