Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 73 - How 'Us' Began

December 2014-When Alice and Adam Met

Alice opened her eyes and immediately the events that occurred rushed through her memory. She looked around and realized that she was lying on a couch in the lounge. Blinking, she stood up. Her flight was ready to fly, she needed to rush. The act of sitting up made her head go round and she felt like throwing up. A kind looking old woman walked to her and said, "Dear child. You need to rest. You have a concussion. Please lay back down for now. And you need to call your parents to take you back home because you cannot travel anywhere with that concussion and will need supervision!"

Hearing this Alice protested, "No! I need to take the flight back. Please."

But the kind woman simply smiled at her and said," But child. You cannot go anywhere. The last flight flew out an hour ago and the airport is now closed for the next five days at the very least. So unless you want to be stranded at the airport, you need to go home. In case you do not have a home here, you need to make the reservation at the nearest bread and breakfast. But the airport has almost emptied and I doubt that you will be getting any place empty. You can try going to the town center but I doubt that you will be able to get there if you delay anymore. So tell me do you have any family who can pick you up? We do have a kind cab driver waiting who lives towards the town. He had agreed to wait until you woke up."

Feeling aggrieved, Alice nodded and answered," Auntie. My grandparents house is nearby. Please ask the driver to drop me."

The lady nodded and escorted Alice outside while talking to her about inane things and advising her to be careful for the night and having someone wake her up every few hours. Getting into the car, Alice was about to thank the driver when she noticed a silhouette in the passenger seat of the car. Feeling a gulp of fear, she almost screamed when the man said," Please don't be scared. I am sorry for making you miss your flight. This mister here was the only driver available and I did not want him to inconvenience himself to take me back and then come back for you. Please forgive me and we can drop you off wherever you want before I can check into the hotel."

As the driver heard this, he asked a little impatiently, "You can talk when I drop you off. I have waited enough. Give me the location. And then you can see what you want to do. I will not wait any longer. Girl! Give me your address."

Alice had frozen in shock at the first sound of the beautiful voice when the driver's rude voice woke her up. She absent mindedly gave him the address and then tried to see the man who had just spoken to her. His voice. For the first time in her life had she heard a voice that was described in the novels that she read. It was just the right amount of warm, husky, rough and soulful. She was suddenly curious what this guy looked like. Then she remembered that he was the reason that she was going to be spending the holidays alone. Scowling, she glared at the back of the head of the man and quietly leaned in the seat, having no intention of accepting his apology. 

Soon silence reigned in the car and the driver slowly drove to the address given. Once there, the driver ordered grumpily, "Get off fast now."

K looked back at the girl sleeping peacefully in the backseat and got off, taking the luggage out of the boot. He then knocked carefully on the car window and smiled at her," We are here, my lady."

Alice blinked up at the beautiful face of the man who had opened the door for her and got off unsteadily. The face that stared at her was shaped like a heart. His hair fell over his forehead making him look cute but the most noticeable were his eyes which had double eyelids making them look bigger and rounder. And his eye lashes would make a girl feel inferior and inadequate! In a word, this was a beautiful man!

In spite of his profession, K felt awkward after being stared at and cleared his throat softly and smiled at the girl. The girl in return gave him a glare and alighted the car with a scowl. She was about to snatch her luggage from his hand when he said, "I will leave you to your door."

Alice looked down at the snow that was high and the cold that was seeping through her shoes and nodded without arguing. Anyways her foot was aching because of this person. Turning back to the driver, she took out a few bills and thanked the driver politely before she angrily stomped towards the small cottage style house and walked to bright red door. Once there, she gave him a thin smile and said," You can place the bags here and leave. Thank you."

K smiled at the girl and placing the bags down bid her goodbye. She was an angry little thing! But when he returned to the place where the cab was supposed to be waiting it was nowhere to be seen. His shoulder bag had been thrown on the ground and the tire tracks showed clearly that the driver had immediately driven away. At least the man had the decency to not rob him of his belongings! . Looking around, he noticed that there were no houses in the vicinity or any sign of life other than the house behind him. He turned back to the house and realized that the little girl had already gone inside. It seemed fate was intent on harassing him. Fishing out the phone from his pocket, he noticed that it was about to run out of battery. Hoping that he could find a hotel nearby and a cab, he opened the 'uber' app but it was too late as the screen turned dark.

Kicking the ground in frustration, he felt the cold shivered from cold and looked back at the house. He would need to ask for help from the prickly little thing. K looked around a bit and debated with himself if it would be worth it to come across as a creep or if it was better to be frozen to death. Just then a cold draft of wind blew past and made the decision for him. It was better to look like a creep than die or suffer from frostbite.. At least he could rectify the impression of being a creep. He would not be able to come from the dead though. Rubbing his arms, he quietly banged the lion shaped knocker on the door. And waited.. And waited. Were the people in there going to let him become an ice statue?

Back To the Present:

As Alice had gone inside the airport, Adam stood there thinking back to their first meeting with a small smile on his face. She had been so thony then but still happy and hopeful. They had spent a few wonderful days together. He still did not know what happened that made her forget him but fate was a wonderful thing. They had first met at an airport so it was only appropriate that he would say something at the airport. They were supposed to have been two people travelling on their paths but that night had changed the trajectory of their fate. Knowing her had given him hope and something that he had given up on, when he had been grieving his grandmother.

He knew without a doubt that he would not have survived the music world for long after his grandmother had passed away. In his heart, he was still a simple farm boy, who would rather pull out weeds and feed the cows than schmooze with people. He had grown up singing songs just for his grandmother and those cows after all. And loosing his biggest audience made him want to give up immediately. he had even wondered about leaving the band early on after the concert so that they would have a chance to replace him early on. But then he had met Alice.

She had not known he was a singer and he had not told her about his debut. But even then he remembered her off hand comment , "Have you thought about singing? You have a beautiful voice. It would be a crime to not let as many people as possible hear it nd enjoy it."

That was when Adam had found a new reason. He wanted to sing for her. He had been planning to confess that he was a singer when they had been interrupted. he wondered if things would have been different if had confessed to her then. If they had never parted ways and instead stayed friends before becoming more, would their relationship have frizzled out? Or grown stronger? And whatever had caused his warm and slightly petty Alice to turn into an ice queen would have been avoided? He would never know.. Sigh! He had tried so hard to investigate this but still unable to find anything.

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