See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 271: Trapped in the Forest

(▽)~ There is still a chapter tonight, I wish you all a happy Dragon Boat Festival


"Mogumogu... Mogumogu... swallowing..."

By the campfire, Xiu Sterling, like a starving ghost, was gnawing frantically with a hamburger in one hand and a chicken drumstick in the other.

While eating, he uttered praises that this thing should only be in the sky.

Figaro on the side eats more elegantly, but the food wrappers scattered on the side are constantly narrating his hunger to others.

Although Sun Luo wanted to complain about why Xiu Sterling could still eat in the doll clothes, he still resisted.

While eating the food, Xiu watched Sunro and Hestia tease and said: "Your luck is really good, Kuma, I've played games for so many days, this is the first time I have seen a humanoid [Creation Tire]. What about kuma, giant ru Lolita or something, but many otaku dreams, [Creation of a fetus] is the concretization of the player's mind, are you also Lolita controlling kuma in reality?"

Sen Luo hadn't spoken yet, Hestia on the side had already jumped up and shouted angrily: "What nonsense are you chubby bear talking about, how is this lady like Loli!" After speaking, Hestia had intentions or not. It has a very plump upper circumference.

Senluo endured the urge to punch the straightforward bear face on the opposite side, and said, "Why, Hestia’s type is TYPE: the composite type of the girl’s field [Creation Tire]. The shape is not something I can decide. Said."

Then, Sen Luo saw that the topic was developing in a strange direction, so he broke the topic and started to ask the situation: "Xiu and Figaro, how did you come here? And it seems that it has been a long time to eat?"

Xiu swallowed the food in his mouth and said as if he was saved, "Thank you for your hospitality Kuma. I entered this area under someone's guidance, and then I couldn't get out of Kuma, and then I wandered in this area for nearly Within a week, the food was empty kuma. Food is expensive kuma."

Figaro on the side also talked about his own situation. His situation is similar to Senro. He was also involved in a strange magical phenomenon, and then lost consciousness. After waking up, he found that he had come to this area. During the exploration, he met Hugh Sterling.

Sunro heard Xiu Sterling say that they had been wandering here for a week, and was a little surprised: "It's been a week? Is this area big?"

"Because this is in the mountains, although it is very spacious, it is not too big to go out. The bottom is kuma. However, no matter where you go from east to west, north and south, you will end up with an invisible wall, so you can’t get there. , It feels like kuma on the edge of the screen in the previous game. Then, how did you get in, Cook?"

Upon hearing the question, Sen Luo said, "My situation is similar to Figarossan. I was going to capture the food, but I encountered a magical phenomenon, and I was already here after I recovered."

Xiu scratched his furry cheeks with his paws: "You have such a great cooking skill, and you are not a combat profession, why do you have to find the ingredients yourself, kuma? Can't you just buy them in the market?"

"Ahaha, this is actually a commission, that is, it is a task. I received a commission to prepare dishes for a meeting, and the ingredients for the main course must be prepared by myself. And my instructor said that a cook who does not understand the original appearance of the ingredients I will definitely not be able to cook the best food, so even if it is dangerous, I want to personally see the life state of unknown ingredients in this world."

"⊂(())⊃ is just like the line of the protagonist of the second cooking manga, kuma, but I think I understand the reason you can make such a delicious cooking kuma."

Sen Luo was a little helpless: "(=ω=;) Uh, really a familiar person."

During the conversation, the two wiped out most of the food prepared in Sun Luo’s item box. Their food shocked Sun Luo and Hestia. They were as edible as these two, Sun Luo and the others had also seen Mansa. Mu and a dragon are just two.

Hestia couldn't help asking, "Okay... so amazing, are you so hungry?"

Xiu helplessly spread out two bear paws and said: "Of course, if you return to real life, you can eat kuma. But after logging in to the game, I found that I had an abnormal state called [hunger] kuma."

Because of good luck, Sun Luo has never been hungry since the beginning of the game, so he has never seen such an abnormal state, so he curiously asked: "Isn't this mountainous? Just catch some beasts or pick some trees. Can you satisfy your hunger?"

"This mountain forest is very strange kuma. Except for the black wolf just now, I haven't seen any other beasts. The water is completely clean. I didn't see a fish. The only thing I can eat is this kuma."

While talking, Xiu looked like a Doraemon, and his two claws rummaged in the belly pocket of his doll, and then took out two very flavorful fruits.

"Smelly, what the hell is this!"

Hestia pinched his nose while using his skills to look at the fruit in Xiu's hand.

"This is... [Geller Fruit], although it is not a big deal, it is an ingredient that requires special treatment. Otherwise, even if you try to eat it under the odor, you will continue to vomit because of the effect of the ingredients. day."

Xiu brushed his paw over the doll’s forehead as if he was wiping cold sweat: "Is that so? Fortunately, I didn’t eat kuma because this is too stinky. It smells worse than the smell of spoiled eggs mixed with ginkgo that fell on the ground after maturity. It smells dozens of times more kuma, even if you starve to death, you can't give up the desire to eat at all, kuma."

After eating and drinking, several people gathered around the campfire to discuss how to escape the predicament.

Senro suggested: "How can I escape here? If you change to another RPG game, you must find a fork that may exist somewhere, or eliminate the source of invisible walls."

In this regard, Xiu agreed: "I think so too, so within this week, Fei Jiazi and I were basically looking for the hole in the wall, kuma. The mountain has ran through kuma in the east, west, north and south. Sometimes I feel that the agency may be in the river, and I swim down the river to swim kuma. Sometimes I think that there may be no walls blocking the underground, so I also dug a hole in the kuma."

"Uh, it really looks like a bear's behavior, but even then I can't get out, right?"

"Well, I still can't get out of Kuma."

"MMP, it's more troublesome than expected. But thank you for your information, if I didn't hear you say that, I'm afraid I will be running around here for a long time."

Xiu put his hand on the bear's paw: "No, no, no, as a food thank you, this is not at all kuma. And isn't there an old Chinese saying [three heads and Zhuge Liang]? It's common to help each other when in trouble. kuma."

Hestia murmured: "Is it a bear but you still understand idioms?"

Xiu didn't care, but rather proudly said, "Although I am a kuma bear, I am also a learned bear, kuma, but having said that, there is actually a place I haven't been to, kuma, that is this area."

With that, Xiu opened his map interface and drew a circle around the top of the mountain in the center of the map.

Sen Luo was a little strange: "You have tried so many methods, haven't you visited the middle mountain?"

"No, I want to see it, but I can't get in at all."

"Can't see it?"

"Well, it's better to see Kuma. Although we can't get in, let's go see Kuma tomorrow. It's already late today. Let's take a good rest. Let's take turns to watch the night.

Sen Luo and Figaro on the side also agreed with Xiu's views.

Unlike Xiu's self-acquaintance, Figaro is like an ancient aristocratic young man who doesn't know anything about the world. He has nothing to do with talking to strangers, and although he has good skills, he seems to know nothing about games.

While Xiu and Senluo were talking, he was eating food silently by himself, except for things he cared about, otherwise he rarely intervened.

In this way, after deciding on the goal, Sunro let the two rest first, while he watched the campfire and Hestia started the vigil together.

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