See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 238 Leopard King VS Ashura (Part 1)

Time flies, and the afternoon has arrived in a blink of an eye, and the semi-finals have officially started. I saw Katahara Kazuka walking into the arena, holding the microphone and shouting excitedly: "Presumably everyone is already waiting impatiently!!! At this moment! , Our semi-finals have finally kicked off!!!"

With her words, there was a wave of cheers outside the court.

Katahara Kazuka continued: "In the first game of the semi-finals, Yamashita Shoji-Ten Ghost Snake King Horse VS Batry Company-Leopard King. They also overcome strong competitors and advanced from the third round. Two people! There are only two or three hours of rest time in between. I am afraid that it is not even comforting, but please see clearly, whether it is fatigue or injury, there is no trace in the two of them. Seek, will the person who can enter the finals be the Leopard King or Ashura! At this moment, the bell of the battle finally rang!!!"

Then, amidst the cheers, the contestants walked slowly through the special effects and walked into the competition arena.

This time, the Leopard King changed into a black Tang suit practice clothes, with long hair tied behind his head and a bright red face on his face. He was full of energy and stood upright in the field like a javelin.

Seeing the costume of the Leopard King, Katahara yelled: "Oh! The Leopard King players entered the arena in a different costume this time. After wrestling, Muay Thai and Capoeira, watch him this time. Looks like, are you planning to use the Celestial Kungfu to deal with the Ten Ghosts, Snakes, Kings and Horses? What kind of performance he will have, let us wait and see!

Looking at the Leopard King in front of him, the Ten Ghost Snake King Horse shuddered subconsciously. This is a danger signal from the depths of the soul. In the perception of the Ten Ghost Snake King Horse, the oppressive feeling on the Leopard King is the same as any previous battle. The fighters are different, even better than Wu Lei'an and his master Erhu after liberation.

It is a kind of pure oppression that can only be exuded by a person who is strong enough to be unreasonable, and it is also the most difficult type for him.

At this time, the Ten Ghost Snake King Ma was observing the Leopard King and analyzing his information. While analyzing his information, the Ten Ghost Snake King Horse thought: "With this guy's power, once he is suppressed, it will be troublesome, and if it is him Just hit the key point and lose. According to the previous situation, he should be dressed up to use Celestial Kungfu. There are many types of Celestial Kungfu. If you don't know which boxing technique he uses, he must not be allowed to occupy it. For the first opportunity, it seems that I can only use [Shuntie] to get down the city from the very beginning, and then use [Fire Go] to spread the distance around him to fight guerrillas."

Unfortunately, things were counterproductive. At the moment when the referee finished shouting "Game Start", the Leopard King stepped on his side, stretched his left hand behind him, right hand fist up, and pressed his elbow to the chest of Ten Ghost Snake King Ma. It is the most common form of Bajiquan [inner door top elbow].

Ten Ghost Snake King Ma secretly said in his heart that he was ahead of him, but there is no room for reversal.

I saw the ten ghost snake king horse on the same side, and quickly flashed [Foo Liu Zhi Xing Liu] to the side, lightly letting go of the elbow hit by the leopard king, and at the same time grabbed the leopard king’s arm with both hands. The impact of his attack, twisted his arm and pressed him to the ground.

Unexpectedly, the Leopard King just leaned forward slightly pulled by him and reacted, lifted a foot and slammed on the ground, stopped the forward leaning momentum, and then gathered the blood on his arm.


He only heard the Leopard King shout, and then his arm shook, and in the surprised eyes of the Ten Ghost Snake King Ma, he opened the shackles of the Ten Ghost Snake King Ma’s hands, and then shook his shoulder and drove his fist like an arrow, unimpeded. After hitting the chest of Ten Ghost Snake King Ma, he beat him backward and slipped out a long way.

After hitting this punch, the Leopard King bends his hands into claws, hugs his chest, and then straightens his index finger, his arms stretch out slowly toward both sides of the body while moving, which is unique in Hong Quan Fortune technique [determined].

Ten ghost snake king horse felt the pain in his chest in disbelief: "Just kidding, he didn't even bend his arms to accumulate strength. Where does this fist come from such a powerful force. But also, let me use your power to stretch the distance. Right."

However, the Leopard King seemed to see the form of the ten ghosts, snakes, kings and horses, and said with a slight smile: "You must be thinking why this fist is so heavy. It's okay to tell you that the punch just now was Hong The technique of punching power, the so-called [strength first, then power] is the reason why Hong Quan is so vigorous with every punch. But just because of such a small matter, I am surprised that I will be very troubled."

As soon as the words passed, the Leopard King stepped on the ground with his feet, two or three steps after he caught up with the retreating Ten Ghost Snake King Horse. Then, he clenched his fists with both hands, exerted force at the bottom of his elbows, and pushed his fists out like a roller. The heart of ten ghost snake king horse.

