Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 82 - A Devil's Contract

While Samual Faye was gathering people and objects that could help him get the Faye group there was someone who was intent on helping Alice. Since Samual Faye had left that night after understanding from Lady Ye that she was simply a person who held the power of attorney to vote, Lady Ye had been worried about her granddaughter.

She was an old woman but she had experienced the world. But even then she had tried to deceive herself into believing that what Samual said was true rather that what her mind was telling her. She had tried really hard to be objective so much so that she had even been partial to him and alienated Alice. But it had all been to protect the little girl. However this time Alice had done something that had put her in direct harm's way making it impossible for Lady Ye to protect her anymore. As Butler Han came back from calling Alice, she asked, "Has the silly girl agreed to come? Or is she being stubborn again?"

"Madam Ye. Miss had refused the invitation at first but then she agreed to be here for the evening."

"You mean, she did not want to come but you guilt tripped her into coming. Butler Han, it is a good thing that I am not on your opposite side."

"Madam, children need to be guilt tripped at times. And as long as it gets the task done, it cannot be considered a problem, right? And anyway, Miss has already stated a condition that no one else from the family will be here."

Lady Ye nodded and said sardonically, "Why does that girl have to be straightforward? A little cunningness is always helpful.."

"She gets that from the old master, madam."

At the mention of her husband, Lady Ye smiled in reminiscence and agreed softly. A little while later, she suddenly asked, "Have you called that man?"

Once again, Butler Han nodded and said, "Yes, madam. He is set to come a little while after young miss. Since you will need some time to explain certain things to her, I have arranged a thirty minute gap between their time of arrival. I did it as soon as I got off the phone with miss. After all she only added condition for family."

In the evening:

Alice once again stood outside her grandmother's villa. She really wanted to avoid going inside. But Uncle Han had actually almost accused her for being unfilial for not visiting the woman since she had come from the hospital. She had wanted to protest that she had not been in the country, but knew that would have fallen on deaf ears. Uncle Han was like that, someone with selective hearing."

Walking into the house, she raised her brows at not finding her grandmother in her usual place, ready with a cup of tea. She turned to Uncle Han in question who said, "Madam is not well and the doctor has restricted her tea, so she prefers to not come here these days. She is upstairs, in her room."

Nodding, Alice walked up the stairs and with a perfunctory knock, entered the door of the room. She raised her brows when she noticed her grandmother sitting on the armchair with the kettle and tea that she had Adam had gifted her. It seemed that the old woman really valued the gift. But Alice also noticed that the woman had become even more frail after her stay in at the hospital. Walking to the old woman, she bent down and kissed her papery cheek, "Grandma. How are you?"

Lady Ye smiled at the girl and patted her cheek. Even if she was so angry with her, Alice still valued her old grandmother. Lady Ye looked at the time and noticed that it was already over five minutes and that man was too punctual so she did not have much time to explain and ask if she wanted to get done. Thus she directly started," Alice. There is something that you need to know. Since you have falsified your DNA report, there is no way your father will continue to let you sit on the CEO's chair for long. As you know, he has already under his control quite a vast number of your shareholders and once they pass a no confidence vote, even if you have a good number of shares you will have no say in the company. I know that I have given the impression that I have those shares in my possession but that is not true. I want you to know that I only have the power of attorney for those shares. And now Samual and James know of this fact. I know that you have always blamed me for not standing firmly on your side but alienating them and siding with you would only have made them more careful. Before Samual and James find a way to force me into voting against you, I want you to meet the real holder of those shares. I don't know how your grandfather came to know him and why he handed the shares to him but I do know that he had an agreement with your grandfather to hand over the shares to you once the time comes. 

But I don't know the conditions that they decided upon. I have asked the man to come here so that you can talk to him. Whether he hands you the shares is up to you. Alice, I don't want you to tell me whether you succeed or not. I simply want you to know that come what may, your old grandmother will always stand on your side. You are too much like your grandfather for me to not stand behind you."

It did not take Alice any time to understand what her grandmother was saying. Her eyes filled with tears as she realized that she had greatly misunderstood her. She had done her best by her, while she had even hated her at times. She opened her mouth a few times but then snapped it shut having o idea what to say. Lady Ye simply smiled and said," You are really like your grandfather. He too made such a silly face when he did not know how to apologize."

Getting up, Alice hugged her grandmother hard. Before either could speak however, Uncle Han interrupted the moment. Ignoring the tears, he simply said,"Mr. Adken is here." 

Alice frowned in confusion as she tried to think of a person named Adken but could not think of anyone with that name. She turned to grandmother Ye but the old woman just shook her head, "Even I don't know this person."

A few minutes later, Alice had composed herself and her icy mask of indifference was in it's place. Walking into the room, she noticed the man is a glance. Lean but fit, the man wore a black suit and his face held an expression of curiosity as he stared at her. A small smile graced his face as he watched her walk in and stood up. Extending his hand to shake, he said," Miss Faye. I have heard a lot about you. It is a pleasure to meet you. My name is Adken. You can call me Uncle Adken."

Alice shook his hand and gestured for him to sit before she took a seat opposite him. "I am sorry to say Mr. Adken but I have heard nothing of you. So I can only ask that what would it take for you to hand over the shares that my grandfather left you."

Mr. Adken laughed at this and commented," You are just like my old friend mentioned. Little girl, I don't want your money. Those shares are yours. I only held them for your grandfather. But you are right about one thing. I do want something in return for handing the shares to you."

With that Mr. Adken extended a few papers that he had placed on the table. With trepidation, Alice picked up the papers and read through the contract. Each line made her frown and anger lined her face and she was tempted to throw the contract in the man's face! "What is the meaning of this? What kind of a contract is that?"

"Miss Faye. This is my price. You need something that I have and I need something that you can help me get. This is simply called quid-pro-quo. And everyone in the business world is quite familiar with it, yes? If you need to time to think, I can wait a while but let me tell you, that I will not negotiate. All the terms are stated here. "

"This is a Devil's contract! It would be like signing over my life to you."

Adkin simply shrugged and said, "Of course it is. But I am not forcing you to sign it, am I? The power of attorney is still in your grandmother's hands and I won't revoke it."

Alice wanted to snort at this. He may not revoke the rights but with Samual and James chasing the shares, her grandmother would be in danger.. Picking up the contract and the pen placed next to it, she signed the contract with a stroke.

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