See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 296 The Cult in the HospitalThe Moon Society

After everyone left, Sen Luo looked at Ying Chu: "Doctor Ying Chu, to be honest, the situation of Gao Liu Guangchen is not optimistic, right?"

A sullen smile appeared on Yingchu's face: "Ah, it's Sen Luosang. I can't hide anything from your eyes. Before coming to the hospital, Guangchenjun was injected with a lot of qi. The qi was abnormal. Rage continuously affects his body. According to my estimation, in two days, Koshin-kun’s heart rate will increase to more than two hundred times per minute, and the high-speed circulation of blood will greatly strengthen his body functions. , While empowering him to surpass ordinary people’s combat power, it also increases his physical burden."

"What? Isn't this similar to Wang Marsang's [Pre-borrow]? It seems that Guangchen has been alive in a few years."

Yingchu nodded: "Yes, such a state is a fight against [Pre-borrow], but Guangchenjun is still young and in good health. His heart can last for two or three years in that state. Well, when the time comes, his life as a martial artist will come to an end. If he fights forcibly, he will definitely die, unless he can have the luck of Wang Marsang."

Speaking of this, Yingchu showed a weird smile on his face, and Sen Luo nodded as if seeing this expression, "That's what I said, then it's time for me to leave."

"Then I will give it to you."

"Then it will work."

The two of them talked about something, and walked towards the gate of the hospital.

But when the two walked to the gate, a long black girl in a white coat attracted Sun Luo's attention.

The girl seems to be a few years older than Senro. She should be a university student. At this time, this girl is holding a helmet that Senro is very familiar with. She is talking with a patient in a hospital gown and sitting in a wheelchair. The man pointedly said something.

Following Sen Luo's gaze, Ying Chu also looked in that direction.

"That's...Seng Luosang, please wait a moment, I'll be back when I go."

While muttering, Yingchu walked towards the girl: "Student Fusang, although you are my student and one of the shareholders of this hospital, I should have told you that it is forbidden to persuade believers in the hospital."

The girl named Fusang was shocked like a fox who was found when stealing a chicken, and looked at Yingchu embarrassingly: "Teacher Yingchu, what does it matter? And this time is different. This Mr. Shizushima Ichiro really needs the help of my teacher, not forcibly pulling people into the teacher."

At this time, Sen Luo also came over: "Now, Doctor Yingchu, is this someone you know? Don't you tell me about it?"

Yingchu looked at Xiang Senluo: "This is really rude. This is my student Fusang Yueye. Her family is one of the shareholders of this hospital. She herself is studying in the Department of Medicine of Tedu University."

Sen Luo arched his hands: "It turned out to be a high-level apprentice of a doctor in the early days of England, the future elite of the country, it is really disrespectful. That is the helmet of "Infinite World", right? Do you also play "Infinite World"?

"Yes, my current country is the Kingdom of Alta, how about you?"

"I'm currently in Cardina."

"Well, it's a bit far away, but let's exchange mailboxes, maybe we can play together in the future."

While talking, Fusang Yueye took out his mobile phone.

Sen Luo also took out his cell phone, and while recording his email address, he asked: "However, I seemed to have heard such things as enrollment just now. What does that mean?"

Yingchu on the side explained: "In addition to being a college student, she also has another identity, that is, the fourth generation ancestor of R's famous religious group [Yue Shihui]."

"Σ(°Д°;)religious group? Did I come into contact with any dangerous person?"

At the same time, Sen Luo couldn't help being a little curious about why the religious group on the mysterious side and the medical institution on the scientific side were involved, so he looked at the Fusang Moonlight on the opposite side.

Fusang Yueye seemed to see the doubt in Senluo's eyes, and she introduced the situation of the Yueshihui without evasiveness. Her introduction was very smooth and natural, and it was obviously not the first time she introduced her religious group to others.

Through Fusang Yueye's explanation, Sen Luo learned about the general situation of [Lunar Society].

[Yueshihui] was initiated a century ago. [Yueshihui]'s first ancestor, Fusang Yueshi, the ancestor of Fusang Yueye, was a doctor at that time.

However, it was the dark age of war, and there were insufficient supplies for survival, and everyone was covered with the shadow of death.

Those who suffered worsening injuries during the war, those who fell ill due to nutritional deficiencies, and those who suffered from heart disease and mutilated their bodies were dying. The situation in the world was like hell on earth.

Although Fusang Yueshi's doctor kept his money out of his control, he continued to see patients, but due to lack of medicine and food, many patients who could be saved if they had complete supplies also passed away.

At that time, he saw the eyes of many people desperate for this world, as the saying goes, sickness is born from the heart. Judging from this, those patients seem to have incurable diseases.Because their hearts seemed to be dead in Fusang Yueshi.

In this regard, as a doctor who saves lives, Fusang Yueshi is very distressed. He hopes to at least bring some hope for the patients. However, in an era when all supplies are very scarce, there is no way to eradicate the despair of patients. The reason-disease and hunger.

At this moment, Fusang Yueshi had a plan. Since there is no hope in this world, just imagine a world with hope?

Even if there are no supplies, the patients' hearts must be saved first.

Thus, a religious group named [Moonshihui] was born.

[Leave the body bound by the shackles and go to the truly free soul world].

[In the world of free souls, sing freedom according to your own soul's intention].

Using these two sentences as the doctrine, they began the activity of recruiting believers.

Even if the body is not free, its soul is unfettered and can dream of the freedom that one desires.

Such doctrines are words that evade reality, words that are imaginary, and words that are delusional, but at the time they are also words that allow the soul to live freely without giving up what the soul thinks.

[Imagine happy things when you are in pain, how much can you feel better]

To put it simply, the most fundamental meaning of their doctrine is just that simple. From a modern perspective, it is like psychological counseling and mental medical treatment.

However, in this century-long time, [Yue Shihui] has changed with the economic development and material enrichment of the R book, not only the patients who have no hope, but also many people who feel pessimistic and hopeless about the future. People from all have joined in in an attempt to evade reality, so [Yue Shihui] has been criticized as a cult in recent years and is despised.

Hearing this, Senluo instantly understood Fusang Yueye’s intentions and hammered the palm of his hand: “So, it’s no wonder that you are holding the helmet of Infinite World. Your doctrine is to divert your attention from reality. In terms of aspect, there is nothing more suitable than this fully submerged game. Even if it is severely ill in reality, as long as the brain is still working, consciousness can sneak into the game and be able to be in the game. Drive a healthy body, do what you want to do, and start a new life."

Fusang Yueye nodded: "That's how it is. We are a religious group that does no harm to society. This younger brother is very smart. You are very promising. Do you want to become a teacher?"

Senluo bluntly declined Fusang Yueye's invitation: "Thank you for your kindness. Tap Ga verbally digs the way. I am satisfied with my current life and there is no reason to escape reality."

Fusang Yueye showed a regretful expression: "Ah, that's it, it's really Cannian."

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