See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 231 Elena Jizenga

"Abandoned... Abstained! Muteba player issued a declaration of abstention that was unexpected to everyone!"

Katahara Kayama on the commentary stage called out everyone's hearts. Muteba Jizanga saw that he still had the power to fight, but he chose to abstain, which was really shocking.

And the hardest hit was undoubtedly his employer Togo Den Mari.After hearing Muteba Jizenga's declaration of abstention, Dongxiang Tengmali, who had always been calm and calm, suddenly became confused, anxious like an ant on a hot pot.

"Abstained? That bastard actually said to abstain? Oh... I understand, this must be a tactic, this is a tactic to paralyze the opponent, it must be true..."

At the end, her voice became less and less emboldened.

In the field, the Leopard King was also very surprised by Muteba Jizanga's decision, so he asked: "Hey, Mutebasan, you have not fallen into a state where you can't fight yet? Why did you give up?"

Muteba Jizanga spread his hands helplessly: "Don't be foolish, you were better than me a few years ago. Although my strength has improved now, I am not a little bit worse than your monster. And you know, unlike your martial artists, this is how I handle things as a mercenary."

After finishing speaking, Muteba Jizenga waved his hand at the Leopard King, then turned and walked into his own player passage, leaving the Leopard King with a handsome back.


Outside the infirmary, Muteba Jizenga just walked out the door after receiving the bandage, he saw Dongxiang Denmali gritted his teeth with anger.

Looking at the menacing employer, Muteba Jizenga smiled very gently: "Miss Dongxiang, don't be angry, I have tried my best."

"Try your best~?"

Togo Dengmali trembled all over because of his anger, then opened his mouth with shark teeth and shouted at Muteba Jizanga: "You are a bastard, look at what you have done! I still have the face to say that I did my best. I put so much money on you, but you gave me the right to abstain! Have you gotten in your head!"

Muteba Jizanga made a false push with one hand: "Well, Miss Togo, calm down, calm down, that guy I have failed under him before, and it’s just futile to fight again, and I’m a mercenary. The cost, if the injury affects your job, you will lose out. Don’t worry, I won’t breach the contract, because I didn’t win the championship, so I’ll only receive a deposit for the reward, and I’ll follow the contract.”

Dongxiang Dengmali stomped his feet angrily: "I still put so much money and sister paper on you, you said, how do you compensate me!"

"(ω;) How unreasonable is this woman who started the fire? Haven't you already formed an alliance with some big companies such as Gangdai? Even if I can't win the championship, your position in the boxing club will be It will be very stable."

"One yard goes to one yard, you must come up with a compensation plan!"

Seeing that Dongxiang Dengmali was still reluctant, Muteba Jizanga took out a card from his pocket and flew it to her.

Looking at the card in his hand, Togo Denmali asked curiously: "What is this card?"

"This is my personal contact number. Please call this number if you have anything to do. It is limited to one time. I can pick up your commission for free."

After speaking, Muteba Jizenga was about to turn around and leave, but a voice different from Dongxiang Denmali stopped him.

"May I take up some of your precious time, Mutbasan?"

Muteba Jizenga knew that it was Senro who came: "Of course it is possible. Why did the big figures of the Battery company ask me for anything? Is there any commission? But you have seen it. Now I am inconvenient. And next time."

As he said, Muteba Jizenga shook his arm in a plaster and bandage. At this time, he was a little surprised to find that besides Senluo, there was another person with him. From the smell and In terms of behavior, Muteba Jizanga judged that the person was a young girl.

Muteba Jizenga was right. After the game, the Leopard King changed his clothes after the wound treatment and restored his identity as Senluo. Then he said he wanted to honor the surprise he said before the game. Linna found Muteba Jizanga.

He pulled Elena to push her down in front of Muteba Jizanga, and said to him solemnly: "Mutebasan, although you may not be able to accept it for a while, this Elena is your daughter. ."


As soon as this remark came out, not only Muteba Jizanga, who was the person involved, was stunned on the spot, even Elena, who came with him, was put on the spot.

"Master Sunro. Are you true!"

"Of course it's true. When you first met, didn't you tell me that you really wanted to know who your father is? I found it for you."

