The banquet ended successfully, and Speaker La Place and Yilong also successfully achieved their goals.

And Sen Luo himself doesn't know that his cooking has inadvertently had a huge impact on the treatment of future players in [Cardina].

After the banquet, Senluo followed Yilong back to the gourmet city. After a break, he said goodbye to Yilong, Granny Setnao, and Ryu and the others, preparing to travel around the world and start a real game experience. The first goal is to [Cardina] the third largest city, [Commercial City Cortana], where it is ready to meet with Eliza.

But unfortunately, happy time always passes quickly. At the beginning of Sunro's journey, the summer vacation has come to an end, and the second half of the first-year semester will start under the blazing sun.

On August 31, Senluo and Alyssa packed up the things they needed and brought them back to Izumoliao from their residence outside the school in advance.

Arriving in Izumo-ryo, before entering the door, a slender black figure jumped out of the door with a "swish" and rushed into Sen Luo's arms. Sen Luo looked down and saw that it was thrown by Sun Luo during the summer vacation. Bastet who went back to his hometown for foster care.

After the summer vacation began, Senro and the others had been in a relatively busy state due to a series of things such as the boxing and wishing desperate elimination match, so at the beginning of the summer vacation, Senro threw Bastet directly back to Wu Zhili’s hometown. , Entrust relatives to take care of.

Now it seems that Sen Luo felt that this decision was too correct. Looking at the soft black hair, the slender and enchanting figure, the vigorous and agile movements, after a summer vacation away from his own life, Bastet got rid of the worry of food and clothing. Slightly bloated, he returned to the beautiful little black cat appearance when he first saw her.

Holding Bastet into the courtyard, everyone found that Wu Yasha and Garuda had already returned here a day before them.

After returning to his room to put down his luggage, Sen Luo glanced around.

It's very clean. It can be seen that during the summer vacation, Huang Ying Academy sends people to clean it every day.

Soon after, Sun Luo opened his luggage and began to rearrange the room.

When Sun Luo arranged everything, it was sunset. When the boarding students who had gone out returned to the dormitory and saw Sun Luo, somebody yelled, "Ah! Sun Luo Sang is back!"

As his voice fell, everyone rushed forward and surrounded Sen Luo.

"Siluo, you are finally back!"

"Thank you for dinner today!"

"Anything will do, hurry up and make something delicious."

"Without your cooking, everything you eat will feel plain and tasteless!"

Seeing the crowd who were rushing to complain, Senluo smiled helplessly: "Okay, okay, I know, I'll leave it to me for dinner today."

As everyone rushed to the restaurant, they yelled happily: "That's great! Finally you can eat Seng Luo's food again!"

When he came to the kitchen, Sen Luo checked the refrigerator and found that it was full of chicken, duck, fish and fresh vegetables. Obviously, Tamako and Hu Die, who were agricultural and forestry students, had already started agricultural and forestry courses and work after the school building. Incidentally, the ingredients were supplemented.

Taking out the ingredients from the refrigerator, Sen Luo made a hearty dinner for everyone.

At dinner, Senluo found that almost everyone had returned to the dormitory, except for Zao Zhenye and Zao Shen, four of whom were missing. However, they had their own team outside, and Senluo did not think much.

In this way, the people who ate and drank returned to their respective rooms contentedly. Sun Luo and Alisa habitually put on the helmets of "Infinite World" and entered the game again.

There was no words for a night, and when Sen Luo returned to reality again, it was already the next morning.

Sun Luo habitually got up to wash, and then began to prepare breakfast for the others in the dormitory. After breakfast, everyone walked toward their respective campuses.

Today is September 1, and the students of Yuanyue Chaliao Cooking Academy once again stepped into the gate of the academy with their proud kitchenware.

Here, they will spend a busy and fulfilling second half of the semester, and the first thing they will face in the second half of the semester is the big event called [Fall Selection].

[Autumn Selection] The time is set one week after the start of school, so that the participating students have enough time to completely adjust their state from the summer vacation mode.

