When I came to the banquet hall, the western-style long table had been placed inside, the long table had been arranged with exquisite furnishings, and the rich and fragrant red wine had been placed in the decanter.

Seeing the guests entering the door, the attendants on the side of the table professionally and politely pulled out chairs for everyone. Speaker La Place sat at the front of the table, and Yilong sat at her starting point.

The other mayors also quickly decided on their seats, and while talking with their favorite people, they sat in luxurious seats.

After everyone was seated, the attendants pushed the chairs to the most appropriate distance from the table and poured red wine into their glasses.

On the other side, Siduli knocked on the door of the kitchen and said to the inside: "Cook, the mayors have already been seated. How are your preparations?"

Sen Luo's voice came from the kitchen: "Oh, Miss Siduli, the timing is just right, let the waiters come and pick up the meal. According to my estimation, when they finish the appetizer, the dishes behind me should be ready. ."

After receiving Sen Luo's approval, a row of waiters walked in pushing the dining car, but when they entered the door, what awaited them was a scene that surprised them.

I saw dozens of plates with covers floating in the air, and UFOs flew towards them and landed firmly on the dining car in front of them.

Sen Luo didn't even look at them, but just told them the name of the dish, and asked them not to bump into the food delivery, so as not to damage the presentation and shape.

After picking up the meal, the waiters filed out in the dining trolley without daring to delay any time. They carried the meal straight to the banquet hall.

Then, the waiters put the hooded meal in front of the crowd, opened the lid, and a cool mist spread out, revealing the dishes in it. There are colorful sashimi with sashimi on it. Caviar-like particles and colorful vegetables, as well as a fresh and elegant sauce.

"This is the appetizer, Carpaccio (Italian sashimi) of beautiful tuna, please use it slowly."

As the serving waiter reported the name of the dish, except for La Plath and Yilong, the mayors at the table were taken aback, whispering to each other privately.

"This is really the first time I've heard of cooking, what is Carpaccio?"

"Me too, it looks a bit like the [Yamato] sashimi from the sea side, but the presentation and the ingredients are completely different from what I have eaten."

"Well, it looks very delicious, and this is a rare beautiful tuna, the taste is not bad, maybe this is a new dish developed by Ms. Setuno."


Whispering, the mayors moved their knives and forks.

Cut off a piece of fish that was just thick and thin and put it in the mouth, the mayors' eyes instantly widened.

"Delicious! The plump fish melts like snow on the tongue. What a fresh and soft taste! It feels that only the beauty of tuna whose taste reaches its peak can be manifested when it is matured 7 days in advance. It is indeed a gourmet city. It’s really clever to take out all such difficult ingredients!"

"As the meat melts, the deliciousness of seafood such as tuna, sweet shrimp, scallops, salmon, etc. instantly spreads in your mouth. This feeling is really indescribable."

"This is not just the fish itself, but also the vegetables and sauces that match it. The crispy fresh vegetables add a rich taste to the fish. The aroma and sourness of olive oil and almond lemon revealed slightly during the meal. It feels good to go down."

"I have eaten [Yamato] sashimi, but this dish is completely different from the simple taste of soy sauce and wasabi. The taste is much richer. Can fish be eaten like this? This is really my first time. The taste of it!"

Seeing the mayors who had been completely overwhelmed by Sen Luo with just the first bite of the appetizer, Yilong smiled with satisfaction.

On the other hand, Laplace showed an expression like that, quietly enjoying the food on the plate.

"This is the soup, the Soupedepoisson (French seafood soup) of flying fish."


"This is a vegetable dish, a vegetarian Rossini with cheese, avocado and ground okara."


In the following time, the attendants kept carrying plates after plates of delicious dishes that they had never seen before to the mayors. For a while, the praises in the banquet hall came and went one after another.

As the delicacies were swept away, it was finally the turn of the long-awaited main course to debut. The waiters put a cover a circle larger than the other dishes before the mayors, "Zizi" The sound of splashing was faintly audible through the cover.

"This is the main dish, legendary UBM, 400-year-old rock barbecue steak, please use it slowly."

Hearing the legendary UBM, those mayors who have seen the world are very surprised.

"Oh huh, for this banquet, did you even attack the legendary UBM?"

"In other words, this is a dish that you won't have if you miss it. It's really too elaborate."

Under the urging of the mayors, the attendants opened their covers, and suddenly, an overwhelming smell of meat came to their faces, hitting their brains, making everyone salivate involuntarily, and took up the knife and fork and stretched out to the steak in front of them.

Cut it down with a single knife, and the meat steak burst out from the lower knife with a fountain of gravy. Although everyone was surprised at the tenderness and juiciness of the meat steak, the knives and forks in their hands did not stop. They cut a piece of meat and looked at it carefully, and they couldn't help but admire: "It's so beautiful! The highest-grade grease that glitters like snowflakes and frosts is like the shining stars in the night sky twinkling in the fleshy universe!"

Can't wait to send the cut steak into the mouth.


In an instant, the roar of a heavenly beast was recalled in everyone's minds, and then, a small universe contained in life exploded across the population. Gallarog was devastated while he was alive, and the scene of devouring everything suddenly appeared before his eyes. .

In the face of this coercion, the mayors who had been above all became prey.

"Oh! This... This is really... Is this the ingredients for the legendary UBM? It's so delicious!"

"It's really hard to resist. This is a tight Q bomb of beast meat that has been matured over 400 years. Every time you chew in your mouth, there will be gravy gushing out. It's like a flood of gravy!"

