Seducing The Ice Queen

Chapter 95 - Crazy

K and Alice held hands as they went up the elevator back to Alice's home. Lady Ye had turned frail after her health had taken a downturn but Alice was relieved to see that she had been a little more lively when meeting K. And she had seen that the old woman thoroughly approved of him. But what surprised her even more was that when K had compared her to his own grandmother who had never left the small village, the haughty Lady Ye had not been offended by it but instead asked him to explain the reasons for his thinking and when he had, she had whole heartedly agreed. 

With Adam, Alice realized that she had been able to see a new side not just for herself but also for her grandmother. It was true what everyone of their fans said, "No woman was immune to Adam's charm. Because everything he said came from his heart."

At home, Alice tried to think of a way to delay the inevitable. There was a part of her which was scared that if she confessed everything then he might not accept her or maybe even loathe her. She was so worried that she had no idea what to say and how to begin..

"Adam" "Alice"

Both the people said their names at the same time and then looked at each other. Both could see the hesitance in each other's eyes and a plea for understanding. Adam felt that he could guess what was going on and suddenly did not want her to tell him what ever it was she had signed with Adken Perry. In the time that he was unsure, Alice pressed her palm to his mouth and said, "Adam! Listen to me first. This is important. I am going to be proved mentally unstable soon!"

The shocking bomb silenced Adam who was going to protest. Whatever it was, this was not something he had been expecting. He tried to push her hand down and ask but she refused to move it away and continued, "Just listen and ask later."

Slowly, she brought down her hand and turned her back to him as she started, "A few years ago when my mother passed away, my father had already started thinking of ways to get rid of me. While I was in depression, they started giving me medication making me believe that it was for my own good to fight my depression. However those were not anti depressants but hallucinating induced drugs that were addictive. After taking them for a while, I had started to believe that they were helping me but I was fooled until one day Samual tried to force himself on me. And I barely escaped." 

At that point, I had already moved away from my father because of his second marriage but still held hope that he would protect me and went to him with my grievance. But his dear son refuted that he had done anything of the sort and James Faye chose to believe him. When I threatened to expose their deeds to the world, they laughed it off and planned to throw me abroad in the name of further studies. But at that point of time, my grandfather intervened and took me with him. It was during my stay with him that I realized that something was wrong with me. I dared not to tall anyone anything and got tested secretly before starting my rehabilitation. But by the time I had recovered well, my grandfather had passed away, while I had been discredited by my father as a kid. Samual Faye was introduced as the heir apparent. But my grandfather left the majority of shares with him! But I was not yet an adult and James Faye held the right as my sole guardian. At that point, with the help of Ximin, I started my own business and then the moment I turned eighteen and was able to get the shares transferred, I threw out my father, all the while exposing all his dirty under the table deals. What a man! He was cheating his own father's company! Not that I could have expected more. But he was more nefarious than I could have thought. It is something that I have recently discovered."

A chill seemed to surround her as she thought back to everything she had discovered recently. If she hadn't seen the DNA test herself, she would have had trouble believing that James Faye was her father. Rubbing her arms, her eyes filled with tears, Alice was about to continue when K held her quietly, his arms holding her tenderly. Deriving strength from him and his warmth, she continued," Recently, I met an old friend of mine and she mentioned something that I had been having doubts about. It is from the time I was sixteen just before my mother died."

Lost in her own torment, Alice failed to notice that Adam had stiffened when she mentioned this and continued, " I have spaces in my memory from that time. I was told that I had gone on a holiday to the seaside villa with my friends but I used to have weird dreams about being with a man in a snowy place. In fact it was those dreams that helped me fight my addiction to the medicines as I heard the man say that he would wait for me. I had believed that it was also a part of my imagination but my friend mentioned something that made me want to investigate further. And that is when I found out the truth. Their plan was more than making me out to be a drug addict."

"Using the periods when I was not lucid, my father took me to a doctor to do counselling sessions where I was made to say things that I was imagining. Suffice it to say that if those things were made public, I would be labelled mentally unstable! My father wanted to send my to a mental asylum if I tried to go against him and succeeded in kicking the addiction! Unluckily for him, I already had my doubts and bided my time.." 

Adam wanted to hold Alice even more tightly as she started to sob in his arms. Adam felt guilt assail him. If he had mentioned their past to Alice when they had first met on new year's eve maybe she would have discovered this plot sooner... But even if they had done all this, it was many years ago. So why would they be able to prove this now?

Soon he had his answer as she continued,"The only reason they have not yet mentioned this is the eleven percent shares that they don't k ow who owns. But their patience is at an end and they are now trying to pressure my grandmother into giving in. Once she gives in, they will have the power to throw me out and once I am proceed mentally unstabley medical guardian, my biological father will admit me into an institute for my own good."

The only thought in Adam's mind at this stage was whatever Adken Perry's flaws, he was better than James Faye. Soon, he connected the dots and guessed how Adken Perry was related to all this..Unable to atop himself he asked,"So, Adken Perry owns the eleven percent shares?"

Alice liked up in shock at this. Stuttering a bit, she asked,"How do you know this?"

Adam removed his arms from around her and sighed,"I guessed. I saw that man outside your office today. You might not know but he is the biggest ally of Lucas Ivy, the CEO of my agency.

Alice looked away guiltily and continued, "Yes, he is. And I know Lucas Ivy as well. Adken Perry wanted me to sign a contract with him for the transfer of shares. The Boeard of Directors meeting is to be held soon and the day it is held, is when Adken Perry will transfer the shares to me."

"And what does he want on return?"

"He wants me to marry the man of his choice without any prenuptial agreement."

A piercing pain threatened to collapse him as he remembered how Adken Perry had threatened to make Alice his step mother. Worried and not wanting to hear the answer, he asked,"Dod you agree?"

This time Alice had come back to enough awareness that she heard the way Adam's voice broke. Holding his hand, she looked up at him lovingly and said,"Yes and No.."

The answer did not reassure Adam and he frowned,"What do you mean? Adken Perry prepared the contract separately for share transfer as well as this. But he missed a something. My father's plan. If I am prove on unsound mind then any contract that I have signed becomes void in the eyes of the law. On the other hand, since the two contracts are separate, I plan to receive the share transfer not in my name..but your name. This way, even if I am proven mentally unstable, Adken Perry cannot have the shares back."

At this point, however, K realized what Alice had done. She was going to let her father get away with proving her mentally unstable! All so that she could protect her company and her grandmother!

Holding her by the shoulders, Adam wanted to shake her soundly as he asked,"Are you really going to let your father prove that you are crazy? Can you think of the repercussions of something like this?"

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