After the start of the game, Muteba Jizanga stood on the spot, fully guarding the movements of the Leopard King, while the Leopard King moved towards Muteba Jizanga on Ginga without any haste.

When he approached Muteba Jizanga, Senluo slammed his right fist and felt the oncoming strong wind. Muteba Jizanga quickly leaned back to avoid it. Unexpectedly, the Leopard King was just a fake move. , While swinging his right fist empty, the Leopard King fell to the ground with his left leg like a scorpion tail. He kicked Muteba Jizanga from the opposite direction and kicked Muteba Jizanga with one kick. Stepped back several steps.

Finally stopped retreating to stabilize his figure, two pillars of blood flowed out of Muteba Jizenga’s nostrils, feeling the smell of the enemy in the nasal cavity gradually replaced by blood, Muteba Ji Zanga frowned.

After a hit, the Leopard King turned back and moved a little away from him. While stepping on Ginga, he kept swaying while observing the movements of Muteba Jizanga.

When he found that he was a little uncomfortable because part of his perception was obstructed, the Leopard King seized the opportunity, his swaying body stretched forward, and his powerful thighs ejected, driving the soles of his feet to Muteba Ji. Zanga's chest.

It is a pity that at the last moment when the Leopard King’s feet came into being, Muteba Jizenga, who was aware of it, took the initiative to retreat a little bit and removed part of his strength, so this kick did not reach his expectations of kicking him away. , Just knocked him back again.

But it didn't matter, the Leopard King continued to pursue the victory, flipping forward, and then turning around, a roundabout kick swept toward Muteba Jizanga's head.

But perhaps after hitting two attacks, Muteba Jizenga found some of the rhythm of the Leopard King. At the very moment, Muteba Jizanga tilted his head in the direction of the kick, dangerously and dangerously. Avoided the attack of the Leopard King.

Then, the Leopard King attacked several times one after another, and they were all dodged by Muteba Jizanga.

After thinking that he had figured out the rhythm of the Leopard King, Muteba Jizenga dodges the Leopard King’s front kick again, and while the Leopard King retracted his leg, he flew up and kicked Sunluo’s crotch. under.

Unexpectedly, the Leopard King suddenly stopped the action of retracting his legs, his body quickly leaned back, one turned his hands backwards, the whole person was like a turntable, not only evaded Muteba Jizanga’s insidious kick, but also turned back. At the same time, both feet hit his chin one after another when he skipped his head.

While Muteba Jizenga’s brain was concussed, the Leopard King kicked his right foot on the ground after his feet touched the ground, his body shot forward, and then his knee suddenly pushed out, hitting Muteba Ji who was close at hand. Zanga's belly.

Then the Leopard King jumped back, tapped his toes on the ground just now, and kicked out again, kicking Muteba Jizanga out.

After accepting the move, the Leopard King continued to jump on Ginga and said to Muteba Jizanga not far away: "Ginga is the starting point of all Capoeira moves. As long as I am still beating, then my next move will be As elusive as the ever-changing fog, you pay too much attention to my Ginga and think you have mastered my rhythm. In fact, it's just you falling into my rhythm."

"Ah, is it?"

Muteba Jizanga slammed his hands on the ground, and his whole body flew up, then lowered his posture and dived towards the Leopard King.

"Heart puncture!"

I saw that Muteba Jizanga pierced the Leopard King’s chest with his right hand in a knife-like shape, but the Leopard King had long expected the next kick of his normal foot, and then jumped a step, and at the same time, his body rotated rapidly. , Kicked to Muteba Jizanga.

"Armada (armed half-moon kick)!"

I saw that after the Leopard King stopped Muteba Jizanga’s forward momentum with his kick, he continued to kick his foot and swiped to the side, kicking Muteba Jizanga with his heart-piercing right hand. He drove to the side, and then a dive into his open hinterland.

Immediately afterwards, the Leopard King quickly turned his back to Muteba Jizanga, raised his arm, and his upper body fell back and leaned against Muteba Jizanga abruptly.

"Vingativa (diving and topping)!"

Muteba Jizenga was hit by this unprepared top fall and fell backwards. The Leopard King took the opportunity to leap forward, and a forward somersault came behind him, clenching his fists with both hands, like two peaks. At the same time, it hit his ears. Because his ears had been injured in the previous game, the moment when the Leopard King’s fist hit, Muteba Jizanga only felt a buzzing in his ears. Perception blurred again.

Then, the Leopard King strangled his neck with one arm, hooked his body with one foot, and pulled him to the ground by the momentum of his leaning back.

After falling to the ground, the Leopard King locked Muteba Jizanga's neck with both hands, and his feet instantly wrapped around his waist, and then began to exert force, using a twisting technique to beat Muteba Jizanga. The momentum of dizziness.

Feeling the body being oppressed by the huge force, Muteba Jizenga thought: "To the effect, it is actually a twisting technique. I didn't expect that besides Capoeira, he even uses B-West Jiu-Jitsu so skillfully. I thought that as long as he was close to the area where he blocked his kick, his capoeira wouldn't be terrified, but he didn't expect to be smashed by him."