Muteba Jizenga is still a little confused: "Hey, boy, what are you talking about?"

Sen Luo explained: "What I said is true. Actually, I found out a long time ago. In the previous night attack, by giving you the opportunity to treat the wound, I took your blood sample. After identification, the facts are just like mine. Think about it, Elena was born in the slum of B West, I wonder if you have an impression?"

Looking at the memory in his head, after a while, Muteba Jizanga suddenly realized: "So it's like this."

"Mutebasan, it seems you have an impression of this."

Muteba Jizan nodded, and his thoughts flew to the distant past.

According to Muteba Jizenga, it was a mission in Brazil. Due to the mistakes of the partners, Muteba Jizanga’s combat power was almost wiped out, although he relied on his superb skills. Luckily, he survived, but he also lost his eyes during that mission.

Muteba Jizanga, who lost his light, realized the first fear in his life. After that, he hesitated, dragging his injured body like a mouse to hide in Tibet, and finally lost his way and broke into the local slum, where dragons and snakes were mixed. , It is also a good place to hide and heal."

And Muteba Jizenga also met Elena’s mother there, a very ordinary woman, and like all the people living in the slum, Elena’s mother was also struggling with life.

This woman didn’t know who Muteba Jizenga was, but she saw that although the clothes and equipment on Muteba Jizanga were a bit tattered, the materials and brands weren’t what should appear in the slums. Moved with compassion and helped him.

Maybe at first the woman just wanted to get a thank you money from Muteba Jizenga to make a living, but after getting along for a long time, after learning some things about Muteba Jizanga, this woman gradually got Got other ideas.

She felt that the man in front of her was the hope that God had given her to escape the slum, and she had to seize this opportunity no matter what.

In the end, she naively figured out how to use family affection to drag Muteba Jizanga with children, and put it into action all day and night.

With the character of Muteba Jizanga, the ten females of the night, in this case, there are women who come to the door, and naturally they will not refuse, so after the two have been crazy for a night, the woman gets what she wants thing.

It is a pity that things did not develop as the woman thought. When the woman reacted and went to the hospital for a check-up, she was greeted by an empty room and the bank account and password left on the table. There are a few lines of farewell words slanted.

Yes, Muteba Jizenga was aware of the woman's thoughts, so he left as much money as he thought was enough, and Muteba Jizanga left there.

As a free mercenary, he, family, relatives, and the like are things that are not related to him, and I can only say that the woman is a bit too whimsical.

Speaking of this, Muteba Jizan sighed further: "I thought that woman would kill the child, but I didn't expect that she would have given birth. How are they doing now?"

Senro said: "The money you have left is pretty generous, but for a woman who lives alone in a slum, it does more harm than good. The woman took the money and tucked it tragically until Elena was born. Nothing happened, but the expenses became higher after the child was born, so when the woman was spending money, she was targeted by the bullies in the slums. As a result, I don’t need to say, you know. Later, as Elena grew up day by day, her Life became more and more difficult, and finally had to sell Elena in exchange for the money needed for life, and then Elena changed hands several times and was sold to one of my masters."

"So it's really a disaster-like childhood, but why are you looking for me now? It's not always enough to make me take the responsibility of being a father now?"

Before Senluo spoke, Elena on the side said first: "It's not such a Mute Basan. Since I was bought by Lord Diage, I have had a good time, especially after meeting Master Senluo. They gave me delicious food and drink, and they also introduced me to the master of martial arts. I have a very fulfilling and contented life every day. I want to see you, mainly because I want to know what kind of dad my mom used to talk about is like. Man, since I have seen it now, I don’t have any other thoughts. The job of a mercenary is very dangerous. Please take care, Mutbasan."

After speaking, Elena bowed to Muteba Jizanga and pulled Sunro away.

On the other side, after seeing someone left, Togo Tomali laughed and said, "I didn’t expect you to have this kind of experience. It’s really interesting, but I just tried to complain, but I didn’t expect to get something good. Now that the gift is here and the soap opera is finished, I should also go."

After speaking, Dongxiang Dengmali hummed a small tune and left in a big swing, leaving only Muteba Jizanga standing there, thinking about what had just happened.

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