Although the ten ghost snake king horse crossed his hands to protect his chest in a hurry, but the leopard king's [Japanese punch punch] is like a siege hammer hitting the city gate in a burst of fierce attacks. The ten ghost snake king horse uses [King Kong] Zigzag · Not Bad] The hands that came to defend have been swollen with bluish purple.

At this moment, while the Ten Ghost Snake King Ma’s attention was focused on his chest, the Leopard King suddenly raised his thigh, turned his calf over his knees, and kicked him into the abdomen. Got out.

Seeing this, in the fighter's VIP box, the ice room who knows about the kung fu of the sky cried out: "No, how could there be such a thing!"

Others looked at him curiously: "Ice Chamber, what's wrong with you? Why are you so excited?"

"As we all know, the Chinese martial arts is just a general term, which actually contains hundreds of different types and genres, because many Chinese martial arts are both internal and external, so even if it is one of them, I want to practice to be proficient. It will take a long time, but the guy named Leopard King has used Baji, Hong Quan, Wing Chun, and Tan Leg 4 kung fu since the start of the game, and he seems to have deep attainments, plus I don’t know how this guy trained in the martial arts of other countries before I went."

Listening to the words of the ice room, everyone was also surprised to look at the Leopard King in the field.

In the field, if you continue to chase now, the Ten Ghost Snake King Horse may be defeated. If you change to another fighter, you may have started chasing and fighting. However, the Leopard King did not do this, he just stood still. Putting a posture, calmly staring at the ten ghosts and snakes in the distance.

The Ten Ghost Snake King Ma slowly sat up from the ground, enduring the feeling of being overwhelmed in his belly, panting and saying, "Although the first time I saw you with Uncle Nogi, I knew you were not easy, but I didn't expect the monster to be so big."

"Ah, even you recognize it, but you have to keep it secret. After all, the school rules are still quite annoying, but are you sure you want to fight? I know exactly how your body is. It will die."

Regarding the words of the Leopard King, the Ten Ghost Snake King Horse was unmoved, and after spitting out a bloody phlegm, the Ten Ghost Snake King Horse stood up again and put on some kind of preparatory posture.

"Idiot, it's all here, who will give up, I will die in battle, this is my destiny."

On the other side, in the contestant passage, Yamashita looked anxiously at the ten ghosts, snakes and kings in the field. Suddenly, a familiar female voice with a foreign accent came from behind: "Sanshita-san, I heard that you rejected Uncle Nogi's condition. , Is this really good? In my opinion, the ten ghosts, snakes, kings and horses have no chance of winning, and if this continues, they will only lose their lives in vain."

Mr. Yamakachi looked back, and Alyssa brought Robert and the others to him.

"Ah! It's Miss Alyssa, I'm sorry to trouble you, but I'm determined, even if you come to help President Nogi as a lobbyist, I will not abstain."

Alyssa curled her lips: "Cut, that's just Uncle Nogi's own opinion. I haven't asked him anything, and Senro doesn't care. Why should I say more?"

"Σ(°Д°;)Nani! Is that Leopard King Sun Luosang!"

When Alisa and her team saw that Yamashita’s reaction was a black line: "(ωll) Have you not seen it until now? Thanks to Senro saying that you are the heir of [Fist Eye]. "

"[Fist Eyes]? What's that?" This noun that I heard for the first time made Yamashita feel confused.

"Eh? Don't you know? Speaking of which, Uncle Nogi's obsession with the position of the president of the Boxing Wish Association actually has a lot to do with this."

Then, Alyssa told the information she had received from Hideki Nogino to Yamashita.

The beginning of the matter was going back to the Edo period 300 years ago. At that time, a very powerful fighter appeared. He had a pair of [eyes] that could see through all attacks. In modern terms, this person has something beyond ordinary people. Dynamic vision.

This person's name is Yamashita Zhijin, who is the ancestor of Yamashita Fu.

At that time, Yamashita Noshin's family was in an economic crisis due to some problems, and at this time, Nogi Eiki, Nogki's ancestor, reached out to him.

With the help of Nogi Eiji, Yamashita's family overcame the difficulties. In order to repay Nogi Eiji's great favor, Yamashita Nojin offered him his loyalty and became his representative fighter. High hopes were given to Yamashita Noshin.Gradually, a friendship that transcended the employment relationship emerged between the two.

A few years later, they just caught up with the competition for the replacement of the president of the Boxing Wish Association, and Yamashita Noshin, as the representative fighter of Eiki Nogi, naturally participated in the competition, but this was also the beginning of the tragedy.

It turned out that the injuries accumulated during the past few years of Yamashita's as a fighter have deepened into the internal organs and are difficult to cure. Coupled with the gathering of masters in the knockout rounds, after each game, Yamashita's injuries are getting heavier.

Knowing the truth, Eiji Nogi immediately thought of giving up the game, but was stopped by Yamashita no. He said that he didn’t have much time to live anyway, so he had to choose his own end and die. On the ring.

In this way, Yamashita Nojin continued to fight for his friend Nogi Eiji, and finally, in the semifinals, Yamashita's body finally couldn't support it and died in the ring.

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