See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 297: The Magical Use of Games and Other Societies' Countermeasures

Seeing Sen Luo so decisive, Fusang Yueye didn't feel unhappy.

No longer paying attention to Mori, she pointed to the patient named Shizushima Ichiro on the side, looked at Yingchu, and said, "Teacher Yingchu, this Mr. Shizushima Ichiro must be familiar to you, right?"

Yingchu nodded: "That is natural. The case of Mr. Shizushima is rare in the world, and it is the first case in China. Although there are treatment methods, the chance of success is only about 10%. If the patient's body responds to the treatment If there is a rejection reaction, you will die immediately. So far, there has been no successful case in the world. But without treatment, Mr. Shizushima will have only two years of life left at most."

Fusang Yueye continued: "In this case, we [Yueshihui] can completely help him to move his attention away from the approaching death. While alleviating his pain, he adjusts his mentality so that he can be treated successfully. The rate increase will definitely help."

Hidechu wanted to say something, but before he could speak, Shizushima Ichiro, who was sitting there, grabbed Fuso Tsukiye’s hand: "Really! You can really keep me away from sickness and death. Tortured?"

Fusang Yueye nodded affirmatively, and passed the helmet in his hand: "We are a church that has focused on escaping from reality for a century. At this point, you can rest assured that as long as you wear this helmet, you can move forward. In the pain of death, you are liberated from the sickness that is enough to make you breathless, and you are free from the hopeless world. You can enjoy a body that can move flexibly, with a special magical power that cannot be compared with the present world. Sense, praise the second life."

Fuso Yueye’s words were like the whispers of a demon. At this time, Shizushima Ichiro was extremely excited. He came to this best hospital in R Ben for treatment a year ago, but the doctor declared that he had only two years of life left.

He has a strong will to survive, and even though it is painful, he still hopes to survive and live.

But even if he tried desperately to support it, the limit of his life was still approaching every second. The kind of despair that he knew he would die but couldn't do anything was definitely not something ordinary people could bear.

However, at this juncture, someone sent such a device that allows him to escape the oppression caused by the few remaining lives in reality and live a free life in the new world, which is undoubtedly for him It's sending charcoal in the snow.

So Ichiro Shizushima didn't even think about it, tremblingly, he took the game helmet in Fuso Tsukiye's hand, and became a believer in the [Moonshikai].

Seeing this, Yingchu didn’t stop it too much, because in a sense, Fusang Yueye’s behavior is also a kind of psychotherapy, which stimulates the patient’s desire to survive, soothes and calms the patient’s restless physical and mental fluctuations. This is indeed a real effect on the success rate of treatment. great influence.

After getting the helmets, Shizushima Ichiro and Doctor Hidechu greeted them, and couldn't wait to let Fusang Yueye push his wheelchair to his ward.

Looking at the backs of the two of them going away, Sen Luo couldn't help but sigh with the power of "Infinite World": "President Kono really did something amazing this time, and he can even do it in such unexpected places. The effect, just like his advertisement, has unlimited possibilities."

Yingchu agreed with this, and the two walked out of the hospital door while chatting.

Outside the hospital, the limousine sent by Battery was already waiting there. After sending Sen Luo into the car, Ying Chu turned around and returned to the hospital, while the sedan drove Sen Luo all the way to Huangying Academy.

It was dusk when she returned to Huangying Academy. Senluo did not go to Yuanyue, but went directly to the department of the World Comprehensive Martial Arts Department.

When he was about to arrive at the department, Sen Luo heard the sound of shouting and killing from a distance.

Near the department, I saw 5 people wearing different martial arts robes peeking in from the window.

One of them, wearing a kendo uniform, looked at the situation inside and muttered: "They are all clubs that have played in the fifth round. Is it so vulnerable to the World Comprehensive Martial Arts Department?"

Another person in a karate suit also nodded in agreement: "Yes, depending on the situation, if we want to fight Zao Shen from the Soft Sword Department, these guys are the biggest obstacle."

Standing in the middle of them, wearing a yellow and black tights, a Bruce Lee shrugged: "But then, if they don't have this kind of strength, wouldn't it be meaningless for us to deliberately establish this society?"

For his words, the other four people agreed: "Hahaha, you are right!"

At this moment, Sen Luo's voice suddenly rang from behind them: "Oh oh oh, what are the seniors of the senior year gathering here for? Are you here to investigate?"

The 5 people turned around and put on a combat posture at the moment the sound rang: "Who! When did you guy seize the empty door behind us? We didn't even feel at all!"

But at the moment they turned around, a jade foot suddenly "boomed" out of the wall of the World Comprehensive Martial Arts Department behind them, and accompanied by the diffused wall dust, it broke through a large hole. It happened that Bruce Lee who was standing in the middle was dressed up so that the boy kicked a dog.

Then the jade feet shrank, and Julie's head stuck out from the hole: "Which society do you guys belong to! What are you doing? Quickly explain to the old lady! Or don't blame the old lady for being polite!"

Looking at the big hole in the wall, Sen Luo was rather helpless: "(=ω=;) Julie, because Mao has to break the wall every time something happens? Isn’t the window right next to it? Even though we don’t care about this. Money, but it’s very embarrassing for me to go to the Student Union to find someone to repair the wall."

Seeing Sun Luo outside the department, Julie stopped: "Ah, Sun Luo, are you back?"

"Well, I'm back."

After finishing speaking, Sen Luo looked at the five senior students: "Seniors, I am the person in charge of the World Comprehensive Martial Arts Department, what are you doing here?"

The fake Bruce Lee climbed up from the ground with his waist, calmly patted the dust off his body, coughed a few times, raised a few decibels and said: "We are here to declare war."

"Declare war?"

The fake Bruce Lee nodded, and stretched out his finger to introduce to a person wearing a karate uniform next to him: "This is the largest fighting group in the school, and the head of the karate club must be uproarious, Yu Zhennan, ranked fifth in third-grade combat power. "

Then he pointed to a man with an exploded head and round black sunglasses and said, "This is the master of the cage fist, Earth Wind Yan, and he ranks sixth in third-year combat power."

Next was a sleek fat guy wearing a tight tank top and slightly greasy: "This is the head of the A-Khan wrestling club Sakuraba Ichi. He ranks ninth in the third grade."

Then he pointed to a man wearing a kendo uniform and holding a wooden sword in his hand: "This is the leader of the first kendo club, Jinbei Liuchuan, who ranks eighth in third-year combat power."

Finally, he pointed to himself again: "Finally, it is me, Zhuli Dan from the Nunchaku Kungfu Club, ranked fourth in third-year combat power.

Then the five people said in unison like the five people of the super team in Tesheri: "We are a special club formed temporarily by the heads of the various divisions to fight the World Comprehensive Martial Arts Department and the Soft Sword Department!"

After speaking, Zhuli Dan said proudly: "We will hit you, and then we will defeat Zao Shen, and tell him with practical actions that his era is over, and our era is next! Do this, goodbye!"

After finishing speaking, Zhuli Dan arched his hands at Sun Luo and left the World Comprehensive Martial Arts Department with the other four people, completely ignoring Sun Luo and Julie's eyes as if they were observing the clown.

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