Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 7 - A New Year's Kiss..Again!

As Alice walked away with disgust written over her face, she missed the smirk on the face of her dear brother Samuel. Shaking his head with an evil smile on his face, he finished off his own drink and then walked towards the balcony to watch the show! He had actually arranged a few escorts for his sister and planned to give her the drugs a little later in the night. But seeing her disgusting face and smile made him impatient. More than seeing her ruined by escorts, he wanted her to become desperate right here and rub herself like a common who**! Because that is what she was! Nothing but a c**t!

Alice had hardly taken a few steps when her path was blocked again. Just as she was about to snap at the person who had the gall to come in her way, her eyes met the electric grey ones...They were even more arresting up close. Forgetting her irritation, she lost herself in the gaze of the eyes.. They were like deep dark pools that would suck you into them.

K stared into the violet gaze of the beautiful woman, trying to judge if she showed any signs of recognition! But he was disappointed to see that there were none. For a few moments, he doubted himself that if the girl he had known for that short period of time was the same or he had a case of mistaken identity? But this cold woman shared the same name and gaze as the naïve teenage girl he knew...She was even looking at him the same way she used to. That is when another thought struck him. Maybe she did not remember him? This thought made K almost wince as he realized that this could really be the case! He may be a superstar but he was not such a narcissist that he felt every woman should remember him. Even though his sense of self took a hit at the continued lack of recognition, he gave a charming smile and extended his hand," Miss Faye? May I have the pleasure of this dance?"

The deep baritone voice jarred Alice from her trance, the honeyed tones of the man strangely soothing her frayed nerves. Before she could however refuse the dance, the man had taken a hold of her wrist.

The first touch sent a shiver through the both of them, making each of them stare in wonder. Just as K slowly let his fingers curl around her small hand, the lights dimmed and the orchestra started to play a slow song. Ever so slowly, K placed his hand on the side of her waist, just where her dress ended, respectfully avoiding her bare skin. Even though he itched to caress the soft skin he knew his boundaries and simply enjoyed the pleasure of holding the beautiful woman in his arms.

The only thought that was going in Alice Faye's head was that she had definitely lost her senses. This man really was a pied piper who has hypnotized her. She confirmed this when her hand moved off it's own accord and landed on his shoulder. 'The man looked lean but the shoulder under her hand was strong.' was the second abrupt and inane thought in her head.

The couple moved along to the slow rhythm of the dance as K being a professional dancer, guided the woman in his arms beautifully. As the song came to an end, Alice had gathered her senses and was already preparing to say a small thank you and walk away.

K saw the moment that he was about to be brushed off and was ready to be brushed off when he noticed a woman frantically staring at them. Raising his brows, he wondered if the woman was a crazy fan of his but then he noticed that she was trying to catch Alice's attention. Slowly he bent down and brought his lips to her beautiful and delicate ears causing Alice to stiffen. Just then the emcee started the countdown for the new year and the slow ballad " Need you" started to play softly.

Alice had been about to thank the man politely for the dance as she had noticed that he had not tried to take advantage of her during the dance. But she felt extremely disappointed when the man tried to press closer. Now she would have to cut him to size. But before she could snap ay him, she heard him whisper, "Alice, there is a woman behind you who is trying to gain your attention.." That said he turned around slowly so that Alice would be able to see the person over his shoulders while they continued to dance.

Alice stiffened in his arms and looked over the man's shoulders, seeing her Assistant trying to get her attention. Her eyes narrowed and soon she felt the beautiful man step back when the song came to a close. But just as K would have stepped back, her small hand gripped his wrist and Alice walked closer to him so that their bodies were once again almost touching and looked up into his eyes," Help me. Please."

And in the next moment, Alice fused her lips to K winding her arms around his neck..

Soon the lights went out and no one could have guessed who was more shocked as they rang in the new year..

Was it Phillipe? Or the assistant? Or K? Or Alice?

But it made no difference as to who was more shocked. What made a difference was that who was the first one to recover. And that was certainly K who would not let such a good chance escape and immediately deepened the kiss, his hands slowly landing on the warm skin of her lower back, his slightly rough fingers caressing the silky smooth flesh as his own voice crooned in the background about his need for a beautiful woman. Never had he imagined he would be able to hold the girl he had written the song for in his arms again...And after five long years, Adam's need was met on the new year's eve!

Adam Parry aka "K" thought back to the time five years ahead.. when they had met for the first time...

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