Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 94 - I'll Handle It

Adam walked out of the Perry House in a seething mood. He had to suppress the urge to kill someone! Most likely that excuse of a father. Taking out his cell phone, he called the spy he had placed by his father's side and berated him for not informing of all that earlier. 

Leaning back, he punched the steering wheel in frustration. This was the negative point in finding a strong woman! She had to carry the weight of the world on his own shoulders. Of course his own performance had not been much better in the past. Ever since he had come to the city to make a name for himself, his only goal had been to stay away from his father. He had played defensively. First because he had not wanted to get involved with that man and the other, he had not wanted to stoop to that man's level. But now! Now he was no longer the small town boy with nothing but talent in his hands.

He had his own contacts and his own resources which he had slowly and secretly gathered over the years. To him, music had been his only escape from poverty. He thought back to his once happy childhood.

His father and mother had been childhood sweethearts. When they had come to the city to look for work, they had faced all the challenges together. But slowly while his mother had yearned to settle down and love her husband, Adken Perry had been consumed with greed. When his mother had finally refused to wait for the man any longer and wanted to leave, his father had used love to keep her by his side and then he had been brought into this world as a way to save their marriage. But instead of being happy at having a son, Adam's mother had fallen into depression so deep that she had been unable to live on any long and finally taken her own life. He had been three then. He still remembered crying and trying to call her father as he tried to understand why there was blood everywhere and his mother was sleeping. But it had been too late by the time his father had even been free to call back and ask why his son had called him. Adam had been found by their neighbors late in the evening when after crying himself hoarse asking for help had fallen asleep on his now dead mother.

But even then his father's greed had not subsided. Discarding Adam to his mother in the countryside, Adken Perry had continued to love his life as a successful businessman. It was only when his grandmother had finally fallen sick that the old woman had asked the man for help, reminding him that he had another son in the village. Adken Perry had then convinced his mother to send Adam to him after asking about his talent and intelligence, not even bothering about the old woman. 

His grandmother had begged him to go to his father's side, but by then the hatred in Adam's heart had been so deep that it had not been possible for him to let it go. He had come to the city with no expectations of his father, but he had already planned to earn some money to bring his grandmother to the city. And that is when he had become a trainee with the rest of the SKY members instead of meeting his father. 

By the time the man had discovered that he was already in the city, Adam had gained some fame as a singer and was ready to debut with SKY. He had also started to study his father's moves and had no plans to fall into the man's clutches, knowing that there was no escaping from this man.

But now he realized his biggest mistake. He should have alerted Alice to this man. When they had talked about their families, Alice had been truthful about everything while he had simply finished the conversation by saying that his family was dead. If Alice had known that Adken Perry was his father then she could have put her guard up. Feeling absolutely wretched, he tried to think of a way to get her out of whatever contract she had signed. But for that, he would need to find out the contents of the contract. And he was not going to be able to get the details out of her. 

This afternoon, he had subtly tried to inquire about that man but she had simply brushed off the topic by saying,"I'll handle it." This was the reason he had made the visit here today. How could he let her handle this? But how was he to help her when he did not even know what mess that Adken Perry had created.

Slowly, he drove about a bit mindlessly as he wondered how he should convince her to lean on him. He had made a place for him I'm he heart but even then she was wary of him, of his love.

Drumming his fingers over the wheel, his mind lost in thought, he came to realise two things. As long as there were a few secrets between them, there would never be trust. He would need to come clean about Adken Perry as well as their own past.

Just then, his phone started to ring. It was Alice. Answering the phone, he tried to lighten his mood as he said,"Are you missing me my baby? I just left a little while ago."

"Ha! I am missing you as much as I would miss a toothache."

Smiling at her bristle response, he said," Liar. Check your pants for fire."

This caused Alice to laugh loudly and she complained, "Shut up, K. I just wanted to ask you if you are going to reach grandmother's house directly or do you want me to pick you up?"

"Mmm. I am not at the hotel. So I think I will have to come directly."

This answer surprised Alice as she had assumed that he would be going back to the hotel. She was about to ask where he was when he changed the topic, "So, why did you call me? Do you want to confess something?"

There was a bite of something bitter in his tone that gave Alice pause. She thought back to his slightly odd behavior in the afternoon as well when he came to see her. Usually, he would be reluctant to leave her but today the moment she had suggested that she needed to work, he had escaped from the office leaving her perplexed. She had tried to assure herself that he must be wanting to rest a bit to recover from jetlag but then he just said that he had not even returned to the hotel and now this. It made her feel a bit insecure. Maybe she needed to come clean about her plans and this was her guilty conscience making her feel bad.

Clearing her throat, she said, "What would I have to confess? There is nothing.."

This time K was not able to stop himself as he asked,"Isn't there?"

This made Alice even more wary and she asked a bit tentatively,"K? Is today not convenient for you? We can meet tomorrow.."

The timid little voice reminded K that he wanted to protect her and not scare her. Taking a deep breath he apologized,"I am sorry babe. I just had a bad encounter and am taking it out on you. Give me a while. I'll be there and back to my goal self. See you. Love you. Bye."

With that he disconnected the call, hoping that he had been able to assure her. 

But his abruptness seemed to even scare her further who then decided that she would really confess everything to him. After feeling the pain of leaving him behind, she knew that she would not be able to live without him. She was willing to give up everything but him.

The same thought was encircling K as he decided to make one last stop before going to meet Alice's grandmother.

Pulling up outside a slightly shabby building, he knocked on the door thrice... A pair of eyes peeped out of the slightly opened door before looking behind him. And then the door opened as a small voice called out,"Welcome brother. Long time no see."

The inside of the door was exact opposite of the shabby exterior. With high technology computers beeping and the sound of loud curses and bangs echoing in the room. K looked around satisfactorily before saying,"I want to go see Benji. Is he here?"

The other man smiled and said,"When is he not here? He is in the same place. Are you here to play or just to get Benji? Since you are here, why don't you help us and we will return the help?"

K nodded amiably and went deeper into the rooms.

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