"This overwhelming sensuality, this melting fat, this is like the rich flavor of king crab and Frosty A5 beef mixed together, and this unspeakable wildness, it is simply delicious violence, ah ah!!! No more... Consciousness is about to be forcibly swallowed!!!"

Most of these mayors are just ordinary people in non-combat professions, so with the exception of Yilong and a few people with good abilities of their own, all of them have entered a weird state that is almost possessed by an evil spirit. Because of the excessive secretion of dopamine, the anesthetic drug in the brain, they rolled their eyes, and their consciousness was dim, but their bodies still instinctively cut the meat steak in front of them and kept sending them into their mouths.

It didn't take long for a large plate of steaks to enter everyone's stomachs.

"Mr. Ichiryu, Chairperson La Place, what is the cooking today? Even if the taste and color of the dishes can be changed, the cooking style of a chef cannot be changed so easily. I have been eating for so many years so I can It’s definitely not Granny Jenai’s cooking when it comes out."

"Yes, Mother-in-law Jienai's cooking is not only delicious, but also full of homely warm feelings, which is completely different from this pure and almost violent delicacy."

It was the mayor of [Healing City Live] Youzao who was speaking. In addition to being a skilled doctor, he was also an incumbent of the super-professional [Master of Regeneration], and the one who echoed him was [Mafia, Gangster City] The mayor of Aron, who is also the incumbent of the super professional [Godfather], has a strong sense of not being seized by Sun Luo's cooking, and was the first to discover the problem.

In response to their question, Yilong looked indifferent: "Oh? Yousaku and Xiaolong, you guys have eaten it, well, there is nothing to hide. Setsuno sauce did not come today. Today’s cooking was commissioned by someone else. , Of course, I have talked to La Place girl before, and I got her approval."

Ichilong’s words brought back the consciousness of other people. Some people asked strangely: "Speaker, what is going on with Ms. Setsino not coming? You can make a taste comparable to that of Ms. Setsino. Which expert are we cooking?"

Yilong said: "This is good for me. These days, Ji Nao-chan refused my request because of the bad mood of the ingredients. This time I commissioned an interesting little guy to do the banquet."

"Funny little guy?"

"Yes, he got the approval of Master Froze's professional crystal, and took the post of [God Cooker], and he is a [Master]."

"Oh? After so many years, [God's Cook] finally has someone else... Wait, Mr. Ichiryu, you just said that he is a master, how can you give up your precious super professional? People from another world!"

The speaker was one of the mayors who opposed peaceful coexistence with [Master]. He immediately jumped up when he heard Yilong's words.

But his questioning was in return for Yilong’s ignorance, and Yilong smiled and said, “This is something that can’t be helped. Who made us disappointed? The super professional chose that kid. What can you tell the old man? Do? Let this super profession be passed on, so that it will not disappear in the long river of time like many lost super professions. The inheritance is interrupted. The old man is very pleased. And the craftsmanship of Kid Cook is very powerful, and it will not let this profession be deceived. shame."

La Plas, the first seater, went on to say: "The increase in [the master] is something I predicted a long time ago. This is inevitable, but they are not invaders from another world. They have something we don’t know. All aspects of the knowledge, if matched properly, will bring us greater benefits. You have eaten all of today’s cooking, I believe you should have a deeper impression of [Master] in your hearts."

For La Plath’s words, some works expressed support and understanding: "The speaker is right. Some time ago, I also found a very talented girl in my place, which can be the same as in ancient civilizations without healing magic. She can treat injuries. Now working in my clinic, I think she might inherit the super-professional [Magic Sword Doctor] that has been lost.

Other supporters of La Place also took the opportunity to express their views.

"It turns out that the [Master] in another world can also cook such delicious dishes, and the benefits of being friendly with the [Master] have added another."

"That's right, and don’t forget that [Master] is immortal, don’t look at them as they are not very strong now, but if you don’t accept them because you care about it for a while, you will be beaten back when they are strong, so Those of you who oppose it should take a long-term view."

These words sounded particularly harsh in the ears of the opposition party, and some people still said unwillingly: "But those [masters] have indeed taken away a lot of indigenous jobs, and the quality of life of many people is declining. This is an indisputable fact. what."

La Place glanced at the speaking mayor: "Why were you robbed of your job? In the final analysis, it is because you are not as good as [Master]. It is not advisable to attribute your retreat to the progress of others. If you are still so complacent and guarding the little profit in front of you, then you don’t need to [Master], and sooner or later you will dissipate in the long river of time. Moreover, if you know this thing can’t be done, others will have to bite the bullet. I think everyone here is not so stupid. I think [Master] is a good medicine that can promote the efforts of the indigenous people to make progress and make this world that has not changed for a long time shine with new brilliance."

Hearing what La Place said, the opposition parties lowered their heads like ostriches and remained silent. Although they wanted to refute it, what La Place said is very reasonable. The key is that Sun Luo’s cooking is brought to them. The impact is too great, they have nothing to say.

La Place's gaze swept across the faces of the mayors: "It seems that how to deal with the large number of [masters] in the future, everyone has a conclusion in their hearts, let's vote by show of hands."

Not surprisingly, everyone raised their hands.

La Place smiled with satisfaction: "Very well, this time the issue was passed unanimously. In the future, we will get along with the [Masters] in a friendly manner, and we will surely gain greater benefits from it."

After speaking, La Place and everyone raised their wine glasses and drank the red wine in it.

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