Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 60 - Frustrated

Eight Months Later

Adam clenched the fork and knife tightly in his hands as he ate the steak in front of him. It tasted like dust! He looked up and saw Apollo wolfing down happily and glared at the man. The glare caused Apollo to look up and complain, "Hey! Do you want me to get indigestion? Why are you glaring at me like that?"

Adam wondered why he never realized that Apollo had such a horrible voice! It grated on his ears! Who made Apollo a singer? They must be tone deaf. Pointing with a knife, first at the steak and then Apollo, Adam accused," You said this place had good food? Just what good is this?"

Apollo looked down at his own steak which was just amazing and almost finished and then the similar one in Adam's plate which was barely touched. Maybe something was wrong with his steak? Pulling Adam's plate to him, Apollo took a bite and as the flavors burst on his tongue, he could not help but ask, "Well, it does taste perfect K! Are you alright? Are you so tired that you have lost your sense of taste. Have you caught a cold." Taking hold of the man's jaw, Apollo placed a finger under one eye then the other before continuing," You look haggard! This tour has been tough on you! Don't worry! The tour is coming to an end and then we can take a small break."

They had been on a world tour for the last eight months with touring more than twelve countries and performing endlessly to promote their latest album. They were used to going on tours by now but the fact was that by the end of the tour, the physical and mental pressure exhausted them having next to no time to even breathe. From fan sign events and meeting to performing to exhausting rehearsals to keep in sync, they had to pay the most attention to their health and body to keep up with their schedules. 

Apollo had long noticed K's terrible state and been worried about him. All of them in fact had seen it! K had been lean to begin with but now his bones were even more visible. His face was also paler these days and Felix knew for a fact that he was having trouble writing new lyrics. They had worked together to help cover up for him but now even their Stars had started to worry. His sullenness and aggression was getting more and more visible on stage. He knew that fans were even now swooning over this *new* K but he knew that if this kept on long, then soon they would have a major row. Because... this K was getting more and more angry and when a kid could no longer hold onto their anger, it would burst out soon when they least expected it. They could only hope that they would be able to handle it and not end up causing more troubles.

Pushing away Apollo's hand, K threw his cutlery onto the table and stood up, "Since you like it so much, you can have it! I have no mood to eat garbage."

"Yes, you don't. But so do we, K. What ever is going on in that head of yours, you better get yourself together. This weekend is out last concert and let me tell you, if you do not get a handle on your emotions, then we will handle them for you."

This quiet threat made K pause as he placed his hands on the table and glared down at Apollo, "What are you trying to say, Apollo?"

But instead of being intimidated, Apollo leaned back in his chair and leisurely placed a small piece of steak in his mouth, chewing slowly as he watched K stare at him with narrowed eyes. Gulping down the meat, he then answered in a low voice," Exactly what you are thinking. Just because we haven't said anything does not mean we are blind. Do you think we cannot see that you are pining for Alice Faye? Your emotions have been all over the place over the last two months. I know for a fact that the two of you have lost touch! K, you know it is not easy for us to maintain a long distance relationship. And you and Alice Faye were only friends. All of us know that you are serious for her. But we also know that she was only considering you her friend at most. Look, we know that you want her to pursue her and you have been patient for all this while, then what has changed now? K? We are your brothers. You can talk to us. You know that."

Seeing the plea to understand in Apollo's eyes, Adam slowly realized that he had indeed been hurting his friends also. Nodding, he said," I know that." and walked out of the restaurant, into the rain. Even as the cold rain seeped through his clothes, it made no difference to the numbness in him. He thought back to Apollo's words and yet he realized that he felt nothing. A chasm of blackness seemed to have settled inside him. 

When they had first set out on this tour, he had been the happiest man. Everything had been going great even when he and Alice had not met. Because at least they had been in touch. Even if she only occasionally. replied to his messages, she used to check them regularly. In the initial month, even though Alice had barely replied with a message or an emoticon but at least she had. However, even that had stopped to where she would not even check his messages. Slowly, he too had stopped sharing the little things from his day to sending a meme hoping against hope that she would miss him and reply to his messages. But that too had failed until she had not even seen his messages. It had been a month since he had neither sent a message to her and two hundred days since she had last seen his message. 

As he walked the streets aimlessly, Apollo's words seemed to echo in his ears. He watched as a group of friends pushing and punching each other as they raced towards the bus. He watched a pair of lovers sitting by the window of a coffee shop talking and laughing with each other. The tears from his eyes mixed with the rain drops as he realized that he had missed the treasure while chasing the rainbow. His unexpected meeting with Alice had shaken him more than he had thought and his focus had been ruined since the last few months. He really did need to get himself together and focus on the task at hand. 

And the task of wooing...Alice, it seemed he would have to wait and make more preparations. Having organized his thoughts, Adam then made his way back to the hotel. He owed some people an apology... and a punch! Apollo, the bas**** always knew how to get to him!

In The Hotel Room:

The four men gathered in the room as they watched the video of their latest performance. But even as their music echoed in the room, their mind was not on the television but on the discussion they were having as Felix asked, "What do you think Apollo? Is he going to freak out on us or what?"

Apollo pushed back his own messy hair as he continued," I have no idea. But I have tried my best. If this does not work, we might have to kidnap him and teach him a lesson."

Gyeom stared at the television as the camera panned on K and the way the man was moving, his aggression and anger were too clear to the camera. Closing his eyes, he said," I did a live broadcast today. Stars are already asking about Adam's mental health."

I.M simply rubbed his head and continued," We only need to stay in control till the end of this tour. Then we can confront him together."

"But there is a bigger problem that that. You know we have a tradition of celebrating birthdays with videos and live broadcasts! It is going to be K's birthday soon and I am worried that in the mood he is, if we celebrate, he might just upend the cake on our heads." Everyone could not help but imagine having a cake on their head after hearing Felix's words.

Just then the door to the room opened and all four sets of eyes turned to look in that direction. Adam felt their worried gazes follow him as he walked into the room and looked at them with sober eyes. Walking to Apollo, he grabbed the man by the collar and muttered, "Next time, don't threaten me."

Apollo nodded his head as if there was a spring in his neck and then watched with wide eyes as K stepped back and kneeled before them," I am sorry for making you suffer and worry for me. I promise to get a handle on myself soon. And thank you for being so amazing and supporting me so well."

It had not been easy for K to humble himself and apologize even though he knew it had been his fault. When he heard no sound from the men in the room, he wondered if he had been too late in realizing his mistake and looked up carefully. Everyone in the room seemed too stunned. It was only Felix who questioned," We will forgive you and even let you be sad sometimes if you answer this question, which is the famous rock group of four men that don't sing?"

Adam threw a grateful look towards Felix as he gave a shaky grin and answered," Mount Rushmore?"

Next minute, Adam had been pushed down in a plain maneuver so that he was buried under a mass of males who were punching him and welcoming him back while laughing loudly.

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