Gradually, combining the forces of [Thunder God] and [Queen Bee], they also fell into trouble in front of the powerful Kuroki Gensai.

The deeper Yu Lei Ling attacks, the more dangerous he feels. Although Yu Lei Ling still has the advantage in speed, after Kuroki Xuan Zhai has gradually adapted to Yu Lei Ling’s speed, he can always be able to control others. Launched a counterattack against Yu Lei Ling.

Such Kuroki Xuanzhai gave Yu Lei Ling an invulnerable and unbreakable feeling like a strong city.

As Kuroki Xuanzhai succeeded in his counterattack, Yu Lei Ling's injuries continued to increase, and the strength beyond the limit he obtained because of his injury was also coming to an end.

Now Yu Lei Ling’s body can be said to be exhausted to the point where he can’t even shed a single drop of sweat. His hands are trembling because of dehydration and fatigue, and even his vision has begun to blur. This is the use of power beyond oneself. The price.

After all, he is not from the Wu clan, and there is not such a strong body that can support him to use the power beyond the limit. This is just the beginning. If it is overused, it is not impossible for the body to collapse.

However, even so, Yu Lei Ling is still convinced of his victory, because of such a desperate situation, Yu Lei Ling has already tried it once in the dark ritual passed down from generation to generation in Lei Xin's line, and it has broken through it perfectly. The current situation, for him, is nothing more than breaking through the trial that he has broken through again.

With such a heart of victory, Yu Lei Ling's self-suggestion strengthened a bit.

At that moment, Yu Lei Ling disappeared from everyone’s sight. The speed was so fast that even the fighters who watched the battle, many people couldn’t see it. It can be said to be the fastest speed that everyone has ever seen. .

But I don't know why, this was the fastest speed, but it was still caught by Heimu Xuanzhai.

I saw that Yu Lei Ling appeared in front of Heimu Xuan Zhai the next moment after he disappeared, but before he could attack Heimu Xuan Zhai, Heimu Xuan Zhai seemed to have known that he would be there. The same appeared there. At the same time Yu Lei Ling appeared, Kuro Mu Xuan Zhai slammed down in front of him with his elbow.

Under the double blow of his own rapid impact and Kuroki Xuanzhai's elbow, Yu Lei Ling's entire population vomited blood and flew out.

Seeing Yu Lei Ling who was struggling to get up on the ground, Kuro Mu Xuan Zhai maintained his elbow posture and said to him: "Young man, you underestimate my Kuro Mu Xuan Zhai, although your speed is indeed very fast. But people who can only hit what they can see are only second-rate martial artists, and this does not include me."

Unfortunately, Yu Lei Ling did not listen to what he said, but he muttered as if he was suspicious of life: "Why am I still caught? Is my love not enough? In that case, I will become faster. Love deeper."

At the same time, Yu Lei Ling forcibly got up to stabilize his figure, and rushed to Kuroki Xuan Zhai again at a speed a few minutes faster than before. At that moment, almost everyone in the arena who could accurately capture Yu Lei's movements It can be described by a handful of words, even his opponent Kuromu Xuanzhai, has not seen his movements clearly.

But even so, in the face of Yu Lei Ling's onslaught, Heimu Xuan Zhai can still cope with ease.

Because, if you want to deal with the kind of attack that you can't react as long as the opponent makes a move, there is only one countermeasure, which is to move before the enemy moves, which is the so-called [Pre-reading].

Like many genres of martial arts, Kuroki Xuanzhai’s strange wrists also have a pre-reading technique called "Fuck". Moreover, Kuroki Xuanzhai has practiced the skill of "Pre-reading" to the extreme. He can even block the bullets of the sniper rifle with a clay pot at close range..

For Kuroki Gensai, what he has to do is not to attack, but to place. If the opponent is 10 times faster than himself, then [pre-reading] 10 times later, place your attack where the opponent must Just go somewhere.

And he understands that it is easier to deal with opponents like Yulei Ling. Lei Xinliu pursues the ultimate speed, so Yulei Ling's movements follow the principle of the shortest straight line between two points, and all moves are straight. There is nothing better than a straight line to determine the direction.

Ironically, for the current Yu Lei Ling, the speed he is proud of has turned into his urging ghost. When Kuroki Xuan Zhai succeeds in counterattack, Yu Lei Ling will suffer because of his speed. Double the damage.

After a fierce attack, Yu Lei Ling's body was already covered with scars. The most severe sternum was dented by Hei Mu Xuan Zhai, which began to affect his breathing, and his feet were also damaged by pushing the ground too hard. It began to collapse, and anyone with a discerning eye could see that Yu Lei Ling had no chance of winning.

But all of this still couldn't stop Yu Lei Ling's offensive. After he found that [Thunder Flash]'s posture was completely useless to Heimu Xuan Zhai, he immediately changed his posture and roared towards Heimu Xuan Zhai.

I saw him using the posture of [Yang Yan], flashing his fist with both hands, constantly changing various postures, and hitting Heimu Xuanzhai's main points around the body.

However, Lei Xinliu, who had lost his speed advantage, was at the end of his way, and Heimu Xuanzhai's attacks had already been completely seen through, and he was able to defend himself drippingly.

After a blow, Kuroki Xuanzhai was unscathed, but Yulei Ling's hands started to soak blood when attacking. In fact, Kuroki Xuanzhai only slapped Yulei Ling's hand to the side when he was defending, but because he usually A pair of iron palms trained here, this ordinary defense also has the same attack effect as a file.

However, Yu Lei Ling, who was bleeding in his hands, not only did not stop his attacks, but increased the frequency of his attacks. Unlike the previous attacks on the key points of Heimu Xuan Zhai, he now began to further increase his punching speed. The power of the whole body was hitting Kuroki Xuanzhai in all directions.

Under Yu Lei Ling's life-threatening attack, Heimu Xuanzhai finally couldn't stand it, and began to slowly retreat.

Now, Yu Lei Ling concentrated on launching an attack on Kuro Mu Xuan Zhai, leaving behind Lei’s pride, his father’s vengeance, and the agreement with his loved ones, etc., but Kuro Mu Xuan Yu Lei Ling couldn't miss all of Zhai's movements.

Seeing Heimu Xuanzhai retreating, Yu Lei Ling, who was eager for success, slammed his fist at Heimu Xuanzhai's head with a fist.

Unexpectedly, all these are traps set by Heimu Xuanzhai. When Yu Lei Ling's fist came to his body, Heimu Xuanzhai easily escaped his attack on one side of his body, and then put four fingers together with his right hand. My most proud [Magic Spear] pierced Yu Lei Ling's chest, which opened the door wide because of a big punch.

This time was fast and accurate, Yu Lei Ling didn't even have time to feel the pain, his consciousness flew to the distant horizon like a kite with a broken line.

Immediately afterwards, the unconscious body broke with a puppet-like "puff" and fell motionless to the ground.

After confirming the status of Yu Lei Ling, the referee chanted: "The victory is divided! The winner ~ Kuroki Gensai!!!"

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