Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 88 - A Comedy Show

Laughter and applause echoed in the large theater as the stand up comedian did his job on the stage. But even as everyone was laughing, K's gaze was stuck to his girlfriend who was also laughing with the audiences. As he looked on as she covered her face with laughter, and the big smile on her face as well as the small droplets of moisture on the side of her eyes due to laughter, he agreed that it was a good decision to bring her here for their first date. Now, if anyone were to hear that K, the person acclaimed to be most romantic brought his girlfriend to a stand up comedy show on their first date they would call him a fool and the most unromantic man. But to him, her cheeks rosy from laughter were the best memory he could create for their first date.

Soon the person on stage bowed to his audience and K looked at the enthusiastic applause from Alice and frowned, "Hey! How could you stare at another man for an hour on our first date?"

As they walked out of the theater, Alice looked at him with her glowing eyes and held his hand tightly, "But you are responsible for that. I never expected that I would enjoy so much at a laughter show! Even my cheeks hurt from laughing so much. K, tell me will you become like him and after a few years not express your love for me."

K nodded thoughtfully and said, "Baby, I will always have words of love to say to you. I like to play with words! But you...I think you will only tell me to refer to the previous cards when we reach our fiftieth anniversary you will not even say anything to me!"

Alice giggled at this and agreed, "Yup! This is what we will do! You write me a few words every year and I will simply repeat that I love you all the time! Straight and simple! What do you think?"

K looked down at their entwined hands and even his cheeks started to ache from happiness but he did not let go of the opportunity. He did not even tell her that she had said I love you to him instead of I like you. Stopping a little, he noticed that the theater was almost emptied and immediately stopped. When Alice turned to look at him in question, he hurriedly pressed a peck to each of her cheeks and said seriously, "Since they were hurting, I decided to give them a little bit of my soothing kiss."

Blushing, she shook her head and called him, "Silly!" but still did not relinquish her hold on his hand and let him take her out.

As they sat in the car, Alice eagerly asked, "So? Where are we going now?"

K glanced at her child like excitement and refused to tell her, "It is a surprise."

As they drove towards the other side of the city, the world around them faded, lost as they were in their world discovering the similarities in their lives as both were essentially raised by their grandparents because of irresponsible parents. As Alice heard K talk about regretting that his grandmother had not lived long enough to see him become famous, Alice felt a pang for him. How lonely he must have felt when his grandmother passed away so suddenly. When she said this to him, however he threw her a glance and agreed, "Yes. It was. But luckily I was not too alone after those few days. There was someone by my side who gave me hope and a reason to look forward to the future. "

Alice wanted to ask what he meant by that but before she could say anything, he parked the car in front. The place was shrouded in darkness and Alice tried to guess where they could be but was at a loss. When she was unable to guess, however, she complained, "Hey! K! I am starving and you brought me here to this dark place instead of taking me to dinner? Are you planning to starve me?"

Laughing, he grabbed her hand as and pulled her along, "I wouldn't dare to! I am going to do a barbeque and serve you nice and juicy meat." As they took a step, lights illuminated their path leading to a pretty country style cabin. Seeing the rustic looking place, Alice could not help but grin. This place reminded her of a romance novel she had read when she was sixteen. The place where the two male leads had made a house was very similar to this place. Heck! It could have fit the exact description in the book.. It had been her favorite book at the time...Turning her head, once again she wondered how this man knew her so well.

But K was unaware of Alice's admiration and simply dragged her along," I wanted some alone time with you. With those clowns back at the retreat, we would never have gotten that! I am pretty sure they would have found ways to disturb us and tease us!"

Alice could not help but grin at the description and the accuracy of it. All of them were really good at teasing! It was all done in good fun, but Alice was not used to it! And she could hardly ever retort but she knew that they were all happy for her and K and this made her happy. After all they were the only family that K had now. 

Opening the door, they were assaulted with the aroma of many delicacies and Alice looked around wondering if there was someone there cooking. The open layout of the cabin and the smooth wooden surfaces were full of candles and in the middle was an elaborately laid out table.

Letting go of her hand, K bowed carefully and with a hand held out, said, "Welcome my queen, to mu humble abode."

Grinning, Alice walked in and straight towards the table full of food and said, "Hey! I thought you were going to cook for me!"

This time a bashful smile came onto his face as K answered, "Well I am. The grill is at the back. But all this food is back up! It has been a while since I cooked from nothing. Last time also the meat had been prepared by the hotel so in case I make the food horrible, then we must have some thing to eat, right?"

Alice could not help but giggle and follow K who walked outside and watched the man fire the grill. There was something very attractive about a man cooking...but what made him even more irresistible was that the man was cooking for her.. How sweet!

A little While Later:

Alice and K were cuddled under a blanket staring at the small camp fire that K had set up. As Alice leaned against his chest, she could hear his steady heartbeat and closed her eyes in contentment. She could spend a lifetime here forgetting everything in the outside world. As she continued to look into the fire, Alice asked coyly, "K? Will you sing for me?"

Ever since she had discovered his voice she had always hoped that every song he sang was for her and now that they were together she wanted to shear him sing. But instead of singing one of his own songs he chose another one that made her melt even more and be unwilling to leave this little universe of theirs.

Even K could not help but wish that they would be like this forever. Having Alice nestled in his arms was a dream that he had long dreamed. he put everything that he had ever felt for her in the song and wanted her to know that he would love her always. As the song slowly came to an end, the two people looked at each other at the same time and without a word, they came closer until their lips met. The kiss was the embodiment of sweetness and the gentle passion they held for each other. A reaffirmation of their feelings. Soon, the kiss turned urgent as the hands that held on started to cling. As Alice pushed away K's clothes she could not help but kiss him all over. Her hands roved his lean chest and soon her lips left his and she kissed her way to his Adam's apple. But just as she had reached her goal, K pulled her back up and they continued to kiss. Slowly, K laid her down in the ground and his hand caressed her leg slowly raising the hem of her while skirt while Alice's hand reached the bottom of his jeans. Fleeing her hand there, K could not help but stop her. Moving back, he asked,"Are you sure?"

"I want you, Adam. I want you inside me. I want us to be one."

The confession broke the last part of his restraint and soon the two people became one....

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