Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 74 - Hello?

Rubbing his arms, he quietly banged the lion shaped knocker on the door. And waited.. And waited. Were the people in there going to let him become an ice statue? His lips started to turn blue and he banged harder on the knocker and finally let out a breath when he heard the lock in the door turning. Just as the door opened and he was about to present his appeal for shelter when he saw that it was the pretty girl who had opened the door. But what stopped him was that she seemed to have been crying. Tears stuck to her pretty lashes and her cute button nose was red. Forgetting his intended words to ask for help, he asked with concern, "Why are you crying?" and almost got his nose banged on the door for his trouble as the girl closed the door in his face.


Now what was he supposed to do? Maybe he could jog to the nearest town. At least some physical work should keep him from getting a frost bite right? He could already feel that his face had gone numb. Just as he was about to turn back and test his luck, the door opened again and the little red nosed girl said timidly in a small voice that was almost drowned away by the wind, " Do you need some help? Is that why you knocked?"

Rubbing his head a bit awkwardly, he explained," Well, the driver has run away."

He smiled when the girl's eyes widened at the explanation and she asked incredulously," What do you mean ran away? Did he not need the money? I did not give him much. And why did he not drop you to your destination?"

"Well actually I had paid him in advance because he had been unwilling to wait for you so I thought maybe bribe could work. But I did not expect that he would throw out my luggage and just drive away."

Hearing his explanation, Alice nodded her head in understanding but stood staring in the direction of the gate as if the taxi would magically reappear. K waited for the girl to extend an invitation to enter but she remained silent. He wondered if she was a little slow and then finally asked shamelessly," Miss? Can you ask your parents to let me come in? I just need to charge my phone and then I can call for help."

"Oh" Finally the girl moved aside and let him enter. The sudden warmth from inside the home made him sigh in relief and he finally felt he could be safe.

Alice watched the man walk in and wondered if this guy had some sort of black magic or something. His looks and voices were too angelic. She narrowed her eyes and wondered if he was maybe like that fallen angel who had come here to tempt her. God had certainly taken his time and making this man.. 

As K walked around in, he noticed that the girl stood there staring at him with wide eyes. Her spectacles made the big eyes even more bigger and she looked like a cute doll. Mistaking her expression for fear, he tried on a reassuring expression and assured teasingly," You don't need to be scared. Do I look like a serial killer?"

The reassuring smile made Alice roll her eyes and she sarcastically replied," Yes actually. Because if serial killers looked like serial killers then they would be unable to make kills. I am sure they look harmless and sexy just like you."

K grinned at the retort and caught onto the blunder that Alice had made.. teasing her," So you think I am sexy?"

Harrumphing, Alice cursed her big mouth inwardly and pointed to the plug in the corner," Just charge your phone and get out of here."

Taking out his phone's charger from bag, K plugged in the device and then followed the girl to where she was going.

Alice, turned off the stove where she had kept some milk for heating and reluctantly offered," Do you want some hot milk?"

Smiling at the reluctantly hospitable girl, he asked, "Do you have anything stronger?"

Looking at him strangely, Alice answered, "Well I could add some chocolate to your milk."

The answer made K's eyes widen and he threw back his head and laughed. Just how cute was this little fairy girl?

Once again Alice stared at the man who had an even more incredible laugh and blinked stupidly. This man may not be a serial killer but he was incredibly hazardous to her IQ! She could call him IQ killer

Finally K stopped laughing and said," Yes please." as he looked around the cozy kitchen with interest. This place was just like his grandmother's. He turned to watch the little girl add some more milk to the sauce pan and finally felt a bit of warmth seep into his cold insides. His grandmother's sudden death had left a scar on his heart and returning to that jaded world would have only deepened the scar. But fate had arranged this meeting with such an innocent creature that he remembered what his grandmother used to say that there was good everywhere in the world. This girl had caught him when he had fainted and now was still helping him albeit reluctantly.

Just as she handed the mug of Hot Chocolate Milk to him, a thought occurred to him. "Are you alone here?"

Alice looked up from her mug before quickly looking down and answering defensively," Yeah so what?"

It was then K realized that this girl was probably going on a holiday and her accident with him had probably ruined her plans. Is that why she had been crying?

Feeling extremely guilty, he apologized once again," I am really sorry for ruining your plans. I just..  I did not mean to..."

Before he could say more, Alice snorted and asked with big eyes, " You did not mean to faint? I am pretty sure nobody would mean to do that."

The cute girl's question made him pause with his mouth open. Her dry sense of humor made him want to smile. With a grin, he said," You are right about that. I had no intention of losing ,y consciousness and falling in the arms of a pretty girl and making her faint also. By the way, my name is K."

At this the girl giggled and asked," Your name is K? Just K? Did your parents not give you a proper name or did they have a screwed sense of humor like mine? Mine named me Alice in the hoped that my life would be full of celebrations like the Alice who fell down the hole and went to a tea party every day. As if any girl would want to fall down a hole."

The wry statement made K laugh and he shook his head in merriment and said," No. My stage my friends call me K. But you are right about my parents having a skewed sense of humor because they named me Adam since he was the 'first' man and I am their first born so I can certainly sympathize with you.."

This caused Alice to break into giggles and the two people's laughter echoed in the otherwise silent house.

Adam and Alice settled slowly as they drank their milk and 'strong' chocolate milk respectively and Adam apologized again," I really an sorry for ruining your holidays and making you cry.."

Alice rolled her eyes behind her glasses and said, "They were already ruined when my surprise plans backfired and I came here to an empty cabin. You see, this is where my grandparents live. I planned to surprise them by coming here but had no idea that they had gone off on a cruise to celebrate their sixtieth anniversary! I actually gathered all the supplies in the afternoon and though to myself, "Chuck it! I'll just stay here but that felt too lonely so I was going to go back and join my classmates. And I was crying because my best friend just got engaged to her crush who proposed to her!"

Oh! So you were in love with her? That is really sad for you."

Alice, who had just sipped her milk almost spit it out as she heard what the handsome boy had to say and wondered if he was a little empty in the head! Did she look like a person who was attracted to girls? And here she was, trying her best to not drool at this man's looks. Shaking her head, she tried to clarify," No!!I was just happy for her and those were tears of joy!"

Just as she would have said more, the power was cut and the room was thrown into darkness. With a groan of disappointment, Alice complained," Noooo..Why is there a power cut?"

Switching on the flash light in her phone, Alice stood up and said," The power back up here has to be switched on manually. Why don't you wait here and I will go out and turn it on."

But in the next moment, a scream rang in the silent night followed by an 'Ooof" as Alice tripped over something and fell over Adam, elbowing the man in the stomach.

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