Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 6 - Who Is She?

Just as K's smile widened as he noticed the cool beauty turn her head away. It seems she was still the same arrogant, snotty little princess. But a sudden thought bothered him. Did she not recognize him? He sipped another sip as the marketing director walked to him. Casually leaning against the bar, he asked the director, "Phillip? Who is that beauty?"

Phillip, who had been about to say something felt his mouth drop as he widened his eyes to look at the man. It was a known fact that among all the boys in the band, K was the only one who was focused on his work only and had never even glanced at another woman. Sometimes Phillip had even wondered if the man was gay... Phillip closed his mouth with a snap before teasing K," I thought that you were gay! Since when were you interested in women?"

Saying so, he turned his head to follow K's gaze and when caught the sight of the figure, his artist was staring at, winced in horror. Whipping his head back, he groaned," K! It would have been much better of you were gay! Please tell me you are only asking about that person out of ideal curiosity and you are not interested in her! Heck! Even if you are interested in her, I suggest you change your interest or even better change your sexual orientation!"

The extreme reaction made K look at the man carefully. His eyebrows touched his hairline as he raised them in hilarity. Phillipe knew the man was laughing at him and rolled his eyes before commenting," You can laugh all you want but let me tell you, the woman you are eyeing is so out of your league that it is not even laughable."

This remark caused the amusement to vanish from K's face as a challenging look flashed across his eyes. This look made Phillipe wince as he tried to backtrack, "K, I am not looking down on you so there is no need for you to give me that look. Look, you have a great IQ so I am sure you will understand what I have to say. That woman is called Alice Faye. She is the CEO of Faye Group. That is the biggest group that owns the chain of supermarkets. But that is not her only qualification. The woman is called many names in the business world but the politest of them is Ice Queen. Up until a year ago, she was comparatively unknown, her only identity being the young heiress and society miss of Faye group who had few friends. But who would have thought that behind the distant little introvert miss was an ambitious shark. She started her own chain of cafes at eighteen under an alias to gain experience and connections. You must have heard of the cafes that she runs. Take a guess."

K who had been listening to this summary as he continued to stare at the girl took a guess. " Mad Hatter's Tea Party."

Phillipe felt his jaw drop in awe. No wonder this man had a great IQ! He could not help but ask," How did you guess?"

K knew that he had guessed correctly but he simply smiled, "Who hasn't read about Alice In Wonderland?" and then gestured for Phillipe to continue, who did because there was nothing more he loved than gossiping. "Anyway, then the cafes were expanded into Lounges and then High Class Hotels. At present she is the most powerful and the youngest businesswoman in the country. But what earned her the title of the ice queen was that the woman threw out her own father from Faye Group when she inherited the shares of that company. And then threw every employee who was loyal to her father out of the company regardless of the number of years they had served. And when someone tried to protest this, she threw them out too. After that no one dared to say a word against her. She is even more fiercer to her competitors. If she has set her sight on something and she is unable to get it, then the chances are that she is going to destroy it."

Phillipe said everything he knew about Alice Faye, hoping to discourage the man but instead he saw the increasing interest in the man's eyes and for the first time felt really scared. When he saw that K ignored everything and was about to take a step forward when Phillipe blocked his way," K? What are you doing? Aren't you bored already? You wanted to go to the Rocky mountains didn't you? I'll book you a flight for tomorrow morning. Let's schmooze a bit with a few people and then we can eat some good food before going home. It's going to be new year's soon anyway. As soon as the fireworks.."

This too was ignored as Phillippe watched in alarm as K started to walk towards his death. Like a heroine from some medieval novel, he raced and stood in front of K to block his path even as he tried to keep his image. Irritated with Phillipe, K turned a frowning gaze to the man and almost growled, "What are you doing?"

The voice sent a shiver of fright in Phillipe as he heard the dangerous quality. This look was like the same as the time when they had first debuted and K had vowed to take over the world with their music. Phillipe gulped and tried to stand his ground as he reminded himself that K was his artist and not some murderer and had come here to appease him. His safety was up to him.. Placing a hand on the man's arm, he tried to get a word in, "K! Don't be silly! That woman is really dangerous! She is so beautiful but no young sensible man has dared to approach her.. Can you not guess why? If she would not spare her father any dignity, what do you think she will do to other male species. Do you know the prime minister's son? Well he thought that he could handle Alice Faye and approached her. He even had a bet with his friends that he could woo her. And he did succeed in getting her on a date. But after that he went missing! And no one knows his whereabouts! So, think before you act K!"

But sadly, Phillipe's warnings fell over deaf ears.

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