After the opening ceremony, the school started the normal class mode, but the students who participated in the [Fall Selection] were given special treatment for exemption. They were free to use the school’s cooking room for cooking research during this week, and the school The aspect has also greeted the Academy of Agriculture and Forestry to provide sufficient ingredients for the players.

Hearing this arrangement, Sen Luo went to the classroom to report, and after telling the teacher that he was going to study cooking, he went to the department of the [World Cooking Research Association] alone.

Originally, Sun Luo planned to go back to the dormitory after school, but when he went in, there were already many people in the kitchen shoveling knives.

This time in the autumn selection, Tosenro's Fu, many members of the [World Culinary Research Society] were selected, so everyone was full of energy and wanted to achieve a good result in the selection.

Seeing Sun Luo coming in, everyone in the department stopped what they were doing and greeted him respectfully: "Good morning! Lord!"

"Good morning, you have been so serious so early in the morning, you are really motivated, and the autumn selection should also cheer up with such a spirit."


In order to set a good example for them, Senro also pretended to try the topic of the autumn selection qualifier [Curry].

On the way, members kept coming to him to ask him about cooking problems. Although it felt a little troublesome, Sen Luo patiently pointed out all of them to ask questions.

In this way, amidst the enthusiasm of the staff for cooking, Senluo ushered in the long-awaited school time. As soon as the school bell rang, Senluo packed his things and returned to the dormitory. The staff are still working hard to practice the new knowledge that Sun Luo imparted to them.

Coming to the door of Izumo-ryo, Senro met Alyssa and Robertobelt who had also returned from school. Senro found that the complexions of all of them were a little unnatural, except for Julie's expressions that were still unfulfilled.

Senro just wanted to ask them if something happened in school, when they heard a roar from the yard: "Boys! Yesterday you two even held the [KATANA] dissolution ceremony without permission. The oligarch, do you still have my brother in your eyes?"

Sen Luo and the others heard that it was expressing Wen Qi's voice, and they pushed the door in. They saw Yuan Wen seven with both hands and one hand, with their arms hooked firmly on the necks of Gao Liu Guangchen and Zao Shen, and they could not help but curse. of.

However, Gao Liu Guangchen and Zao Shen struggled desperately, wanting to leave the shackles of Form Seven.

Zao Shen yelled while struggling, "Ah, it hurts, Wen Qi, let go, let's talk about how your squeaky nest smells so bad."

"Of course, I just did 500 squats, and the squeaky nest is still just hot!"

Gao Liu Guangchen on the side endured the peculiar smell and asked: "Wen Qisang! Why do you want to do such a boring thing! Let go!"

After listening to the seventh form, instead of loosening it, it tightened: "This is Lao Tzu's angry squeaky rays. Please enjoy it!"

At this time, Biaowen Seven noticed the movement of someone entering the yard, and their hands could not help being loose. Zao Shen and the two seized the opportunity to break free from Ciaowen Seven's arms, and greedily breathed fresh air on the ground.

Form Seven looked back and read: "Oh, it's Sen Luo, you're back from school? Hurry up and make me something delicious, the birds are almost fading out of my mouth when I eat sick meals in the hospital!"

"Yes, good evening, Wen Qisang."

After finishing speaking, Sen Luo discovered that a thick plaster was tied to one of the legs of Form Seven, and a crutches were thrown into the courtyard at will by him. The Gao Liu Guangchen on the ground did not change much, but Zao Shen had eyes. She wore a blindfold.

Seeing such a situation, Sen Luo asked suspiciously: "Wen Qisang, this is what you guys are..."

Wen Qisang just wanted to speak, Zao Shen got up from the ground: "It's Senluo, it's a long story to be like this. This is not a place to talk. Let's go in and talk. When it's all there, I have something to let everyone know."

With that, Zao Shen and Gao Liu Guangchen left everyone looking at each other, and ran into the house together as if fleeing for their lives.

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