Seeing such a situation, it was already clear who was good and who was bad, Tester reflexively vented his punch on the cooking table, and then swept the table with his own cooking.

"Why! Why is this so! Where is the gap!"

Looking at Tester who was incompetent and furious, Sunro mocked with a smile that matched his demon appearance: "What's the matter, don't you want to tell me how frustrated you are? Where did your aura just now go? Don’t you want to know where the gap is? I’ll tell you.”

As he said, Sen Luo waved his hand: "It is a means, a power, a skill, and an understanding and love of the ingredients. Waste is shameful, and here is the [Cardina] with yellow sand everywhere, so it is even more so. So, do you know? Just when you are lavishly wasting food here, people are starving to death because they can’t eat.”

It's a pity that Tester didn't even listen to these positive words: "Don't talk about such a high-sounding spiritual theory! After all, the taste is the root of everything! The kind of cuisine made with leftovers can be comparable to ours. A well-prepared set meal! You must have used some method to make it... I see, you are the mayor of Ichiryu, say! Did you let the woman Siduli put pressure on the people outside? must be so, that's why they dare not take our food, your approach is too despicable!"

Sen Luo looked helplessly at the madman Tester: "Hehe, although you don’t know why you came to such a conclusion, there is one sentence you are right. The basics of cooking is to be delicious. At one point, I never lose sight of myself, so you can experience the deliciousness of my cooking for yourself!"

After finishing speaking, Sun Luo used a fork to put a piece of burger patties on the plate, and regardless of whether Tester was willing or not, he forcefully stuffed the burger patties into his mouth.

If NPC is dead, it will not be resurrected like [Master]. In order not to be choked to death, Teste desperately chewed the hamburger steak in his mouth.

With Tester’s chewing, he felt like he had fallen into a bottomless abyss of deliciousness. Every bite he chewed was a process of sinking downward. Any resistance would be futile, even if he wanted to stop. But his mouth was out of his control, chewing ceaselessly.

"How can this happen? How can things made with the leftovers taste so delicious! The hamburger steaks mixed with innards are chewy and enter the mouth together with the minced meat. Every time you chew, your mouth is overflowing with delicious gravy! The sauce is rich in depth, it's so delicious!"

Sen Luo said with disdain: "My cooking is not only delicious, but also full of feelings for the diners. The fish bones are rich in calcium. Chopped and added to the meatloaf can not only improve the freshness, but also replenish the calcium. Long-term indoor work, low-light civilian personnel and long-standing guards are great benefits."

"The organs are rich in iron, vitamin A, vitamin B2 and many other trace elements, which can nourish blood and replenish iron, resist aging and improve eyesight, and the nutritional value is far beyond ordinary red meat. Make them together with ground meat. As a meatloaf, not only can we obtain a rich taste level that a pure meatloaf can't reflect, but the slight bitterness of the internal organs and my special sauce can more promote people's appetite.

"There are also vegetables. The skins and cores of general vegetables contain more nutrients than the green leaves and pulp. I take these things and stew them with the meat until the essence and the fat of the meat blend together. This makes the thick The soup has the rich aroma of meat and the sweetness of vegetables, and is full of nutrients. It is the best choice whether it is used as a sauce or with rice."

"Moreover, there is also the dual blessing of my profession and [Creation Tire]. The difference in taste is something you can't catch up anyway."

Tester slumped to the ground with a limp knee, trembling and raised his finger to Sen Luo, who was condescendingly looking down at him: "You...Have you calculated this way from the beginning?"

Sen Luo nodded: "As a chef, you must have the ability not to waste even a single piece of food. No matter what the ingredients are, you must infuse love with your girlfriend, so that you can become a truly unique chef. This is me. If a cute grandma I met after coming into this world often talks about it, I will give it to you today!"

After finishing speaking, Sen Luo waved his hand as if catching a fly: "I think the result is already obvious. You should leave this kitchen too. I have to prepare for the evening banquet. Time is running out. There is no time to take care of you."

Hearing an unknown little boy who didn’t even know his name spoke like this, a group of [senior chefs] instantly turned into roosters that were defeated in the fight. Although extremely reluctant, the agreement was the agreement. With so many eyes watching, there was only one in desperation. He gritted his teeth, took a heavy step, and moved out of the kitchen.

When he walked to the door, Test turned his head and asked: "That...that, can you tell me your name?"


Sen Luo grinned: "I am [God] System Super Professional [God's Cooker] Cook Hoshimitz, the man who will stand at the top of this world's cooking in the future! If you want someone to get revenge, just let me go. Up."

After hearing about Sunro’s career, Tester was stupefied on the spot as if struck by lightning, and then laughed at himself: "It turns out that after so many years, has Master Flosser’s career finally succeeded? How could we be a super professional? Opponents, the outcome of this competition may be decided before it starts."

After speaking, Test took his team and left the kitchen without looking back.

Hestia showed up and jumped on Sun Luo's back and wrapped his arms around his neck: "Great! [Master] You win!"

"It's just a group of trash fish, it's not worth mentioning, Hestia, you come down first, a lot of time has been wasted, we are about to start preparing the banquet."

Hestia uttered an "um" and once again turned into an enchantment and enveloped the entire kitchen, Sen Luo took out the ingredients prepared by himself and the Galaro he had captured from [Galaroug]. Ge's meat began the preparations for the banquet, while Siduli stayed outside the kitchen for emergencies.

In the afternoon, the Federal Conference was in full swing. In addition to solving the problems of various cities as before, the most important topic is what to do with the increasing [Domination] from now on and [Cardina]. Kind of coping method.

At this point, the parliamentarians are roughly divided into three factions.

The group with the largest number of people supports proactively establishing a good relationship with the [Master], because the [Master] is not afraid of life and death. As long as the remuneration is right, they are willing to accept any dirty work, which is far more cost-effective than hiring local aborigines. Human Resources.

A minority of people in the other group are opposed to it. They advocate driving the [Master] away from their city, because the [Master] will be resurrected even if it is dead, so it grows extremely fast. As the [Master] becomes more and more inaugurated Many, although various professional trade unions deal with it, it still causes a huge impact on the livelihoods of many aboriginal professionals. In the long run, the lives of the aborigines will not be guaranteed.

And some mayors feel that the emergence of [Master] will bring about what changes [Cardinal] will bring to the present is still unclear, just let the flow take its course and watch from the sidelines and act according to the situation.

Many old foxes quarreled for their own interests, and when the sun went down, they still did not discuss a result that everyone was satisfied with.

At this time, Speaker La Plath stood up and clapped his hands, attracting everyone’s attention: “Well, everyone, it’s already late, everyone has been discussing for a long time, and it’s already a bit tired. I’ll invite Yilong as usual. The mayor has arranged a dinner, everyone might as well go to dinner first, and then have the energy to think of a plan after eating and drinking enough, right?"

Upon hearing what La Place said, everyone realized that it was already night, and some people's stomachs began to cry in despair.

Then, under the leadership of La Place, everyone moved to the banquet hall of the Senate.

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