See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 232 Royal Thunder Zero VS Kuroki Xuanzhai

Just when Sen Luo took Elena to confess his relatives, the audience couldn't wait to see the next match between Yu Lei Ling and Kuro Mu Xuan Zhai.

In the contestant's lounge, Yu Lei Ling hugged his hands empty on his chest and stood motionless, exuding an unusual aura from all over his body.

Seeing Yulei Ling like this, Kurinai asked with great interest: "Ling-kun, you are really riveting this time, what are you doing now?"

"This is one of the stances in my Lei Mind. It is said that it originated from the Taoist priests of the celestial dynasty. They call this posture [qi training]. It can adjust the balance of qi in the body to make the qi in the body more solid. , It can also flow more smoothly."

While Yu Lei Ling continued to maintain the posture of [qi training], he continued to condense his own Qi.

"So that's the case. Have you been doing your best since the start of the game? It's really the style of Zero King."

At this moment, a staff member knocked on the door of the lounge: "Player Yu Lei, the game is about to start, please enter as soon as possible."

Kurano Rina said a little apologetically, "Ah, it's all this time, I'm here to delay your time. I'm really sorry, Rei-kun."

Yu Lei Ling put aside his posture and moved his muscles and bones a bit: "You don't need to apologize, Rino, you did nothing wrong. I wanted to stay with you for a while before forgetting the time. I will go now. I will definitely bring victory. Here for you."

After speaking, Yu Lei Ling turned and walked out of the lounge.

Arriving in the field, I saw Kuroki Xuanzhai standing upright like a gun in the field. The audience outside the field seemed to be shocked by his aura, silent, quiet and scary.

"Sorry, I'm late."

Kuromu Xuanzhai looked at Yu Lei Ling: "It's okay, just come here, young man."

Looking at Kuroki Gensai, Yulei once again looked back at Kurano Kurayoshi at the exit of the contestant, and made up his mind: "Rino, for love, I will definitely win."

However, his move angered the opposite Kuromu Xuanzhai, and he only heard him shouting: "Boy, give me attention, I Kuromu, is you also a distracted opponent for a yellow-mouthed kid?"

Yu Lei Ling shook his head as if to chase away distracting thoughts from his head: "That's right, you can think about these things slowly after you win. I will definitely beat you and prove to everyone that it is not an assassination punch. , But Lei Xinliu as a boxing technique is still extremely powerful."

While talking, Yu Lei Ling stretched his hand forward, spread his feet back and forth, squatted down, and set up Lei Xinliu's starting hand [Thunder Flash]. This squat is more squatting than ever before. deep.

The opposite Kuromu Xuanzhai nodded: "Young people can have this consciousness, not bad!"

Then, Kuroki Xuanzhai also set up a posture, but Yu Lei Ling confronted him.

In the corner of the audience, Morira's great grandfather Oh Hyeriyo, Yulei Ling's grandfather and master Yulei Miao, and Inaba Ryo's grandfather Inaba Jozaemon sat side by side.

Wu Huiliyang looked at the other two people with a bit of discomfort and said: "I really didn't expect that the guys who have killed each other several times, and the industry competitor Inabayu, will have a day of sitting side by side, obviously the guy Katahara I have prepared a VIP room for you."

Yu Leimiao put his hands in his cuffs and said indifferently, "It's okay, we are just old men who have left the front line sitting together."

In this regard, Inaba Takezaemon also affirmed: "The same is true for the old man. The small room is too depressing, but the outside is spacious."

After speaking, he didn't forget to ask for a bottle of liquor from the waiter who was passing by.

Wu Huiliyang looked at Yu Leimiao who was aside: "Speaking of which, what do you think about your own disciple's changing the genre from killing fist to living fist?"

Yu Leimiao shook his head: "There is nothing wrong with him. He is the current sect master. I have no objection to the decision of the sect master."

In the field, Yu Lei Ling snorted coldly when he looked at Heimu Xuan Zhai who was confronting him, "Is it a weird wrist flow? I have heard a lot about you from my grandfather. You are killing us, Lei Xinliu, who is the master , That’s my father’s person."

"Oh, so what? Are you going to take revenge and kill me? But it is not easy to kill me Kuroki. Are you enlightened?"

"Kill you? How could it be? I swore to my beloved woman that I will never kill anyone again, so this time I will beat you for love."

Following the referee's order, Yu Lei Ling instantly turned into a thunder light and rushed towards Kuroki Xuanzhai.

There are two reasons why Lei Xinliu can achieve such a fast speed. One is that the dark rituals passed down from generation to generation can cultivate a method of hypnotizing and self-suggestion by Lei Xinliu, making people who experience self-suggestion look like The [liberation] of the Wu clan is generally beyond the limits of body and mind.

The second is because Lei Xinliu's heirs have been practicing speed-related penances that are out of common sense since they are sensible. Their legs have evolved from the inside to the outside into a shape born for running.

The combination of the two makes Yu Lei Ling's speed even higher than that of most of the Wu clan.

However, as early as the last two games, Kuroki Xuanzhai had already figured out the speed of Yu Lei Ling.

In the face of Yu Lei Ling flying in like thunder, Kuroki Xuan Zhai, who knew the information for a long time, stretched out his hand unhurriedly and placed his hand on what he thought was the only way for Yu Lei Ling. The place.

Just when he wanted to take advantage of the zero-impact speed of Yu Lei to kill him in one move, something unexpected happened to him.

Seeing that Kuromu Xuanzhai's hand hadn't been placed in place, Yu Lei Ling had already flashed past him. The sharp hand knife tore a long hole in his waist, and blood rushed out suddenly. At the same time, Kuroki Xuanzhai fell to the ground on one knee for the first time in this knockout..

This made him realize that Yu Lei Ling was faster than in the previous two games.Kuromu Xuanzhai paid the price of blood because he misjudged the opponent's power.

After Yu Lei Ling succeeded, the speed did not decrease, and he turned and attacked Heimu Xuan Zhai again.

"Don't think about it!"

Kuromu Xuanzhai yelled, using his proud move [Magic Spear], and stab Yu Lei Ling straightly towards the fast approaching Yu Lei Ling.

Unexpectedly, Yu Lei Ling and [Magic Spear] were separated at the touch of a touch. At the same time, Yu Lei Ling also hit the hand of Heimu Xuan Zhai with an extremely precise punch, putting Heimu Xuan Zhai on the move. The two fingers that were broken by Kiryu Setsou were discounted again.

Then, Yu Lei Ling raised her elbow and ran into Heimu Xuan Zhai with a thunderous momentum. Under the hasty defense of Hei Mu Xuan Zhai, he was hit by Yu Lei Ling and retreated several steps.

How did Yu Lei Ling get this new level of strength?All this is actually due to his employer Kurano.

This woman is called the [Queen Bee], and her [command hint] has an effect similar to pure cotton, which can suppress the self-instincts of all males and force them to obey themselves. This is her innate ability.

Before the game, Rina Kurani responded to Yu Lei Ling's request and gave him an order to win.So Yu Lei Ling's hint of thunder flow and Kurano's [command hint] were further strengthened.

Under the effect of the double hint, Yu Lei Ling completely deceived his brain, liberated the shackles of his body, and exerted his power beyond his limit.

However, even if the power of the fastest man and the peerless girl was assembled, it would not be easy to defeat Kuroki Xuanzhai.

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