See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 236 [Teeth] VS [Floating Clouds] Next

Chu Jianquan’s attack is a commonly used [elbow lock] in Aikido, which is very effective against attacks such as straight punches.

If this continues, it will be inevitable that Ghana’s arm joints will be damaged, and even if you want to break free, other unprepared parts of your body will be attacked by Chu Jianquan. The situation is very unfavorable.

Although Ghanaian also has physical strengthening techniques similar to the "King Kong type" of the ten ghosts and snakes, but in this posture that cannot be parried and avoided, if those parts that cannot be hardened are attacked, even Ghanaian is physically strong. It will be overwhelming.

Just when the thought that Ghana might be about to fail in everyone's mind, an unexpected scene happened.

I saw that Ghanaan did not struggle to get up, but turned her body in the direction of Chu Jianquan's twisting, adjusted her posture, and then in a strange posture, a sweeping round kick kicked against the Chu Jianquan who suppressed her. .

In order to defend against his attack, Chu Jianquan had to let go of one hand to block. However, Ghana's foot was heavy, and Chu Jianquan's arm used to block immediately turned blue and purple after the move. , Swelling up.

However, Chu Jianquan did not show the slightest panic on his face, as if everything was expected, and he raised the hand used to block it, clenched his fist to protrude the second knuckle of his index finger.

"Sorry Ghana, your actions are exactly the same as I expected."

"Cong Yun Sanlian!"

Having said that, Chu Jianquan quickly hit Ghana's eyebrows, mid-person and chin with three punches.

This move is a continuous penetration attack on the three vital points of the human face in the first sight of Ryu Aikido. Once hit, the strongest person will not escape the fate of losing consciousness.

However, after Jianquan had hit three punches, he felt something wrong with the blow. When he took a closer look, he was surprised to find that the Ghanaian that he was holding in his hand was undamaged, but his finger that attacked the Ghanaian was broken. Lost.

Looking at it again, Ghana's hand was still holding a certain move, and he was staring at him with a serious face.

When I first saw Quanquan, I saw it clearly. The gesture made by Ghanaian was a frequently used gesture in ancient Jiu-Jitsu. It was also commonly known as finger breaking. I never imagined that Qianquan would still be in ancient Jiu-Jitsu. It is necessary to know that Jiu-Jitsu has the best strength in close combat. It is undoubtedly a very dangerous thing to be close to Ghana in this state.

Seeing Quan Quan did not hesitate for the first time, he immediately let go of the Ghanaian water, and several consecutive back jumps and the Ghanaian water were separated.

However, Ghanaan obviously didn’t want to give Chujianquan this opportunity. Just as he jumped after the first sight of the spring, Ghana’s foot kicked on the ground and jumped from the ground, and then bullied himself and faced the Chujianquan with nothing. Chop the elbow without mercy.

This time, Chu Jianquan did not completely evade the Ghanaian attack as before, and a sharp elbow struck Chu Jianquan’s eye sockets, bringing out a trace of blood.

After a successful move, Ghana took advantage of Chujianquan's shaking and launched a fierce attack on him. The middle and lower kicking skills continued to hit Chujianquan like waves, and Chujianquan was like the stormy waves of the time. A small boat in the middle of the world is in danger of subversion at any time, and the scene where he and Ghana were matched before is like a dream bubble, so unreal.

It’s no wonder that, in fact, the tactics of Ghana’s previous battles were all unfinished [growth period], but after the battle with Gaorang, Ghana’s has been transformed again. The game is when it emerges.

In the VIP box, I saw Chu Jianquan like a child being played between the palms of the palms by Ghanaian moisturizing, and Nogi Hideki, who was still confident just now, stood up from the sofa and knocked over the red wine at hand. Did not pay attention.

"How could this happen! No, I haven't lost at first sight. He still has the trick to kill that is useless."

After finding a reason for his reassurance, Noguki Hideki slowly walked back to his position again.

In the field, Chu Jianquan, who was under attack, was very distressed at this time. Ghana's attack was not only very fierce, but also the distance of the attack was within a very delicate range for Chu Jianquan.

Although my finger is now broken and I can't break through the Ghanaian attack, I still can't think of giving up when I think back to the hard work I had done for this game.

As a result, Chu Jianquan turned his mind, no longer parry and dodge, but rushed up against Ghana's attack.

After dexterously passing Ghana’s straight punch, Chu Jianquan grabbed the gap of Ghana’s punch. He was short and rushed into the hinterland of Ghana. He raised his hand to support Ghana. Her chin, tripping under her feet, pressed his head and threw him to the ground.

"This is a move I have practiced to deal with you. I won't let you have the opportunity to suffer. I first saw the meteors... Uh!"

However, Chu Jianquan's moves had not been fully implemented yet, but he suddenly screamed, and a lot of blood flowed from his mouth and nose.

Everyone didn't see what was going on at all, because it was impossible to strike at that close distance.

Chu Jianquan himself was also confused. Originally, he was about to determine the victory or defeat. As a result, an impact like a spear pierced from his body suddenly, which penetrated his back from his chest.

However, it was not that Chuanquan did nothing at first. Seeing that the move was unsuccessful, he lifted up his spirits and barely hugged Ghana's waist.

Looking at Chujianquan, who was still struggling, Ghana said in a deep voice: "Chujijianquan, I want to thank you, because of your sacrifice, I have evolved again."

With that, Ghana raised his elbow and slammed Chu Jianquan's back severely.

However, Chu Jianquan did not give up on this. He was holding Ghana's waist and pushed forward. In order to prevent him from falling, Ghana had to give up his elbow, grabbing Chu Jianquan with both hands, and talk to him. Wrestling.

It turned out that Chu Jianquan had a plan to hug Ghana's waist after the trick was cracked. By moving Ghana's center of gravity, Chu Jianquan can predict his next move and then quickly respond.

Just as everyone felt that the game would enter a deadlock, Ghana Suddenly shook his arm. Then, Chu Jianquan suddenly began to bleed from his seven orifices, and then slowly fell to the ground.

In the VIP box, Wu Huiliyang looked at Ghana’s last move, and couldn’t help but admire: “It’s amazing. It seems that he has reached the threshold of the [Prophet first] realm. After detecting the opponent’s intention, he will attack before he takes action. Sure, if I read it right, he used [Cun Jin] twice to make Chu Jianquan vomit blood."

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh He doesn't die. That Chu Jianquan should be quite a master, but compared with my [ya], he is still a little different."

Katahara Keido laughed while talking, his words were full of triumphant expressions that could not be concealed, while Hideki Nogiri on the side was already paralyzed on the sofa because of surprise and unwillingness.

The referee only heard the announcement: "The winner is divided! The winner ~ Ghana! The clouds finally come and dissipate in front of the fangs!"

For a while, the audience burst out with a cry of "Ya! Ya! Ya! Ya!" Amid this enthusiastic cry, Ghana Slowly walked into his contestant channel.

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