See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 270 Encounter in an Unknown Region


I don't know how long it took, Sen Luo woke up in a certain mountain forest.

"[Master], you are awake, are you okay?"

Looking at Hestia running out of the coat of arms, Seng Luo sat up while checking the status bar: "Well, it seems that there is nothing abnormal in his body."

Then, Sen Luo noticed the changes in the surrounding environment. There were lush tall trees everywhere. This was an absolutely impossible scene for [Cardina], but it was exactly the same as the scene in the Magic Mirage.

Thinking about this, Sen Luo opened the map, and the place name displayed on it turned into [Alta Kingdom·Sautar Mountain Road·???(Unknown area)]

"(O_o)?? The kingdom of knights [Alta Kingdom]? I was on the border just now, why did I suddenly come to other countries? Could it be the ghost of the magical mirage just now? I have to capture the ingredients, but You can't waste it here."

Sen Luo was puzzled, while opening the menu interface and choosing to log out.

After the game is offline, when you log in again, you will return to a save point you used recently. Only some big cities and advanced vehicles can be used as save points.

The sand boat that Sun Luo sits on is an advanced transportation tool with the function of saving points. It is the most practical and quickest way to return to the sand boat by going offline and then logging in.

Thinking about this, Sen Luo logged into the game again.

[The Kingdom of Alta·Shodashan Road...???(Unknown area)]

Sen Luo appeared in the forest again.

"Why are you still here?"

Sen Luo, who is not a believer in evil, logged out and logged in many times, but in the end he still failed to leave this area.

"What the hell is this? Don't I want to go back?"

Senro felt that under this situation, it was a quite feasible way to go back. After all, it was a neighboring country and did not face the mainland across the sea like [Syndria Kingdom] and [Yamato].

And Sun Luo would not be short of water and food, so Sun Luo opened the map interface and started to explore carefully after choosing the direction.


After exploring for about half a day, the sun in the sky gradually sank into the western sky. Sunro felt that it would be dangerous to explore the forest at night when the vision was not clear, so he and Hestia found a relatively empty space. The place is ready to camp.

At this moment, a dark wolf-shaped monster suddenly sprang out from the woods beside it, and the name of [WolfShadow] was displayed on the wolf's head.

Looking at the monster in front of him who was grinning and grinning at him, Sen Luo said strangely: "Ahhhhhh? This guy's name is a bit twisted, why does it seem to be upside down?"

According to Sun Luo’s experience in handling ingredients these days, such a dark, shadowy wolf-shaped monster should be called [Shadow Wolf], and now its name [Wolf Shadow] is more like saying that this guy is The shadow of a wolf.

Although Sen Luo was very concerned about this, anyway, [Wolf Shadow] had already planed the ground with its front paws, preparing to attack Sen Luo.

"Hey~ Don't be too arrogant about the ingredients!"

In an instant, Sen Luo directed Hestia to open the [Great God's Kitchen] and included this [Wolf Shadow].

What makes Sunro strange is that Hestia's feedback is that this guy is not in the category of ingredients.

Even so, Sen Luo didn't hesitate at all. He dodged the [Wolf Shadow] who was flying, and walked to the side of [Wolf Shadow], hitting its waist with a punch from top to bottom.

"Overlord folds the rein!"

No matter how strange this wolf-shaped monster was, the characteristics of the copper-headed iron-tailed tofu waist remained the same.

Just hearing a "click" sound, [Wolf Shadow]'s spine broke, and [Wolf Shadow] screamed from the weak point of the waist, and was immediately knocked to the ground by Sun Luo, and then Sun Luo raised mercilessly. After making a stomping on his foot, [Wolf Shadow] lost his life without resisting.

The strange thing is that the dead [Wolf Shadow] did not drop any items. Even the meat of the lowest level ingredient that must be dropped by the beast monsters died, but turned into black ashes like cremation. Vanished without a trace in the wind.

Before Sen Luo had time to wonder, from the woods on the other side, another [Wolf Shadow] rushed towards him while Sen Luo was slack.

Just as Sen Luo was about to turn around to fight back, a very excited voice came from behind the [Wolf Shadow].

"Hahaha! It's a living thing! It's meat! I finally have rice to eat kuma!"

The next moment, a huge black shadow struck from behind [Wolf Shadow], turning that [Wolf Shadow] into black gray in seconds.

Senro kept his guard and looked intently. Two figures came out from the woods on one side. One was a handsome blond man dressed like a gladiator, and the other was standing on one foot and carrying a huge hammer. ...Bear

Well, to be precise, it was a person wearing a bear doll costume. Sun Luo has also seen it in the gourmet city. In order to attract popularity, there are often shops that let shop assistants wear various dolls and send balloons and candy at the entrance of the store. Those doll clothes are usually cheap, and you can buy one for only 3-4 silver coins.

"Isn't this kuma dropped? I really want to eat meat kuma, there is no food kuma here, I am hungry kuma."

The person wearing a cheap bear doll costume and speaking with a strange [kuma (Japanese: bear)] ending is a man, who should not be very old. At this time, he can hear a lot of loss in his voice.

The handsome guy beside him was relatively calmer. He comforted his companion in a calm tone: "Well, don't be discouraged, there are other people here, maybe they have food."

After being reminded by his companions, the man in the bear doll costume finally noticed and looked at Sun Luo and found the coat of arms in their hands.

"Hey, the little brother over there who looks like a demon and also has a cute loli, I... No, I am the [destroyer] professional Xiu Sterling of the Alta Kingdom, and you look like [ Master] Come on, get us some food, we are starving to death."

Another handsome blond guy also smiled and said: "My name is Figaro, I belong to Ruijuan Dalia, and I work as [Fighter]. My friend is rude, but do you bring food? If so, don’t you? Can you divide us a bit?"

Compared to Bear Xiu Sterling, the handsome Figaro has heard a lot of words, and Sen Luo also introduced himself: "Hello, I’m Cook from Cardina, Cook Hoshimitz , The current occupation is [God’s Cook]."

Xiu Sterling tilted his head: "Mum? [God Cooker]? What kind of profession is that? Is it systemic?"

"Well, I'm a super professional, although I'm not a cooking system, but it's the same thing."

"Oh, super professional, although I have heard of it, but I haven't seen it with my own eyes, you are really amazing!"

"Haha, it's really embarrassing for you to tell the truth so bluntly. I was also lucky, and I just met the requirements for employment before I had the opportunity to get a job. We just got ready to camp here and we were attacked. , If you don’t mind, let’s go together. There are so many people in the wild so that we can take care of it.

After receiving Sen Luo's invitation, Figaro smiled with relief. Xiu Sterling's face was blocked by the doll suit, and no reaction was seen, but the estimated amount was about the same.

Then, Sun Luo took out the tent and raised a campfire. With the joint efforts of several people, a simple camp appeared on the open ground in a short while.

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