See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 237: The Current Situation

Because of fear, Ziyin, who is a former girlfriend, came to Chujianquan’s contestants early in the morning. After the game, he saw Chujianquan being carried on a stretcher by medical staff. Time rushed out.

She was lying on the edge of the stretcher and shouted: "Quan! Are you alright, Quan, you have to cheer up, Doctor Yingchu will be here soon."

However, at this moment, Chu Jianquan tremblingly stretched out his hand to her: "Don't worry, I can't die. I can act if I take a rest, but there is a top priority before this..."

Zouyuan Ziyin grabbed Chu Jianquan's hand stretched out: "What is it, you say, I must do it if I can."

"It doesn't matter what brand it is, can you give me a cigarette..."

Before he finished speaking, Zouyuan Ziyin hit a pack of cigarettes on Chu Jianquan's still bleeding head.

"It's all like this, why don't you get killed directly!"

In fact, according to the normal situation, after eating two shots of Cunjin, Chu Jianquan should be cold now, but now Chu Jianquan not only has no sequelae, but is very energetic to ask Liuyuan Ziyin to smoke. Pumping, Chu Jianquan himself noticed that Ghanaian gave him water during the game, and it was not a little bit.

Thinking of this, Chu Jianquan felt a sense of humiliation involuntarily, and couldn't help clenching his fists.

So far, the 8-in-4 game in the morning has all ended, and the game has entered a two-hour intermission.

During this time, except for the major restaurants in the arena, the places where bets were the most lively, everyone exchanged information about the players while placing huge bets on their favorite players.

When everyone was discussing who would win the championship, two slightly old-fashioned voices intervened.

"Oh, oh, it seems that most people's ideas are mature enough. Compared with who will win the championship, we members of the Boxing Club should be more concerned about who will be the president."

Everyone turned their heads and saw that the director of Wushi TV station Atamijiu and the president of UnitedClothing Liu Zhen walked towards them side by side.

After hearing what they said, someone asked puzzledly: "You two are both old members of the Boxing Wish Club. What did you mean by that?"

Atami explained: "It means literally, we don't just watch a match, we have to see through the essence of this boxing fight."

"(O_O)? The essence?"

"Yes, it is the matter of who will be the next president. It may be because the chairman of Katahara has been in charge of the Quan Wish Conference for too long. You young Quan Wish members have not yet understood deeply. The replacement of the president is A major event that can affect the balance and structure of the internal forces of the Quan Wish Club."

While talking, the two said that since everyone had a chance to chat together, they would try their best to share information about the remaining companies they knew with others.

First of all, the current president, Katahara Miedang. He has been in charge of the Boxing Wish Club for half a century. He is the only one in the history of the Boxing Wish Club. If he is re-elected as the president, no matter what Bad, the Quan Wish Club should maintain the status quo.

The second is Yamashita Shoji. According to their understanding, Yamashita was independent from Hideki Nogki’s group shortly before the start of the Fist Wish Desperate Elimination Match, so they believed that Yamashita was a member of Hideki Nog’s faction, even if he won the championship. Name Hideki Noguki as the chairman.

And Hideki Noguki is the initiator of this Knife Desperate Elimination Tournament. He has been chanting the slogan of reform since a long time ago. If he becomes the president, the reform of Knife will be inevitable.

In addition, judging from the excellent performance in the game, they didn't mean to despise Yamashita at all, but felt that Yamashita was a great boss who was good at hiding himself.

Then there is Battery Company. There is no need for two people to explain. Everyone here knows that Battery is a world-class enterprise. Their purpose of joining the All-Member Meeting is very unclear, because their industries all over the world add up to Boxing Wish Club is not only a little bit stronger, but joining this is not too big for them in Boxing Wish Club. After they entered R-books, many related industries have been hit by unprecedented impacts. If Ai Li When Sha became the president, the current structure of the Fist Wish Society would surely undergo earth-shaking changes.

Finally, the president of Motor Head Motor, Takakaze Keiji, is the most unpredictable one, because this man has been wandering overseas all the year round. He is a strange man with no fixed place. It is said that this man got it from an ancient Indian tribe. After he got his own Indian name, he awakened a new philosophy of life. If he becomes the president, no one can guess what he will do.

After the analysis, Hisashi Atami concluded: "In short, the Katahara, Nogi, Foreign, and Hawkwind are now in the full membership."

After listening to the analysis of the two, everyone understood the current form, but at the same time a new question came to mind.

Someone asked uncertainly: "We all understand the truth, but why do you tell us these things?"

Atami pushed his glasses for a long time: "It's very simple, as it is called [Everyone gathers firewood and the fire is high], and this information is an invitation to all the firewood pickers."

All the people present were not fools. Hearing the meaning in Atami Jiu's words, he wanted them to stand in line in advance, so they all bowed their heads and began to think.

Just as he was considering the issue of team standing here, on the other side, Hideki Nog, who had just lost the game, approached Yamashita.

After meeting Mr. Yamashita, Hideki Nogi took the lead to say hello: "Mr. Yamashita, it is really hard for you to qualify for the semifinals, but your mission is over here."

Yamashita was taken aback: "President Nogi, is there anything wrong with coming to me at this time? Also, what do you mean by this?"

Nogki Hideki said straightforwardly: "I have already decided. In the next match, replace the Ten Ghost Snake King Horse with another fighter."

Yamashita was taken aback: "Eh! Why is this, President Nogi?"

"As you know, Miss Alyssa is also one of my facilitators. The appointment of me as the president is also something that has been agreed long ago. Looking at the current situation, everyone knows the status of the ten ghosts, snakes and kings. The victory of Miss Sha’s side is obviously a certainty, so instead of letting the Ten Ghost Snake King squander the Leopard King’s physical strength in vain, it’s better to change individuals and let the Leopard King easily advance to the ranks more safely. You have to understand that I have already lost the game. So I can't tolerate the slightest difference next, is it okay, Yamashita-san?"

What made him unexpected was that after listening to his plan, Yamashita resolutely rejected him.

"Although the situation may indeed be as President Nogi said, verbal digging! President Nogi, you are too casual, this game is no longer yours alone, for this game, Wang Marsang But at the cost of his life, Yamashita Shoji's fighter can only be the king of ten ghosts and snakes. This is a consistent decision in Xia.

Hearing what Yamashita said, Nogi Hideki immediately panicked: "Σ(°Д°;)Are you serious? What's the point of persisting in such a boring place? Think about it, I I promise to let the Ten Ghost Snake King Ma leave Wanliu Island immediately and go to the highest-level hospital for the best treatment. The 5.1 billion you owe me can also be written off, and I have already prepared you to return to Nogi Group as the vice president. Go ahead and do it."

Faced with the many attractive conditions put forward by Hideki Nogi, Yamashita resolutely refused: "I'm very sorry, President Nogi, I have decided on this matter, please rest assured, Wang Masang will definitely win. Your ambition will surely be achieved."

After speaking, Yamashita did not care about the anger of Noguki Hideki, and after bowing to him, he went looking for the Ten Ghost Snake King Horse alone.

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