Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 89 - The Second Day

As their first time ended in a frenzied state of want and need the two people hugged each other silently as they basked under the glow of the stars while the campfire slowly started to burn out, letting them feel the chill in the surroundings. Holding her in his arms, K felt beyond contented and her soft sighs seemed to fill his eyes with satisfaction. Casually he glided his hand to her fingers and entwined them with his cautiously. A little wariness permeated the atmosphere as he wondered of they had proceeded too far too fast.

Just then her soft voice sounded," K, you are thinking too much. I wanted you just as much as you wanted me."

This time, the slight tension disappeared and K could not help but say softly, "It feels as if I have spent all my life waiting for you.."

Slowly, she skimmed her lips against his perfect jaw, her new favorite thing to do, and said softly," K, let's go inside."

Not wanting to ler her go away from his arms, K kneeled up and picking her up, slowly carried her up the few stairs into the house. His heart thumped in his chest as scenes what they had just done replayed in his head.

Never had she believed that K she would be kissed like this so beautifully, so thoroughly. A stark contrast to the candles outside the bedroom was simplistic. Seeing her look around curiously, K said," I did not want to be presumptuous or make you think that I planned all this. I actually prepared two rooms..."

Before he could continue, Alice held his jaw and kissed him. His thinking this, and his respect for her boundaries was enough for her before moving back. "Having you think all this is enough. Trust me."

Slowly, K laid her down on the bed, turning on the small lamp by the side. Slowly he stroked both his hands down her body and held her close to him. Ever so slowly, he took her mouth in another kiss.. Alice wondered of when she thought of all the times they would be intimate. She had thought to tease him and keep everything in her control the way she did in everything. But he had already taken the control and all thoughts of teasing him had disappeared from her mind even when he barely touched her.. 

Ever so slowly he trailed a finger tip down the side of her neck, along her collar bone and then towards the top of her breasts which were covered by a mere blanket. The light touch set her skin on fire and Alice could not help but whimper his name. "Adam, you make me weak." 

K stared at with glittering eyes at the treasure he had uncovered and replied," You too pretty girl.. My knees feel like jelly, whenever I see you.."

This time he kissed her feverishly and passionately. Their second time around, slowly he explored her. Tasting and learning every curve, every swell, every angle. Pleasuring her was the only thought he had in his mind even as his own need hammered against him. Those magical violet eyes of hers were full of storms and every time he took her to the edge and backed away, she felt even more needy, even more greedy until she rose to the peak before falling. 

Finally, he slipped into her, making them both moan in pleasure as she arched into him, wanting more. As she encouraged him without words, Adam stopped. Called out to her," Alice."

When she opened her eyes and looked into his, was when he started to move in slow long maddening strokes. With every breath he called out her name until the two finally rose and fell together.

Alice hugged Adam tightly feeling as if she had been drugged. She wanted to remember everything that happened this night. She was pretty sure she had stopped breathing a few times.. This man was was now splayed over her tiredly had destroyed her! A thought about how much experience he had and how many women he had been with, tried to enter her head and ruin her happiness, but she simply subdues that and nuzzled into his neck.

Slowly, he rolled over, taking her with him and asked softly, "Are you okay?"

At this question, Alice snorted and said, "Okay? Okay is when you are about to fall but don't. At this time when my system has been turned inside out, I don't think I can say I am okay. Are you okay?"

Adam smiled and hugged her even more tightly, "With you in my bed, naked , I am more than Okay."

A little while of silence later, Alice glanced up to see his smiling face and closed eyes. He looked so beautiful even when he was asleep. His long lashed resting against his cheeks.."

Sighing softly, she nestled into the curve of his shoulders and fell asleep taking herself into a land of sweet dreams.

The next morning, Adam found himself alone in bed. Sitting up, he looked around and Alice was nowhere to be seen. A feeling of worry that she had gone away somewhere entered his mind and grabbing a pair of shorts, he slipped them on and immediately went to look for her.

And breather a sigh of relief when he saw her outside staring into her phone. A charred pan and a few broken eggs shells were scattered all over the place while she looked frustrated. Walking closer, he asked, "What are you doing?"

Frustrated, Alice complained," I am a decent cook! But this! I want to eat sweet french toast but this is just not happening! I have followed the recipe to a tee! But still."

"Well, why are you cooking if you have me to do these odd jobs. You go sit on that couch and check out the things you want to do today. I've made a list of options we can explore around here."

Relieved, Alice nodded her head and walked towards the couch eagerly but before she could pass him by, he had pulled her to him and kissed her hard. A little while later he finally moved away and said with a naughty grin, "Good morning babe."

Smiling shyly, she said," Good morning." And ran towards the couch shyly."

Picking up the notebook he had left on the couch, she pulled it into her lap and smiled. She was at the top of the world. She started at the list unseeingly, reliving every moment of their togetherness..until finally Adam called her to the table.

Still holding the book, she walked to the table and saw that he had already cooked the perfect French toast complete with sugar, fruits and syrup. Almost drooling, she placed the notebook aside and without waiting for Adam, dived into the food. Happy at her happiness, he sat opposite her and asked,"So, have you chosen?"

"Chosen what?"

Rolling his eyes, Adam said,"What you want to do today? Weren't you seeing the list just now?"

This time Alice raised her head and immediately started reading the list out loud," Ice skating, farmer's market, drive-in cinema, street fair.."

As she read down the list, Adam grinned and said,"If you were to ask me, I'd have chosen the fifteenth option.."

Alice looked at number fifteen,"Stay in bed and neck."

Choking on the French toast, Alice coughed loudly and glared at Adam without saying anything while Adam enjoyed his food.

But he continued,"If you don't want that we can choose option number twenty. No need to scan the list. "It is going to the drive-in movies."

Alice who had recovered by now said,"But that is the same as option three."

"No it isn't. The third option is to watch the movies and the other one is to go there and do some necking."

This time, Alice did not choke but she chewed viciously and threatened,"Adam Parry, I will kill you by strangling your neck!"

Raising his hands in surrender, he said,"Fine fine, we don't have to do one or two things! We can do multiple things on this list. First we can go to the farmer's market then ice skating, then street fair, drive in movies and then the bed for some n.."

"Adam Perry!"

"What! I was going to say napping!"

And that is how Adam and Alice spent their second day together as boyfriend and girlfriend, playing tourist, winning soft toys for each other and fighting for cotton candy, bargaining for the freshest fruits and then skating(more like falling) all over the ice and then watching a retro movie in a drive in. And then some necking in the car. Then some more necking in the bed followed by some more vigorous play until finally napping in the bed, holding each other close..

This is the life that these two had dreamed of but never believed possible. Like a dream.. But dreams always shattered and came to an end...

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