Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 83 - A Fun Day

December 2014

Alice woke up to the aroma of eggs and bacon summoning her. Sitting up in bed, she felt disoriented for a moment as she tried to think of where she was. That was when she realized that she was in her grandparent's house. And the person who was probably cooking was Adam Parry. Struggling to get up and not wanting to leave the warmth of the blanket, Alice walked out of the room as if summoned by the food. Last night, after a little tussle, the two people had fallen asleep in separate bedrooms with Alice sleeping in her grandparents room and relinquishing the guest room to Adam Parry.

Adam Parry. It was such a waste that he was a simple stand up comedian. His voice was more suited to music..and now judging by the delicious aroma coming from outside, a chef..

She stopped at the door of the kitchen and started in wonder. When she had seen him last night he had been beautiful but with the morning light coming from behind him, he was more than beautiful. He was just splendid.

For a moment, Alice wanted to pinch herself and wonder if she had fallen into one of the novels where the male and female lead got stuck together in the snow. She snorted as her subconscious provided that it did seem like she had landed herself in a similar plot.

Just then, the sound attracted the attention of the man who stood at the gas stove and flipped the omelette.

Sending a small smile her way, he said, the were was restored so I thought that I should look into preparing something to eat. When you told me that your grandparents were out for a holiday, I thought we would have to starve until the transport is restored. But the refrigerator is fully stocked with meat and eggs.."

Alice nodded and answers,"It is a habit of my grandmother. In the earlier days they had to skimp ear because of being closed off from town. Later, with their age and the distance from the town, they decided to make a large cold storage at the back with lots of meat and eggs for difficult times. My grandmother never lets it become empty. So we will have eggs and its of meat but not much of milk and other staples or veggies.."

"Really? You mean there is more food in the back? That's amazing. Here have something to warm your self."

Alice sat on one end of the table and Adam sat opposite after bringing two plates of eggs and bacon. The breakfast was a silent affair between two people who had spent their night under the same roof even though they were strangers. With no television and no internet to entertain them, the two people finally settled to play some games. But the house had no children and this there was no game other than chess. After playing a couple of games the two people were even more bored and finally Alice drifted to the large shelf to pick a book and read, leaving Adam to his own devices. 

Adam was not used to sitting still. As a youngster, he used to work study and spend the rest of his time working the fields. And after their selection for SKY he had worked day and night be it dancing or singing. And now suddenly sitting still made him feel antsy.

Looking at the pile of snow outside and then the pretty girl sitting on the couch inside, an idea struck Adam. Walking out of the door, he started to gather the snow outside..

As Alice was engrossed in her book, she lost track of time and only when the book had reached midway did she realize that Adam was not around. Wonderong where the man had gone, she went to the room intend if to ask him if he wanted some hot chocolate but he was no where to be found. Just then, Adam came back in. His face was red and stiff but with warm excitement in his eyes, he grabbed her by the wrist and took her out.

Unused to being held like that, Alice frowned and tried to protest but before she could say much the words were stolen from her. Because right there in front of her was a bid size now statue of herself. She marveled at the way he had so accurately made it and could only ask in amazement,"Are you also a sculptor? It is so beautifully made."

Adam smiled at the awe in her eyes and said,"It is because the subject is so beautiful that this art has become beautiful. Alice smiled and flushed prettily before she said,"Let me go get my polaroid camera. I need to click a picture of this."

As Alice raced back into the house, she heard Adam call out from behind her,"Wear a scarf also when you come out." 

Soon, Alice sat next to her snow sculpture and grinned widely at the camera where Adam snapped two pictures, one for her and one for himself. And then as Alice invited him to not next to her they took a 'selfie' from the camera and waited for the photo to print.

But as Alice was about to take the picture from Adam, he ran away with the picture before lightly pushing her away.. But the light push caused Alice to fall in the snow infuriating her so that she angrily threw a fistful of snow at the man. 

And soon the two people were involved in a snow fight while the picture was forgotten. But thought that picture was forgotten by the girl, Adam had not forgotten it. He had carefully slipped it into the inner pocket of his coat, close to his heart.

Present Day:

Adam caressed the slightly faded picture of the two of them with a smile on his face. Who would have thought that something that began with disaster would have such a beautiful conclusion? He wondered what Alice would say if he showed her this picture. Would she be happy that they had known each other in the past? Would she explain how and why she had forgotten everything? Or would she be angry with him for not telling her the truth from the beginning?

Just as he was lost in thought, his phone started to ring. His smile widened when he saw the caller and answered immediately."Hey babe. I was just thinking about you."

Alice smiled at this and answered,"Really? And what were you thinking about?"

" Well you might hit me if I tell you. So I am hesitant to tell you."

Alice rolled her eyes at this before saying,"Yes. If you are thinking any of your dirty thoughts please keep them to yourself!"

"Hey! You are the one who keeps having dirty thoughts. I was thinking of something pure and white. It's snowing outside and I was thinking of playing in the snow with you. Have you ever been in a snow fight?"

Adam had once again probed in vain hope trying to make Alice recall their past but Alice simply replied with a negative answer. "Adam, it doesn't snow here."

"But it does in Rocky Mountains.." Adam mumbled under his breath..

However this was not caught by Alice who was distracted by the noise from behind her. Even Adam heard this and asked sharply," Are you at the airport?"

"Yes. I am. I am on my way to meet you all. Since it has already been a month, Phillippe and K thought that it was time for you all to come back. I have arranged accommodations for all of you and after shooting one final episode, we will be continuing here."

A small smirk graced Adam's face as he teased,"The mighty queen is coming to pick her subjects. I am scared."

"It is because they are important subjects to the queen."

Adam glanced at the snow and thought of the snow forecast tomorrow, calculating the time that Alice would reach here tomorrow. As he bid her good bye he was already planning a surprise for her..

And that is how, when Alice reached the small hotel, she almost fainted when she saw the landscape. Little snow flowers had been made into he snow as if paving the path before a large sculpture of ice stood in the snow. Her eyes widened at the majestic figurine while the camera director who had been dragged out of bed because of Adam at the break of dawn was even more excited. He had seen the leader of SKY work endlessly but he was amazed everytime at the talent of the man. In a few hours, he had made such a fine structure. He wanted to run to the editor now to showcase this but then he caught a glimpse of the woman who had inspired the structure walking towards it with wide eyes and he knew it was going to be a picture perfect moment.. He zoomed in to catch Alice Fay's reaction and that is how the camera caught the never before scene of the formidable Alice Faye swooning face down into the snow.

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