In the VIP audience, seeing the continuous moves of the Leopard King, as a B West VIP who came to watch the game this time, he was very excited.

"Hey! That's the combination of Capoeira and B-Si Jiu-Jitsu. It's absolutely true. He is a Crocodilo master!"

Other dignitaries on the side looked at him curiously, and some couldn't help but ask: "President Loona, who is the Crocodilo master? Isn't the person in the field called the Leopard King?"

President Lorna explained: “Two years ago, a capoeira warrior with a mask appeared on the streets of B West. He looked for the local Capoeira master for advice and combined our B West Jiu-Jitsu and Capoeira merged and created a new genre that can be both far and near. Because his kicking skills are as amazing as a crocodile sweeping the tail, and the twisting skills are like a crocodile's blood basin. The enemy will never let go, so he has the nickname of Crocodilo. ."

At this time someone discovered something wrong: "Wait, isn't Crocodilo his name?"

President B West explained: "Yes, Crocodilo is just his Apelido (nickname). In our place, famous masters have Apelido, and they have been called for a long time, but not many people know the real names of those masters. But Crocodilo The master appeared like a comet for just over a month, and his whereabouts became a mystery, so no one knew his real name."

In the field, Muteba Jizenga is now in a huge crisis, and his brain is thinking about ways to get out of trouble.

Suddenly, Muteba Jizanga's inspiration flashed, and the second knuckle of both hands clenched fists and hit the numb point on the leopard king's elbow. The sudden numbness caused the leopard king to loosen and reinforce Muteba. · Jizan adds hands to the neck.

Muteba Jizenga didn’t stop, and knocked his hands on the Leopard King’s Yinlingquan acupuncture. Then he broke free from the Leopard King’s shackles and quickly jumped back to get away from him. .

While shaking his hands in an attempt to relieve the numbness, the Leopard King stood up from the ground.

"Oh, you really deserve to be the legendary mercenary Muteba Jizanga. It seems that apart from the accident of assassination fist such as heart palsy, you also have a good understanding of the human meridian diagrams in Chinese medicine, but your sense of smell and Hearing has been temporarily sealed by me, and you can no longer [see] my actions with only touch? Then it’s time to put you to sleep."

With that, the Leopard King jumped on Ginga again and approached Muteba Jizanga.

Coming to the front, looking at Muteba Jizanga, who seemed to be very confused, the Leopard King jumped up and rotated around, and after accumulating his strength, a round kick kicked him in the head.

"I'm waiting for this moment!"

Unexpectedly, when the whirling kick was about to hit, Muteba Jizenga suddenly changed his momentum, his stature was short, and he avoided the attack of the Leopard King. At the same time, he made a [heart puncture] while the Leopard King was in the air. Poke him in the chest while avoiding.

Suddenly, the Leopard King in mid-air "wow" spit out a mouthful of blood and fell from mid-air.

Seeing Muteba Jizanga's attack worked, his employer Togo Tomari was very happy. She knew that this was the new product she installed for him.

However, as soon as the Leopard King fell to the ground, he adjusted his posture and fell on the ground with his back facing Muteba Jizan. Then he stuck his hands and feet on the ground, turned over, and his legs were as straight as steel bars. Kicked diagonally upward and swept towards Muteba Jizanga's head.

"RaboArraia (tail of the devil fish)!"

The Leopard King was able to fight back immediately after his heart was pierced, which greatly exceeded Muteba Jizanga’s expectations. Facing the sudden sweep of his legs, Muteba Jizanga hurriedly raised his hands to protect him. He stopped his head, but a huge force struck him, kicking him away, and his blocking arm instantly swelled and turned black and purple.

Slowly climbing up from the ground holding his arms, Muteba Jizanga said with some effort: "You always bring me surprises one after another. I didn't expect you to get my [heart puncture]. Move freely."

The Leopard King looked at the wound near his heart, and said with a smile: "This is just an example of the displacement of the internal organs in the assassination fist. It's not a big deal, but when it comes to surprises, let's be each other, Mutbasan, I If you guessed correctly, you should be able to [see] now, right?"

"Haha, I was discovered. Thanks to my employer. Before the competition, he installed the latest mechanical eye developed by their company. This mechanical eye has vibration perception, infrared hyperopia, thermal imaging, etc. This kind of function, although the support in the ring is not very big, but it is definitely a magical weapon on the battlefield."

"So, it's Miss Togo Tomari of Iwami Heavy Industries. She seems to be a very talented person. Closer to home, Mute Basan, I just abolished your hand. You should still be able to fight. I don't think I was so careless just now."

With that said, the Leopard King tightened his muscles to stop the bleeding from the wound, and jumped up Ginga again.

But at this moment, what everyone did not expect was that Muteba Jizanga suddenly raised another intact arm and waved to the referee, saying: "Referee, I abstain."

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